Update postponed

Dear pilots!

Due to the 0.8.0 update requiring addtional polish and testing, its release has been postponed until next Monday, 22 April 2013.

Soon you’ll be able to join sector conquests, try out new ship roles and more.

The countdown has begun!


Star Conflict team.

Oh man, I’m so sad right now :frowning:

ok. More polish and testing. Is better than release a lot of problems.  :01212:

I’m still in the “hapless crashing dumbass” stage of playstyle – more time is appreciated. :01515:

Great, Now I have time to GRIND before the new patch. See yall on the 22nd

Nice :slight_smile: Looking forward to next week!


Will we get bonuses for ruling a lot of sectors?

Good… meens i’ll have my T3 frigates and intys ready and equipped by then. 


Good work Gaijin.  :)wt

Thank you for letting us know at least rather than leaving us waiting !!

I support our new sector conquesting overlords. I also egearly await the new roles resttictions and new abilities. I am eager.

Thank you for letting us know at least rather than leaving us waiting !!

oh and i really really like this knowing what is in patches befor they hit. No more ninja changes k.

Polish $ Testing?


 take all the time u need, i am feeling pretty good about the next update

well… some time to farm money is ok


but, i’m sure we’d like to see actual patch notes…

gah Monday ? really ? can u put it on next friday ? kk thx :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah but really im curious what are you going to do this time. And please whole path note, not only the interesting things, we appreciate it no matter how bad it will be.

as said don’t rush things…of course we all are eager to see changes but i’ve played a game where the content was released so fast the amount of bugs grew with every patch…


when you have released this patch could you update the game dev plan? like putting green check marks and light blue exclamation marks behind finished and working on points…


looking forward to the sector conquest…hopefully it’ll be a blast so the majority of the haters shut up…





another question: the next thursday will also have no patch due the monday release?

wonder if we could get preliminary patch notes in the next few days?

THIS… should make the game interesting. Like a 24/7 game of Risk, and fights go back and forth…

oh and i really really like this knowing what is in patches befor they hit. No more ninja changes k.

+1, ninja patches are extremely aggravating, like asking players did you notice we upped all these prices and changed these mods?

Just add in the patch notes, please?

Hopefully we get some prepatch notes during the weekend. 

ok. More polish and testing. Is better than release a lot of problems.  :01212:


this , cant wait to see the result

can’t wait to see the changelog!