Trading done right

So… Most of us could probably agree that the “trading” system as it is now is extremely flawed. There are numerous problems, but let’s focus on one particular issue.

Right now, the market system is like being a door to door salesman. You message someone with an item and a price. This is terrible. This is like modern day p**** enlargement ad emails, and is really convoluted and leaves me asking “why tf even”.

It should be, given the “trade” chat tab, more like an open auction. Players should “post” their offered items to the chat with a starting price, and other players who want it can make price offers on it until the seller decided on one of them to sell it to. This could be unified in to a grid-style interface that opens when you click “trade”. It should only display offered items, your items, prices, and a 1-1 chat with the seller. Users should also be able to search for specific items so that players don’t just constantly spam their offers in the chat.

Another way to make the market system better would be to simply let players post items with a user-set price, and let other players buy them out-right regardless of wether or not the user is online. This would also completely eliminate language barriers as all that is used is items and numbers, so the marketplace could be unified further.

To further this, there is literally no point to holding items out of the market, regardless of what your “statistics” say. Just add all the manufacturing items to market and reduce the “per item price” to 10 GS.



Also for heck’s sake stop calling it a “trade”. Players can’t trade with it, they can just sell things.

It’s just the first day, let the dust settle ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

I’m sure they will work on a proper UI and listing service eventually. I guess this is good for a game that never had trading, and was never thought to get it for years.

2 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:

I’m sure they will work on a proper UI and listing service eventually. I guess this is good for a game that never had trading, and was never thought to get it for years.

I can only hope.

The problem is that a very small amount of items are interesting :


Blueprints from alien tech event (energy converter, crystal plates). 

Dart/Gargoyle pieces. 

And a few useful blueprints (reverse thruster). 


But there’s 3 times more useless items. 

The chat is overloaded with mk5/pirate blueprints by peoples who think they’ll become rich with items that nobody uses. 



Worst of all is the destroyer craft. Considering that it is a class with its own modules, it should have at least a bit of choices right? 

So why does only piro and halo are available to a destroyer for only credit? 


Especially when every single items requires 1 blueprint (one per rank range, or else it’s tool easy) + 2 unique items specific to this module + a bunch of monocrystal. 


I’m glad that I had a destroyer before this

Well i see the problem in “finding” a player who want/needs the item you have for trading.

Basicly all you can do is post your (more or less) usefull items over and over and over again in the trade channel until maybe the 1 person comes who needs 1 item.

Maybe an better choice would have been to make something like an auction page where we can post all items we have/wanna trade and after 3 purchases (maybe even more) all input items will be “locked” until next day when the new trade limit has replenished.

So players basicly sit on these items and the market for the “usefull” items is kinda empty atm cus the common BPs are kinda overflowing.

Maybe make it even so to make the costs for the Items Tier based so that T1 costs only 10 GS, T2 20 GS, and so on until max of 50 GS for T5 items.

In case of the ship components i´m a bit unsure cus value is relative in this case. Maybe set minimum price to 100 GS/ship component.

The feature just got here, relax, there’s a ton of work to be done, be happy it’s there and patient enough to provide feedback to make it better with future updates, jeez, there’s no pleasing ya’ll.

I concur, it will develop over time, but great incentive so far!

15 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:

I’m sure they will work on a proper UI and listing service eventually. I guess this is good for a game that never had trading, and was never thought to get it for years.  ever

fify, but agree.