Unorthodox builds that work?

Hi, please, post screenshots of non conventional builds that actually work, and why  :lol:

And please, keep away any kind of rudeness against others and their builds  :good:




I made this thread so everyone can share their knowledge and crazy tactics, not sure if I should start





Katana S. Command not fitted as a command, phase shield is just useless in this build. Build based on huge speed, and killing interceptors and weak fighters/frigates, high strafe, normal-decent rotations, high energy regen 50% crit chance…


I basically go to the front with this ship instead of staying in the back sniping with the Gauss.


Sometimes I change Gauss for Singularity, and Flares for Aegis (I like free asissts and some extra resists)






I can’t wait to see your alternative builds.










May I ask if you put your ship and weapon profiles to see the stats (looking at the stats I can see your implants and the damage and understand the build better), and why you do such things? I (and everyone) would appreciate it.


For the last one, I tried something similar on that ship (and on Storm Viking) but with 2 of them and an EB.

May I ask if you put your ship and weapon profiles to see the stats (looking at the stats I can see your implants and the damage and understand the build better), and why you do such things? I (and everyone) would appreciate it.


For the last one, I tried something similar on that ship (and on Storm Viking) but with 2 of them and an EB.

I had to edit Chat out, so Crop was the fastest way

Mine is not a full-fledged build. But I used this setup on a Templar AE for a brief moment while I was grinding it.




I’ve not shown the full stat block because it’s largely irrelevant; everything revolves around the heavy blasters:

  • Horizons and flat reflector add range
  • R2 Fed implant improves range by a bit more
  • R6 Jeri implant improves projectile speed and weapon heating
  • Pulse discharger improves damage

Most LRFs either devote themselves to sniping or brawling, but this one focuses on long-range suppressive fire. Heavy blasters are not the best PvP weapons to begin with in spite of their damage, so I just stretched out the range as much as possible to compensate for their slow barrels. It melts frigates and fighters pretty easily, and the natural spread and high rate of fire allows it to chip enemy intys circling a beacon. 

edited original

i was to jew to edit implants for every ship, usually it is 1-2 different



Holy moley, Kostyan. 841 range on the pulse Laser? Now that’s what I call SUPER CLOSE RANGE.


I am going to try that one day.

Any particular reason for using positrons rather than coils for the Ana-M? I’m considering getting a Fed guard but I don’t have another set of positrons handy.

Any particular reason for using positrons rather than coils for the Ana-M? I’m considering getting a Fed guard but I don’t have another set of positrons handy.


i would humbly say the positrons are situationally better because of their slightly better and faster aim, for a ship, which relies heavily on movement, and therefore can’t bombard for a long time.  you either fast-snipe or alpha-snipe using your rotation to your advantage, still trying to keep moving at all times in battle.

but i found on the anaconda-m, all frig weapons have viability anyway, especially if fitted more offensive (acceleration coils, range enhancement), especially because that ship is the most versatile guard in the t3 section (for fitting). it seems to me however, positrons indeed would work better in this case.


i could imagine coils too, if i could turn the inertia dampeners off and slide by with speed :smiley:


i really like that fit xK. and you really do like that sticker…

Maybe I’m too used to singularities already. I’m slightly worse at using positrons up close as compared to coils, though I favour positrons because I like its range. 


Just a quick question about adaptive shield: if you strafe and fly at your (lowered) max speed, you don’t get the resistance bonus, right?

i would humbly say the positrons are situationally better because of their slightly better and faster aim, for a ship, which relies heavily on movement, and therefore can’t bombard for a long time.  you either fast-snipe or alpha-snipe using your rotation to your advantage, still trying to keep moving at all times in battle.

but i found on the anaconda-m, all frig weapons have viability anyway, especially if fitted more offensive (acceleration coils, range enhancement), especially because that ship is the most versatile guard in the t3 section (for fitting). it seems to me however, positrons indeed would work better in this case.

that’s pretty much sums it all up


and you really do like that sticker…

What can i do, i like to have my portrait on my ships :)))

Just a quick question about adaptive shield: if you strafe and fly at your (lowered) max speed, you don’t get the resistance bonus, right?

AS long as your forward speed is 260 you are getting adaptive shield bonus (260 is a my base 227+50% of max AB

Holy moley, Kostyan. 841 range on the pulse Laser? Now that’s what I call SUPER CLOSE RANGE.


I am going to try that one day.


I only ever use my pulse lasers with curved reflector. The DPS jumps enough to kill a lot of things faster

One drawback is that you need to get really close to frigates to attack them and that can be risky. But i’m willing to take risks… besides most non-guard frigates don’t last too long under orion + critical hits


not sure if this is too unorthodox but i’ll post anyway





  • Curved reflector: already explained
  • passive armor gives me enough energy to use my modules while afterburning non-stop 
  • repair kit instead of shield booster because its pretty much instant and proves to be a quicker life-saver in dangerous situations (and because its the hull that’s saving me more from explosions - r1 armadillo)
  • plasma missiles to troll the t5 guard pilots with bad builds and phase shield always on thermal. Plasma missiles do most damage to their shield

There is no need for spread reduction with curved reflector, anything is bigger than your spread :slight_smile: get another crit/crit dmg, or even horizon and if you are going for melee range weapon, why no plasma arc? you are already there might as well do more dmg.

True about the spread. Might fit a target tracking compressor 



About plasma arc, its situational and since i’m already dealing crazy damage with my main weapon + missles, I choose to survive longer :wink:

If i had a 5th slot i’d prolly fit the arc but i can’t replace any of these 4

Im not sure if the builds can be called “unorthodox”… but flying those ships is more or less a niche in the current meta: 


The bad fish 



Lion MkII



Storm Viking





  • 1x galvanized + thermal + kinetic resists: Heavy resistances make it hard to kill near an engineer. Makes it my main captain ship in bigger t5 games as i don’t have a t5 ECM
  • These resists are with armadillo implant so i still get explosion/crit dmg reduction
  • repair kit due to no regenerative coating
  • Submatter instead of adaptive as i already have enough resistances and i can use this slot for speed



I demand ship stats :smiley:

I demand ship stats :smiley:

Demand granted  :beee:


  jwJmLnk.jpg HZAwQJV.jpg



The bad fish 


you fear bubble gunships with pp dont you?