Turn active buff modules on by default

Because most players do not seem to know that they need to do it themselves. For example, up to T3 I’d say maybe ten percent of engineers or less have active team heals (if they have even fitted any). Among those that do turn them on I’ve seen some trying to cycle them manually.

So besides a better tutorial why not just turn active buff mods on automatically and the problem is solved. Whether you turn them on automatically again after being ECM’ed is another question but I’d say yes, ECM is strong enough as it stands.

edit: or something like this, even better:

Make it so we have an option in the settings menu;  “Automatically turn on toggled Active Modules when available”, with a small warning telling the player that these modules use energy constantly.

but its so fun watching a newb engineer pulsing their heals!

Make it so we have an option in the settings menu;  “Automatically turn on toggled Active Modules when available”, with a small warning telling the player that these modules use energy constantly.


I’d like this. It’s annoying when I respawn that I have to turn on my modules each time.

Yeah right, because you have enough energy in T2 to use your afterburner all the way to the nearest beacon with active modules… Not.


Terrible idea.

Yeah right, because you have enough energy in T2 to use your afterburner all the way to the nearest beacon with active modules… Not.


Terrible idea.


Better than having someone come near you for healing to realize you’re not healing.


Awesome idea.

There’s a reason it’s not a passive module. It’s an active module which cost energy, so you won’t always want it active. Maybe it’d be good if it was more clear which mods were active, for anyone having trouble keeping track of what’s on and not.


Actually, I wouldn’t be against having the module turning on again after being ECM’ed. If I’ve turned it on previously, I’d only like it turned off if I manually turned it off myself.

NO. Drains energy for nothing on the way, i usually dont activate before in reach of hotspot. Except speed boost on commandship which is for the road.


Also wtf, maybe they should automate you completely so dont even have to play the game, seriously wtf…

NO. Drains energy for nothing on the way, i usually dont activate before in reach of hotspot. Except speed boost on commandship which is for the road.


Also wtf, maybe they should automate you completely so dont even have to play the game, seriously wtf…


Agree, I too don’t turn my modules on until the objectives are within effective range, you just need to inform new players of the mechanic of toogle modules.

It’s far better to educate players on how to play than to automate the game for them. This only encourages even poorer behaviour.

Better than having someone come near you for healing to realize you’re not healing.


Awesome idea.

Next time just whisper that guy, and explain him how it works. Shouldn’t be too hard. 

Next time just whisper that guy, and explain him how it works. Shouldn’t be too hard. 

Only works if the guy doesnt write back in cyrillic (:

  • better off by default (and if people cry hard enough give an in-hangar option per mod to auto-turn it on at spawn - you’re still gonna hate it when your energy runs dry in an instant as you move on the front lines)

  • when an ECM interrupts perma-active type of modules display a warning instead of auto-turn back on (unless people cry for the extra option like above), i would like to manage my energy instead of going *poof! … immobile*, adding more power to the ECM’s effects