Tournament Predictions

We need a new prediction. Because tournament grid was’>changed

We need a new prediction. Because tournament grid was changed


I love memegenerator a little bit too much.

Guys, Uhmari loves his ego! As do all the Evo officers…  ;)wt  Anyways, like Uhmari said, the core of ESB will not be playing so there is a strong chance of us beating them. Oh! And btw Dyn, just saying but Drahkar is really xxxx and I can see he is a backup. I can’t imagine how the other players are.  :)wt





P.S. I am just trying to get some good heated arguments in here before the tourny just so it gets a little more interesting


Great match, gg’s all around.

What!? Dynamis was stomped!? My ego is shattered!


That was damn fun, looking forward to the next one. ESB showed us how much improvement there is to be had by roflstomping us 33 to 1 with time to spare. EVO Was losing the pvp game but took two beacons and forced us to over extend to try and fail to take a second beacon of theirs. 


Dynamis is going to start a training regimen, believe it  :yes_yes:



oh, and side note. xxxx starting tournament at 1am PST

What!? Dynamis was stomped!? My ego is shattered!


That was damn fun, looking forward to the next one. ESB showed us how much improvement there is to be had by roflstomping us 33 to 1 with time to spare. EVO Was losing the pvp game but took two beacons and forced us to over extend to try and fail to take a second beacon of theirs. 


Dynamis is going to start a training regimen, believe it  :yes_yes:

Tactics over killing power :stuck_out_tongue: But even listening to our own chat we need a regimen as well. From here on out, the competition only goes up :)  :yes_yes:

agreed, its time to hide the cheeto’s and get you fatties in shape


/bad evo

xD Love this community

Oh! And btw Dyn, just saying but Drahkar is really xxxx and I can see he is a backup. I can’t imagine how the other players are.  :)wt


Are you butthurt because kicking me was a stupid decision afterall or is it because you’re a ginger with a kiddy voice and Uhmari’s sh*t on your nose?


It’s particularly fortunate that we have almost exactly the same amount of time played and games played. A picture is worth a thousand words? Here’s two thousands that tell the story.






I don’t want back into your a*s kissing club. Deal with it. :slight_smile:

Are you butthurt because kicking me was a stupid decision afterall or is it because you’re a ginger with a kiddy voice and Uhmari’s sh*t on your nose?


It’s particularly fortunate that we have almost exactly the same amount of time played and games played. A picture is worth a thousand words? Here’s two thousands that tell the story.






I don’t want back into your a*s kissing club. Deal with it. :slight_smile:



EVO has been a sorry excuse for a Corp for a while now, some amazing pilots in there but the leadership is goddamn awful, so glad I left 1,5 months ago.


Many EVO officers were just power abusing, dishonest individuals. Then there is Uhmari, who doesn’t give a xxxx about anyone other than his Narcisstic brother intricate ( I heard he pulled some stunt about infiltrating and disbandign a corp ? ) and the sound of his own voice.

Uhmari is hyper- delusional and his predictions are one indicator, his perception is very warped.


EVO, I am dissapointed.



On the bright side, great to see real tourneys happening, was worried this game was at an end.


Keep up the involvement folks !

I wish I could’ve played! Ah well…definitely catching the next one.


Sigh, I had hope for this community after last night. Apparently we all want to start this flame war over. Stop while we are ahead, yes?

EVO has been a sorry excuse for a Corp for a while now, some amazing pilots in there but the leadership is goddamn awful, so glad I left 1,5 months ago.


Many EVO officers were just power abusing, dishonest individuals. Then there is Uhmari, who doesn’t give a xxxx about anyone other than his Narcisstic brother intricate ( I heard he pulled some stunt about infiltrating and disbandign a corp ? ) and the sound of his own voice.

Uhmari is hyper- delusional and his predictions are one indicator, his perception is very warped.


EVO, I am dissapointed.



On the bright side, great to see real tourneys happening, was worried this game was at an end.


Keep up the involvement folks !

If we are so bad, why are we the best english corp?

I think someone is butt hurt because they got a kick because they couldent commit to whta they agreed to

Enough flaming!