UMC Amnesty Discussion


Welcome to duscuss [Amnesty from UMC!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31414-umc-announces-amnesty/)

Sounds serious. Are, uum, were there many accounts banned? I mean those that were used for a longer period of time and not those that were created to mess around. Does this mean IP amnesty too? Anyway, it was nice to make this step before the release of new contents.  

21 minutes ago, Sinaka said:

Sounds serious. Are, uum, were there many accounts banned? I mean those that were used for a longer period of time and not those that were created to mess around. Does this mean IP amnesty too? Anyway, it was nice to make this step before the release of new contents.  

To say it short, if someone were banned, permanently or temporary, they’re free now. But mutes are still active.

Insanity! These people were banned for very good reason. U were not banned for anything, but for the most heinous and vile actions! To release these criminals all at once will be the end of the game! OS will turn into a killing ground!

10 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

To say it short, if someone were banned, permanently or temporary, they’re free now. But mutes are still active.

@Gaijin, (S)Targem


This only reinforces my belief, that you might be desperate.

You’re probably panicking, because of population drops, and now, as a result, you’re actually letting the worst offenders or cheaters back again, just to get more pilots!

Criminal scum must be punished indefinitely! No excuses! You should actually be much stricter!


Advertise and actually expand your server infrastructure, so that you can actually reach at least 50k players and not just measly 10k-15k, which is indeed too low.

Most of such players will still cheat, like they always do! There should be no ban amnesty whatsoever.

Your policy should make an example, but you’re doing the opposite now!

Employ a special group of people, who have the scripts and the tools to monitor for such suspicious activities themselves, make sure that the game is secure as it can be.

Cheaters must be found and punished! You still did not find all of them! And now you’re letting them back…   ![:fed014:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fed014.png “:fed014:”)


Actions in Open Space cannot be punished, unless if there is used any sort of tool or software, to influence some gameplay aspects.


And one more thing, before I end this post.


Aiming should also be done server side. Movements as well.

There is a lot of complaints or legitimate concerns, that some people are actually using some sort of tools, which greatly improves their aim or accuracy, that increase their performance.


This can include the following:

  • your projectiles and weapons can fire off exact directions (they miss), when aimed at such target, who is using such means (unconfirmed)

  • your weapons inflicts minimum amount of possible damage, while the affected target will always or mostly affect maximum amount of damage (unconfirmed)

  • accuracy is near, if not always 100% (aim-bot) and it can be turned it off and on at any time (confirmed)

I saw a Pulse Laser, doing constant hits, with no misses and very high amount of damage, from a player, etc.

  • maneuvering of ships (directions, speed, hit-box) is affected by such illegal cheating software or means, which makes actually very difficult to hit a target (confirmed)


To prevent this, like I said above, make aiming or even movements client-side related!


Regardless, if this is true or not, all important aspects should be hold on the server side.

If you won’t make such actions, I may assume, that you actually do not care enough for genuine players to play this game as it should be - played fairly.



I hope that you will actually care enough, to provide means to make cheating nearly impossible, with constant monitoring any existing hacks, etc., with deployment of staff, which will actually make efforts to detect them.







I guess too many people got banned for spamming the profanity filter with swearwords

Just now, millanbel said:


I guess too many people got banned for spamming the profanity filter with swearwords

I do not believe that’s the case. Mostly you get muted, you only get banned, if you cheated in game, at least in majority of cases.

2 hours ago, Sinaka said:

Sounds serious. Are, uum, were there many accounts banned? I mean those that were used for a longer period of time and not those that were created to mess around. Does this mean IP amnesty too? Anyway, it was nice to make this step before the release of new contents.  

I disagree. Who knows how much % of such players will continue to cheat, while doing 0 investments to the game, making fair and contributing players, who actually care and spend their money look like fools.

I agree that they should have at least released chat mutes and IP bans instead, but they should had never let them in-game to play again!

This is just plain WRONG and disrespectful towards genuine players!

This sounds like the worst idea ever to bring back permanently banned people just so they could cheat again and ruin the gameplay for the existing players.

IF someone was perma banned means there was a very good reason too along with the fact that these people didn’t care about getting banned in the first place hence they were cheating.

