Trophy Ships

Not an April stupid joke

I suggest the ability to “Feature” a ship on your profile that players can “preview” and see all the colours, mods, implants, and stats of.

They should also be able to take the ship in to a “test flight” mode where there are several objects of certain strengths that they can test skills and abilities on.

This idea really was just a wild goose chase that came from my suggestion to allow players to see all ships in your queue regardless if they are proper ranks or not.

I always keep my “Trophy Ship” in my fourth slot, even if I never get to use it.

2 much 4 fool. 

  • from me

Unnecessary. Lots of builds are being shared on forum anyway.

I would not have enough face palms veiwing these featuring build.

Great april fools joke +1

If this is real, then NO. I don’t want people to be able to know what my builds are. 

All visuals are unnecessary. But this one seems relatively simply to implement and it would be nice to have.

Low priority.

Also it’s a manual thing. You select -one- ship to feature and can choose to have none featured if you want.

If this is real, then NO. I don’t want people to be able to know what my builds are. 

Good point.

What about OS for test flight?

Good point.

What about OS for test flight?

Yeah I can test my builds in OS, but people shouldn’t know what they’re unless I want to tell them. :smiley:

Guys, building ships in Star Conflict is not a rocket science, it takes seconds to figure out what build that is.

Yeah I can test my builds in OS, but people shouldn’t know what they’re unless I want to tell them. :smiley:

I say it a lot, but ill say it again: “The best thing about an option is that it’s optional.”

Guys, building ships in Star Conflict is not a rocket science, it takes seconds to figure out what build that is.

Yes, but still, I don’t like it if people would be able to see what I am doing and simply copy it and use it against me. :slight_smile: