Trophy Stand

There needs to be a tab on players’ profiles where they can display trophies that that have obtained from any gamemode. These can be any item, and even credit trophies from loot.


There also needs to be a special section for Easter-egg trophies like the sonic screwdriver and alien limb and stuff. Items based off of developers and, ehem, players. Like a precious stone found only in the most valuable of asteroids: Korotanium. Or a deadly virus that spreads not unlike any plague: Kostanillococcus. Or, of course, a rare resource used in the creation of powerful equipment and armour: Vulpanium, and it’s extremely rare purest form: The Vulpanium Core. Other items could include various pirate paraphernalia, special ship parts, unique ancient items, spoilers, Easter-eggs, references to other games/movies/things, and pets to give company to pilots in their cockpits or even pilot small craft to assist or repair.


Special little things that have no real benefit in-game besides “look what I have” would be an awesome addition. I love things like that. But a showcase is mandatory.

Incredible! Great Idea!

14 minutes ago, theNoob said:

Incredible! Great Idea!

Such use of concise language suggests you are applying some form of sarcasm. Please elaborate your statement.


One does not simply agree to one of my ideas. 

But i simply agree…

It could be an updated area with medals + achievements + Trophy Stand. Righ now, the Alien Coating is something rare and this is the reason it is valuable and desired. You want to show rare items to make other player envy you  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

I like that. And the game needs go more social.

If you can show off cool stuff, it will attract more players and make them stay because they want what you have.


But anyways, I would love to see more unique pointless vanity items in the game. The social aspect is just as important as the gameplay aspect.

9 hours ago, ntboble said:

It could be an updated area with medals + achievements + Trophy Stand. Righ now, the Alien Coating is something rare and this is the reason it is valuable and desired. You want to show rare items to make other player envy you  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

I like that. And the game needs go more social.

Those achievements arent in a showcase, you can see them but not easily. Starcraft 2 profiles had a section where you could place like 3 or 4 achievements of your choice right in the front page. Paintings and decals are a show off feature, but not very noticeable since the game is very fast paced and distances are huge…also you have a big hud telling you all important info but preventing you from seing stuff in detail. I often use ALT-H to stare and take SS for a lot of stuff, it makes a big difference.

44 minutes ago, Papitas said:

Those achievements arent in a showcase, you can see them but not easily. Starcraft 2 profiles had a section where you could place like 3 or 4 achievements of your choice right in the front page. Paintings and decals are a show off feature, but not very noticeable since the game is very fast paced and distances are huge…also you have a big hud telling you all important info but preventing you from seing stuff in detail. I often use ALT-H to stare and take SS for a lot of stuff, it makes a big difference.

??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Can I get a translator here? Anyone? I mean I understand the Alt+H screenshot part but the top? ???

35 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Can I get a translator here? Anyone? I mean I understand the Alt+H screenshot part but the top? ???

translators are too bussy im sorry ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

We can rather this or cat in the ship’s cabin ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) On April Fool’s) You have to choose wisely)

37 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

We can rather this or cat in the ship’s cabin ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) On April Fool’s) You have to choose wisely)

Yes. (Implement both but keep the trophy stand for after April Fool’s.)


((Also my ships should have foxes in them instead of cats. Xp))

I know it’s an old topic,

On 8/12/2016 at 5:00 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

There also needs to be a special section for Easter-egg trophies like the sonic screwdriver and alien limb and stuff.

I think I’ve found sth you may be interested in.

I wonder what was the Doctor looking for there.

4 minutes ago, RACKET said:

I know it’s an old topic,

I think I’ve found sth you may be interested in.

I wonder what was the Doctor looking for there.

Yeah there’s a lot of rare Easter-egg items like that that are really funny. There’s an achievement that revolves around finding them all.

About average necro, not bad.