I guess its too late now to change this but imho this will lead to more stable playing people leaving the game and the ones who were banned will either not come back to play since they wont know this or they will play untill they get banned again = less people playing in the end.

My brother runs a small advertisement company, which can help you get on track with the amount of people playing, if you want, contact at:

The amnesty thing is okay. Instead of giving “life” sentence, those thing should be solved that were abused. We can look at cheaters as a special test group.

Something just popped into my mind. I think corporations could use a system that would notify CEOs and VPs if a member of their corp gets a ban. Maybe corp management could take some of the jobs from SC team and discuss with their members and prevent further violations.  

Why is my first thought is that you have a few players? 


Well, the amnesty thing is worrying and pleasing at the same time. Worrying since it may be a worst case scenario as others have mentioned before me and the player base has dropped to a ridiculously low population, and pleasing since it may be an indication that the Autumn Upadte has changes big enough that it warrants for the unbanning of players.

This sounds as bad news. Now I am going to become paranoid and start searching for cheaters. But how do i know if this is a cheater or just a very strong player/ship? I am disappointed.


1 hour ago, Sinaka said:

Maybe corp management could take some of the jobs from SC team and discuss with their members and prevent further violations.  

I also think there should be an expert group patrolling PvE and searching for offenders. They would have the right to vote and ban the players, or send them notifications.
Foe example, some players could be given rights to send requests to the SC team to ban some cheaters. They could be paid some GS for this work.

2 minutes ago, inyazserg said:

I also think there should be an experet group patrolling PvE and searching for offenders. They would have the right to vote and ban the players, or send them notifications.
Foe example, some players could be given rights to send requests to the SC team to ban some cheaters.

It’s called “report player” in game. If you see something that doesn’t look right - click on the name of the pilot -> report pilot -> select reason (Illegal automation for example), DESCRIBE what is going on and send it. If you do it during the game we will have session ID that will help a lot to pinpoint what was going on. Cheating detection in this game is treated very seriously.

And no worries - GMs sometimes play PvE too ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

4 minutes ago, niripas said:

It’s called “report player” in game.  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

No-no. I mean exactly an expert team which would play in PVP games. For example, ONE player, and THREE experts (without the tested player knowing about being tested) . Have you heard about the Turing test?
This could even be some new task to make the game more attractive.

Not sure where the “miss target cheat” would come from, but I do notice that my shots  miss when aimed at circle if target is close. Probably internet and other issues though. As for aim bots, can you really prevent them all?

1 hour ago, SuDoKu said:

Why is my first thought is that you have a few players? 


We have had a few experts in cursing for sure. I spent several hours with this kind of affairs.

But these things come up only when someone contacts us directly. Or by mistyping in the wrong chat. It has happened. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Unfortunately, in many cases we don’t know how our members behave and therefore we can’t decide whether those who represent our corp don’t damage its reputation.   

To me this indicated an issue with player counts. I think you have an oportunitie you are failing to see. As I have seen in my previous post about gold and grinds. I have been saying for a very long time “The grind and prices of this things in gold are just too much”. I often see people complaining about this in global. I know I am not the only one. 

If you made your gold prices more reasonable then people would have less to complain about when it come to the grind. Its a free to play game so I understand the grind aspect. But the paid aspect has always been a way around it. I feel the paid aspect of the game needs to be more reasonable. There are plenty of people willing to spend money, but you need to give them value for what they are paying for. 


I don’t see how giving people a green light to misbehave is going to help your bottom line. Give more for your gold and/or reduce the gold prices of many items, seems like amore reasonable aproach to your population issues.

Worst idea ever. 
U could conisider unbanning in specific cases, when some1 really wants and can prove anyhow that he will be legit now, and u could control that small group, checking their behaviour. Mass unban means uncontrolable influx of worst players proven worth baning, without their slightest desire to be legit. 

Desperate and really terrible move. Is player base that small? Even so - this could only, in the long run, make thing even worse by discouraging legit players. There is no single positive thing about this news, it only proves that u r desperate. 

Damned, feels like so many opportunities wasted… ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)