UnderGround Tournament: What's next?

if you watch recording, again no one attacked WPK being 3. System does not respawn your ship if you are disconnected, Neo`s ECM was on the map after 4 kills, and then there is a Self-Destruct event during 25-24 Score, not 25-21 as Neo said. Neo’s disconnect became obvious to every one after you guys respawned, and when Ricos realized that, no one even looked your way, so cut your crap. 

 How about you even remotely attempt to look at the situation from others perspective?


I didn’t play the tournament and I didn’t watch the stream.

My whole point is that if someone disconnects people should wait him/her for reconnect.


I’m not defending neo or anyone because I wasn’t there, so Idk what you’re saying about looking from others perspective.

The only thing I can see here is a xxxx amount of butthurt and some questionable disconnect. Idk why you guys bring this up after one week out of nowhere. 


BUT AGAIN, my point with TacTicalWizard is that sportmanship should be there always.


As terrorblade said:


Let’s consider that your team won that game. You lost again in 3rd game so there’s really no reason of bringing this up

Thanks for fixing!


Well, IMO it indeed has to do with sportmanship. I’ve played a lot of games where when 1 guys disc everyone pauses the game and waits for him.

We are a small community so it should be easier for us to handle that, don’t you think? 

What would you think it would have happened if one NASA member dced? 

We expect from others what we would do with them! 


If we don’t even do such a small thing than waiting for the enemy team to recconect, what can we expect from this community?

I get that you are defending your team and making a point as to the merits of good conduct in the game, however I must point out that, either intentionally or not, you imply that we somehow were bad sports during the competition. I suggest you not only review the game footage but also express yourself better. Upon reviewing the game footage you will find that we did not take advantage of the situation and did allow your team enough time to regroup once any issues with the match was made known. You can plainly see that all your players appeared to be on the field and very much active when we we engaged them. There is much you can plainly see. Sportsman like conduct isn’t something that only exists on the field. It also extends to actions taken here in the forums. Getting ones facts in order before making statements about other players and situations is also a form of being a good sport in a competitive environment. Misleading or untrue statements that attempt to put another group or player in a bad light are in very bad form indeed.

I didn’t play the tournament and I didn’t watch the stream.

My whole point is that if someone disconnects people should wait him/her for reconnect.


THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT NASA TEAM DID, and we waited for ~6 minutes or wast it 8, i don’t know if Neo was not able to rejoin the match, but at some point remaining WPK players left the game

I get that you are defending your team and making a point as to the merits of good conduct in the game, however I must point out that, either intentionally or not, you imply that we somehow were bad sports during the competition. I suggest you not only review the game footage but also express yourself better. Upon reviewing the game footage you will find that we did not take advantage of the situation and did allow your team enough time to regroup once any issues with the match was made known. You can plainly see that all your players appeared to be on the field and very much active when we we engaged them. There is much you can plainly see. Sportsman like conduct isn’t something that only exists on the field. It also extends to actions taken here in the forums. Getting ones facts in order before making statements about other players and situations is also a form of being a good sport in a competitive environment. Misleading or untrue statements that attempt to put another group or player in a bad light are in very bad form indeed.


As I said, I was talking about sportmanship. I am defending my corp but I’m not excusing NeoCodex nor I am attacking NASA. 

If you indeed did that, that’s the way to go, but AGAIN I was talking with Tac about sportmanship after that statement of him:


“YES! So in other words don’t expect me or my team to cater the opposing teams internet issues.”




THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT NASA TEAM DID, and we waited for ~6 minutes or wast it 8, i don’t know if Neo was not able to rejoin the match, but at some point remaining WPK players left the game


Read above, my whole point in this conversation with Tac is that he said that he or his team wont cater the opposing teams internet issues. 


For some reason you and more people joined the conversation, changing the matter, we were not talking about anything you are saying here.

Hello everyone!


Please solve the issues through PMs. This project is a nice idea and you should not ruin it.

Be constructive and try to help the guys instead of making it harder for them.

Just to clear up the confusion: I did manage to reconnect to the game (in about a minute after DC), and that what you are seeing is when I disconnected manually (the self-destruct, tough i’m not sure if I pressed abandon ship in that moment before DCing, or it happens automatically) but I got into the game and damage was already done, my team got killed when I was not present in the initial engagement, because even tough it still shows you’re in game and flying, I actually was not at the time and it turned the tide of battle. The Recoil’s team was being considerate after we all figured out what’s going on, and they all agreed to a rematch so it was all fine. 


