Tournament Predictions



Let the trolling begain

The Space Hentai (TSH) all the way. I love those guys.


Really, I am rooting for them. I mean, unless they come up against NASA. Then you know, it’s on.



But with a lot of the pilots on their roster, when you play with them and you’re the engineer they just protect you so well, it is like being hugged by friends continually.

I watched too much hentai to know where this is going

That you think EVO has even a remote chance of winning against ESB made me laugh aloud. Talk about pride getting in the way of good judgment.

“Stateliness and superiority, and the expression of a pride are like two exclusive garments of Allah. (No one can share it with Him). Hence if anyone dares to acquire these qualities he will be thrown headlong into hell by Allah.”


Oooh. This is like March Madness, only I actually care about this bracket! Ok, I’ll bite.




The Evil Space Bears are a hard corp to beat. The tournament is taking place in their home turf of realistic mode. I’m fairly certain that they will secure first with little trouble. However, if they are beaten for some unknown reason, it’ll be anybody’s game.


NASA has been looking pretty strong lately, and EVO has been on a recruiting binge. So both teams looking potentially dangerous.


Then you have DYN, the current leader for PVP. Many claim they achieved their current rank through eploitation of game mechanics. While perhaps not the most experienced corp in realistic mode, they certainly aren’t one to ignore.


You can bet if things get down to an EVO versus DYN match we will see some sparks fly! It’ll be a grudge match spectacular.


Between NASA and DYN it’s a bit of a toss up. Both corps are pretty equal in terms of skill, and there hasn’t been a consistent victor when these two meet on the field for some time now.


You also have the old dogs from Syndicate making an appearance. While these guys were the team to beat at one time, many think their time has passed. Will they prove the masses wrong? Only time can tell.

Akaurl has not updated the bracket, there are more teams now. I believe it is up to 18. So remember to redo your bracket once he seeds them all, Soldier!

That you think EVO has even a remote chance of winning against ESB made me laugh aloud. Talk about pride getting in the way of good judgment.


“Stateliness and superiority, and the expression of a pride are like two exclusive garments of Allah. (No one can share it with Him). Hence if anyone dares to acquire these qualities he will be thrown headlong into hell by Allah.”


Oh it could be for example, That i know the core of ESB is not in game now, and will not be back from vacation tell monday.

Thus, ESB will be “newer players” recently recruited, less skilled, and less geared then main members.


So the position was not arrogance, but an issue of knowing something you did not.

Thus, the only arrogant person is you for a miscalculated assumption.

This team prediction stuff is getting boring you guys. You need to put a human face on this drama to spice it up some more.


YOU, ABlueParakeet!


Before you die there is something you should know about us, ABlueParakeet…   I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate!


What’s that make us?


Absolutely nothing! Which is what you are about to become! HA ha HA ha!

Oh Uhmari… Do you ever stop stroking your ego? :dntknw:

Oh Uhmari… Do you ever stop stroking your ego? :dntknw:


I see your Shwartz is as big as mine!


I see your Shwartz is as big as mine!

Oh Ho Ho!

Oh it could be for example, That i know the core of ESB is not in game now, and will not be back from vacation tell monday.

Thus, ESB will be “newer players” recently recruited, less skilled, and less geared then main members.


So the position was not arrogance, but an issue of knowing something you did not.

Thus, the only arrogant person is you for a miscalculated assumption.


If you truly believe this to be the case, and you’re not just all bluster, why not put your money where your mouth is?


I will personally donate USD 50.00 to a charity of your choosing if EVO beats ESB if you agree to donate USD 50.00 to a charity of my choosing if EVO loses (provided, of course, that the game moderators do not forbid this as against the Star Conflict terms of services).

If you truly believe this to be the case, and you’re not just all bluster, why not put your money where your mouth is?


I will personally donate USD 50.00 to a charity of your choosing if EVO beats ESB if you agree to donate USD 50.00 to a charity of my choosing if EVO loses (provided, of course, that the game moderators do not forbid this as against the Star Conflict terms of services).

Or we can do something reasonable. Like find out if he is right or wrong when the tourney begins 7 hours from now? :o

Damnit, guys. It is the eve of the tournament. Take the night off and have some fun.


Get drunk, sleep it off, wake up and play. Yeah, baby. MAY MANEUVERS




Everybody needs more Spaceballs in their life:


Or we can do something reasonable. Like find out if he is right or wrong when the tourney begins 7 hours from now? :o


Shrug, as I highly doubt Uhmari really believes what he’s saying and is just posturing to stroke his ego, he’ll in all likelihood decline my offer.

I’m going to try to tone down the machoism here with my predictions.



I’m going to try to tone down the machoism here with my predictions.


![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[ladder.png](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=5930)

Lol this is hilarious :smiley:

I’m going to try to tone down the machoism here with my predictions.


![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[ladder.png](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=5930)


Tully, that’s incorrect. We only zerg Tier 2… oh wait. This is a Tier 2 tournament, isn’t it.


Carry on. :fed012:

This team prediction stuff is getting boring you guys. You need to put a human face on this drama to spice it up some more.


Trying to spice it up a little with a $50 charity offer, but Uhmari seems to have fallen uncharacteristically silent…

Guys, Uhmari loves his ego! As do all the Evo officers…  ;)wt  Anyways, like Uhmari said, the core of ESB will not be playing so there is a strong chance of us beating them. Oh! And btw Dyn, just saying but Drahkar is really xxxx and I can see he is a backup. I can’t imagine how the other players are.  :)wt





P.S. I am just trying to get some good heated arguments in here before the tourny just so it gets a little more interesting