Trade Monocrystals for Parts

I’d like to see a way to use Monocrystals (and just Monocrystals) to manufacture those premium ship parts. This way, time isn’t lost by getting the ship parts you no longer need.

I’d like to see a way to use Monocrystals (and just Monocrystals) to manufacture those premium ship parts. This way, time isn’t lost by getting the ship parts you no longer need.

Won’t happen. Economy is fine as it is.

Not a bad idea for once foxy :slight_smile:


I’m sick of having these numerous “currencies” and having no way to switch between them

Won’t happen. Economy is fine as it is.

Definitely, the economy is not “fine”, but it won’t happen anyway 

Definitely, the economy is not “fine”, but it won’t happen anyway 

It’s fine by THEM.

How many currencies are there, now…?


Taking a “currency” to be a grinding bottleneck, let’s list a few!


Credits, iridium, six kinds of vouchers, GS – nine standard ones.

Monocrystals, graphite plates – two crafting ones (just the biggest – computing chips are pretty bad, too)

Stingray parts, Archelon parts, Brokk parts, reaper parts, reaper special module parts, phoenix parts, phoenix special module parts – seven ship fragment ones


In total, that is 18 different grinding bottlenecks.


To be fair, only maybe 11 of them apply to most folks.

Don’t forget Neodium, Beryllium, and Vulpanium.

Don’t forget Neodium, Beryllium, and Vulpanium.


Lol - DRFox you are sure? Vulpanium? Like in Vulpes = latin for foxes?  :00555:

I like this idea very much.

Maybe we might see some implementation in the future, but since monos are easier to get hold of it’ll probably rise to a number of monos per part…

Unfortunately, we have no such plans for now. Monocrystalls in this case will be considered as new currency, I think another ways to get ship parts can be possible.

How many currencies are there, now…?

Taking a “currency” to be a grinding bottleneck, let’s list a few!

Credits, iridium, six kinds of vouchers, GS – nine standard ones.

Monocrystals, graphite plates – two crafting ones (just the biggest – computing chips are pretty bad, too)

Stingray parts, Archelon parts, Brokk parts, reaper parts, reaper special module parts, phoenix parts, phoenix special module parts – seven ship fragment ones

In total, that is 18 different grinding bottlenecks.

To be fair, only maybe 11 of them apply to most folks.

Credits is the most flexible one. You can use it in so many ways.

Iridium is extrem. You are very depending on vouchers to use iridium.

Credits is the most flexible one. You can use it in so many ways.

Iridium is extrem. You are very depending on vouchers to use iridium.

Before NASA started drowning in iridium, it was very much so a grind-limiting factor for everybody in the corp when dreads came out.

Before NASA started drowning in iridium, it was very much so a grind-limiting factor for everybody in the corp when dreads came out.

Yeah right befor that new contract system was implemented, and loyalty was no longer an issue after playing in r11+ for a bit, Iridium was a bottleneck for a lot of our guys, and now most of our guys have enough for their own personal dreadnaught or 2. 

Yeah right befor that new contract system was implemented, and loyalty was no longer an issue after playing in r11+ for a bit, Iridium was a bottleneck for a lot of our guys, and now most of our guys have enough for their own personal dreadnaught or 2. 

And since the dreadnought reward system has been changed, iridium is back to being a bottleneck for people who weren’t lucky enough to have around 200/day for several months. Ouch.

And since the dreadnought reward system has been changed, iridium is back to being a bottleneck for people who weren’t lucky enough to have around 200/day for several months. Ouch.

I managed to get 4k iridium (artifacts back then) before dreads arrived…just by doing PVE, no premium help :stuck_out_tongue:

I managed to get 4k iridium (artifacts back then) before dreads arrived…just by doing PVE, no premium help :stuck_out_tongue:

Thing is, PVE has low voucher and high iridium income, so it’s natural to get a high iridium count from it. By playing mostly PvP, the situation is quite different.

Thing is, PVE has low voucher and high iridium income, so it’s natural to get a high iridium count from it. By playing mostly PvP, the situation is quite different.

True, i was in dire need of vouchers back then. Daily missions saved my xxxx.