Just don’t blame me I DC after supposedly I died in the fight, when you did see me die in my ECM at any point in the tournament in a straight fight anyway? Does it look like our team would just getting wiped including with the ECM by some NASA surprise attack? And that was on EU server, where they had lag and we already beat them on US server where we had severe lag, so how would they be able to just kill all of us, including the elusive ECM, so quickly? Doesn’t that seem a bit strange? It was obvious that we were 1 man short, and do you even see me fighting when you are taking out our team? No, because I was DC for the whole time.

Perhaps we can digress into a conversation about the current game status and discuss hypothetical situations from this point on.

As we grow as a community we will experience situations that give us many lively conversation such as this. More to point, we will be the ones, through these conversations, who build the framework that other players will stand on. XofJSA has started to lay out some of these tournament guidelines. While the establishment of rules is needed to organize and officiate these events a code of conduct may also be established.

Rules are a tricky business so they must be thoughtfully considered because they can open the door to unintentional consequences. One point would be once a team takes the field, if a DC happens before first blood the match is restarted. While this seems fair it can also be exploited by players entering the field, seeing the load out of the other team, then disconnecting and changing their build to match or counter. Upon their return they simply claim DC and restart the match with an optimized ship. As there is no way to verify if a DC is intentional or to keep track of every build an official would be in a difficult position to find the exploit. So as we consider the rules also consider that there are players who will find ways to use them to their advantage. And that’s why we have too many lawyers in the world.

Just to clear up the confusion: I did manage to reconnect to the game (in about a minute after DC), and that what you are seeing is when I disconnected manually (the self-destruct, tough i’m not sure if I pressed abandon ship in that moment before DCing, or it happens automatically) but I got into the game and damage was already done, my team got killed when I was not present in the initial engagement, because even tough it still shows you’re in game and flying, I actually was not at the time and it turned the tide of battle. The Recoil’s team was being considerate after we all figured out what’s going on, and they all agreed to a rematch so it was all fine. 


Just don’t blame me I DC after supposedly I died in the fight, when you did see me die in my ECM at any point in the tournament in a straight fight anyway? Does it look like our team would just getting wiped including with the ECM by some NASA surprise attack? And that was on EU server, where they had lag and we already beat them on US server where we had severe lag, so how would they be able to just kill all of us, including the elusive ECM, so quickly? Doesn’t that seem a bit strange? It was obvious that we were 1 man short, and do you even see me fighting when you are taking out our team? No, because I was DC for the whole time.

We all decided that 3rd game will decide who go to finals and you won. We all agreed to that.

Recoil just posted Screenshot how it looked from our end… You were going somewhere in rocklayers(for us one pilot out of position) so we attacked and after that we didn’t spawn camp you… We let you regroup but you guy decided that want rematch.



Anyway all that stuff is hilarious! I want to read MOAR!

We all decided that 3rd game will decide who go to finals and you won. We all agreed to that.

Recoil just posted Screenshot how it looked from our end… You were going somewhere in rocklayers(for us one pilot out of position) so we attacked and after that we didn’t spawn camp you… We let you regroup but you guy decided that want rematch.



Anyway all that stuff is hilarious! I want to read MOAR!

Yes, I was moving to the left side from the central asteroid cluster when I DCed, and after that I do not know what happened anymore, except hearing our team getting wiped on TS, it happened right before we got in the engagement, so it was in the worst possible moment. And who in his right mind would intentionally DC right in the moment before stuff will start blowing up?

One point would be once a team takes the field, if a DC happens before first blood the match is restarted. While this seems fair it can also be exploited by players entering the field, seeing the load out of the other team, then disconnecting and changing their build to match or counter. Upon their return they simply claim DC and restart the match with an optimized ship. As there is no way to verify if a DC is intentional or to keep track of every build an official would be in a difficult position to find the exploit. So as we consider the rules also consider that there are players who will find ways to use them to their advantage. And that’s why we have too many lawyers in the world.


Wouldnt be easier to make a rule that says. If a player DC everyone stands still and gives him X amount of minutes to come back, and if he doesn’t, the team with more points wins, or in case of draw, you restart the game.

