
Hi All!


I would like to ask adveced players how do you train new players?

I do not asking for basic but for advenced team work, how to use propely ships like pro players.

In my corporatione there are a lot of players but not all know how to play efficiently.

Do you have videos or organise every day trainings? 



In the past I would use certain PvE maps to train players for specific ship roles like Covert Ops, recon, gunship, guard, LRF, etc. Nowadays it’s harder to train because new players seldom listen to suggestions/advice and just want to fly around and die.

5 hours ago, HubGab said:

Hi All!


I would like to ask adveced players how do you train new players?

I do not asking for basic but for advenced team work, how to use propely ships like pro players.

In my corporatione there are a lot of players but not all know how to play efficiently.

Do you have videos or organise every day trainings? 


Custom battles. Get people for practice, make two teams with captains. Captains decide on roles and tactics. It works well.