Unlimited thermal rockets

When your secondary ammunition is out and recharging, or you can’t use it for whatever reason, you should be able to fling an unlimited amount of unguided thermal rockets. I have taken the liberty to form their tooltip for you:

Name: Rocket

Type: Auxiliary Rocket

Damage: 1500 Thermal damage

Range: 3000m

Speed: 1500m/s

Explosion Radius: 75m

Clip: 1 charge

Clip cooldown: 3 seconds.

This would make engineers with drones, and anyone using missiles with very few charges, much more useful in combat. Also it would give use to those strange pilots that never equip missiles for some reason.

Note to developers: if you have backups from the versions where multiple ammo was possible, a few simple changes to that would make this very simple.

Rockets are secondary weapons and you should use them wisely and not spam them.

Regardless of how slowly and ineffectively you may use them, there will -always- be a long drawn-out period where you cannot use secondaries. And if you are an engineer with drones, (or any ship with drones for that reason,) you will be stuck with no secondaries until your either die, or your drones get shot down.

I live by the principle of “If you’re not shooting at them, you’re not hitting them.”

So far this has been true 100% of the time.

Regardless of how slowly and ineffectively you may use them, there will -always- be a long drawn-out period where you cannot use secondaries. And if you are an engineer with drones, (or any ship with drones for that reason,) you will be stuck with no secondaries until your either die, or your drones get shot down.

I live by the principle of “If you’re not shooting at them, you’re not hitting them.”

So far this has been true 100% of the time.

You can also choose other secondaries than drones.

I am aware of this. I’m just using them as an example, because they have the longest period where you cannot add secondary damage. (Aside from any active drones that haven’t been killed)

Another good example would be Anomaly Generators or the Tactical Nuke.

Tactical nuke only has one charge, and after it explodes, (with very little damage mind you),) you are stuck without secondaries for the cooldown period.

I am aware of this. I’m just using them as an example, because they have the longest period where you cannot add secondary damage. (Aside from any active drones that haven’t been killed)

Another good example would be Anomaly Generators or the Tactical Nuke.

They have their advantages as well as disadvanteges

As does everything. But my suggestion still stands. Try it for a bit then remove it if you don’t think it helps. With all the recent nerfs to damage and increases to durability, we could use it.


And regardless, this game could use some spammable resources.

idk about this. Any way, if this is done, missile pylons would be pretty useless.


Perhaps an option to choose between strong main weapons (how it is now) or “strong” missiles (maybe reducing long cooldown…and some serious nerf to main weapons, so they work in a similar way than how missiles do now). Considering missiles are easier to use than main weapons, dps should be lower and some variables tunned down.

Missile pylons would still be just as effective as before. You use them for more frequent use of your primary secondary. The auxiliary secondary is just to make right-click do something instead of just saying “cartridge empty.” While you wait.

The lower paragraph that you suggest looks annoying and hard to program. Me no like.

I wouldn’t mind having an alternative to missiles in the secondary slot that just fires dumbfire rockets, but the choice of having missiles that seek targets should be offset by their long reload times.


There are many cases where I could choose to have a reliable secondary rocket pod in place of missiles with a 2 minute reload time. In tight dogfights the missiles are key, and can gurantee a kill, but against heavy targets and stationary objectives, the added firepower of a reliable secondary would likely save my LMB finger a bit.


This would impact balance, though, making larger targets taken out more quickly, and frigates would likely need to reconsider their choices and beef up their thermal defence. I do this anways in light of the fact that I’m often facing Cruiser Missile Turrets and Disentigrators on a daily basis.

Why is this still not a thing yet???

Because this is a stupid idea.

I find it confusing. Players won’t understand easily why their guided missile turned unguided missile. 

I find it confusing. Players won’t understand easily why their guided missile turned unguided missile.

Do they even know that way more as 3 types of missiles exist(with very vary use styles)?

To the suggestion: It’s sometimes really annoying with having to wait 40s+ just for the secondaries to be back. The trade-offs for the normal secondaries aren’t solved with this so I’m for it.

this is a stupid idea.
