US player base

:smiley: that’s entirely unrelated to what i said kosty. but nice video :slight_smile: i like your choice of music. 


also 3 out of 8 of those ppl aren’t in NASA. so wasn’t truly nasa vs radix. ;) 

You wanna do a real NASA vs. Radix? Come attack us for once then.


   the space we have to play is getting small.

what we need to do is raid,

  lets not focus on each other.

  its time

 WE  the US player base was respected!




   a weekend raid

You wanna do a real NASA vs. Radix? Come attack us for once then.

well we had RadiX vs NASA.

and BEASTS won.



well we had RadiX vs NASA.

and BEASTS won.



sounds like a haiku to me, you should submit it

well we had RadiX vs NASA.

and BEASTS won.






   the space we have to play is getting small.

what we need to do is raid,

  lets not focus on each other.

  its time

 WE  the US player base was respected!




   a weekend raid

I’m behind this idea! We should all coordinate together to grab some EU/Russian sectors over weekends. THAT would be fun.



I’m behind this idea! We should all coordinate together to grab some EU/Russian sectors over weekends. THAT would be fun.

*gears up*


Can someone bring me up to date on what this BEASTS thing is please?

No. You should be focusing on testing!!!

No. You should be focusing on testing!!!



You wanna do a real NASA vs. Radix? Come attack us for once then.

mkay. :slight_smile:

First of all I’m the second CEO of the BEASTS OF JERICHO the original corp tag of BOJ  was the butt of many off color jokes

   so it was time for a change and a new attitude the old corp tag was tossed for a new one.

   Same corp new attitude

BOJ will forever be Bank of Jericho. =p JK, don’t put me on a KOS list plz. GL HF (seeing a full NASA squad in BEASTS was not a pleasant surprise >_<).

Can someone bring me up to date on what this BEASTS thing is please?


Basically 7 NASA temp-joined BEASTS for a dreadnought attack.

BEAST is Beasts of Jericho, they changed their tag.

Basically 7 NASA temp-joined BEASTS for a dreadnought attack.

yeap lol

“the enemy of my enemy is my friend”


BEAST is Beasts of Jericho, they changed their tag.

Changed due to BOJ being joked around as “BlOwJob”

I found this game through Google search for a spaceship / starship game like 3 years ago.  Today you will never find any mention of star conflict anywhere around the first 50 pages of Google and no ads anywhere.  Good Luck getting new players however that is going to happen.

sounds like a haiku to me, you should submit it

I didn’t even push air through my nostrils. I literally LOLed and SQUEEed like a little girl. Why you make me laugh when I feel bad…?

I found this game through Google search for a spaceship / starship game like 3 years ago.  Today you will never find any mention of star conflict anywhere around the first 50 pages of Google and no ads anywhere.  Good Luck getting new players however that is going to happen.

wtf is this doing here?

on topic: boj is still better respected than quite a few other corps out there

wtf is this doing here?

on topic: boj is still better respected than quite a few other corps out there


The problem is that you are the one who is off topic  :005j:  (if you look at the OP and the title…)

The problem is that you are the one who is off topic  :005j:  (if you look at the OP and the title…)

what OP?

and the title doesn’t really show much of a topic.

it seems like this thread is just about the American player base, imho.

That would include corps.