That would avoid Imo any attempt to cheat, like you said, DC in purpose to restart a lost match or to change ship loadouts. 

I don’t think it’s that hard to find and make fair and senseful rules. 

Wouldnt be easier to make a rule that says. If a player DC everyone stands still and gives him X amount of minutes to come back, and if he doesn’t, the team with more points wins, or in case of draw, you restart the game.

That would avoid Imo any attempt to cheat, like you said, DC in purpose to restart a lost match or to change ship loadouts. 

I don’t think it’s that hard to find and make fair and senseful rules. 

I am afraid that it will be very difficult in a fight to make all players stop in the middle of a fight.


What about the following:

Each team has 1 joker per tournament. So if someone gets disconnect because of technical reasons the team can ask to restart the battle, but only if the disconnect happens in the first half of the battle to prevent disconnects in the last minutes.

I am afraid that it will be very difficult in a fight to make all players stop in the middle of a fight.


Well it would be as easy as 1 of them say in the Lobby chat “[insert name] disconnected, please lets stop and go back to our sides of the map 'till he is back!”


What about the following:

Each team has 1 joker per tournament. So if someone gets disconnect because of technical reasons the team can ask to restart the battle, but only if the disconnect happens in the first half of the battle to prevent disconnects in the last minutes.


That is a viable and easy solution, so you could suggest it for the next tournament.

Well it would be as easy as 1 of them say in the Lobby chat “[insert name] disconnected, please lets stop and go back to our sides of the map 'till he is back!”


Depending on the reason for the disconnect it would equal a restart. For example the whole computer crashes. Depending on the hardware it could take a few minutes to re-connect.

Depending on the reason for the disconnect it would equal a restart. For example the whole computer crashes. Depending on the hardware it could take a few minutes to re-connect.


Well that’s why I said, X minutes. If he doesn’t come back in let’s say, 5-10 minutes? The game would be either: Lost if the DC member team is losing or, draw if the DC guy is winning, because making it insta win if you’re winning and you DC would be unfair.


Unless the team want to go 4v3 the rest of the game, then the game could continue. Remember that 2 PDX guys didn’t want to play the 2nd round and the other 2 guys agreed with OWL to go 2v2.

Wouldnt be easier to make a rule that says. If a player DC everyone stands still and gives him X amount of minutes to come back, and if he doesn’t, the team with more points wins, or in case of draw, you restart the game.

That would avoid Imo any attempt to cheat, like you said, DC in purpose to restart a lost match or to change ship loadouts. 

I don’t think it’s that hard to find and make fair and senseful rules.

Working within the constraints of the current custom combat system, I agree that the players should go back to their spawn as soon as everyone is aware of the DC. But do we say that the player can’t come back? That didn’t sound fair to the rest of the team but allowing the player to return at all opens the possibility of the exploit. Dose the team get to bring up someone standing in reserve? This also opens other doors as an outside team member can be watching the feed and see the opposing teams perspective.

I don’t believe it is all that simple because we need to consider that there are honest players who have put in weeks of preparing for these events. They need due consideration in order to balance these rules. Not allowing the player to come back if his or her team is behind would mean an automatic loss for the team. Stopping the match if that team is ahead opens another exploit by allowing players to intentionally DC as soon as the have a slight advantage.

Well that’s why I said, X minutes. If he doesn’t come back in let’s say, 5-10 minutes? The game would be either: Lost if the DC member team is losing or, draw if the DC guy is winning, because making it insta win if you’re winning and you DC would be unfair.


Unless the team want to go 4v3 the rest of the game, then the game could continue. Remember that 2 PDX guys didn’t want to play the 2nd round and the other 2 guys agreed with OWL to go 2v2.

I kind of like that. If a player gets DC… For any reason… Both teams go to spawn and continue 3v3 or 2v2.


If a player gets DC’ed that’s his/her problem and the team they are playing for. NOT the responsibility of the opposing teams players. Now if the ISP was the Star Conflict team you might have a point in making rules about DC’ing. ISP is the responsibility of each tournament participants. If your internet sucks get a better provider. Welcome to internet gaming.

I fail to see anyone point here, may be it NASA or even WPK… WPK team had someone DCed and they ended up loosing that match for failure to reconnect, they got a loss… so whats all the fuss about ? NASA won that game by default…

We would like to establish a rule for DC, because I do not like winning a game just because the other side had a DC, how does this make a good game?