Torpedo & Quality of Player

Every time I see someone in SecCon using a Jerry-LRF on my side, I just want to shoot him. 

In general those guys cant pull their weight and shoot a torp at you while you are in a dogfight (remember: FF is on in SecCon).

Hell, they arent even able to clear the beacons from the drones… Its just their cheap excuse for: “Im shooting Torps! Let the team win the battle. I sit just right here…Nawb Team if we fail!” 

Armadillo and thermal resistance and you should be fine from Torps. 

IMHO the Torp is underpowered. Maybe its a good thing since for unknown reasons PPL still stick with it, while archieving absolutely nothing for the victory… at least they can say: Hey, I dealt some damage! DerpDerp!

That is exactly was I was tring to say. Just slightly more friendly. I agree. I can’t imagion someone in sector conquest making any real difference with guided torps. I always feel like, stop shooting friggin torps over my shoulder like you think you are cool, you are distracting me!

Every time I see someone in SecCon using a Jerry-LRF on my side, I just want to shoot him. 

In general those guys cant pull their weight and shoot a torp at you while you are in a dogfight (remember: FF is on in SecCon).

Hell, they arent even able to clear the beacons from the drones… Its just their cheap excuse for: “Im shooting Torps! Let the team win the battle. I sit just right here…Nawb Team if we fail!” 

Armadillo and thermal resistance and you should be fine from Torps. 

IMHO the Torp is underpowered. Maybe its a good thing since for unknown reasons PPL still stick with it, while archieving absolutely nothing for the victory… at least they can say: Hey, I dealt some damage! DerpDerp!



Well, isnt that what the current efficiency rules is enforcing right now? The more dammage you do, the more score you do, so, that enforces ppl smamming aoe even on allies ( dont know if FF is counted as points aswell in SecCon).  But the trend now is: Get a ship with aoe spam tool, make loads of dammage and let other nawbs finish the dudes.


And i insist, make the missile deal more dammage, but with an AOE area like an anomaly gen for example (i think it is around 200m only) and make it a LOT more maneuverable and fast, like with some afterburners and such. The way it is now it is just a spamfest without skill involved.

Well, isnt that what the current efficiency rules is enforcing right now? The more dammage you do, the more score you do, so, that enforces ppl smamming aoe even on allies ( dont know if FF is counted as points aswell in SecCon).  But the trend now is: Get a ship with aoe spam tool, make loads of dammage and let other nawbs finish the dudes.


And i insist, make the missile deal more dammage, but with an AOE area like an anomaly gen for example (i think it is around 200m only) and make it a LOT more maneuverable and fast, like with some afterburners and such. The way it is now it is just a spamfest without skill involved.


In fact, it should have more area and less dmg. That thing should be an area denial tool, not the only way to get a kill.


That way LRF players would try for the very first time of their lifes to use their weapons, instead of spamming that things hoping to get a single kill and not be bottom efficiency… again.

In fact, it should have more area and less dmg. That thing should be an area denial tool, not the only way to get a kill.


That way LRF players would try for the very first time of their lives to use their weapons, instead of spamming that things hoping to get a single kill and not be bottom efficiency… again.


This is exactly what they would need to do to get a better weapon.


Kind of like how they reduced the range for ion emmiters. All other these ‘kinda snipers’ got angry. The issue is though, they are forcing you to be better at piloting.


You get better pilots because your weapon is doing what is sapose to be doing.

Yes you can sit 6000M away, but if you can’t. O my I just realized Diffusion Shield is really good. Wow this valkery unit creates a lot of damage!

Yes you can sit at home and lauch missles all day, but what happens if you go in then attack people with you FAR superior heavy blasters?

All of a sudden pilots realize ships can do more.

I don’t think I’ve ever been destroyed by 1 hit from a torp.  Sure, they pack a hell of a punch, but  you need to be constantly aware of them in order to not die quickly.  If you hear the incoming missile bit, then look around, find cover, or go to a guard ship.  Or all three.  


Also, knowing if the enemy team has a LRF is quite handy…you’ll find that you’ll be seeking cover more often and not going out into the open as much.

In fact, it should have more area and less dmg. That thing should be an area denial tool, not the only way to get a kill.


That way LRF players would try for the very first time of their lifes to use their weapons, instead of spamming that things hoping to get a single kill and not be bottom efficiency…


Then it would need a bigger dammage over time perhaps.

In fact, it should have more area and less dmg. That thing should be an area denial tool, not the only way to get a kill.

That would be a massive nerf to the ship!  The radiation is almost useless and blocks vision more than dealing damage.  Compare that to Empire LRF which can get almost 12k damage for possible one shot kills every three seconds at 12km range.  All they have to do is point and click like an idiot.  It’s the easiest ship to get kills on in the game.  No other ship is easier!  Compare that to Jericho’s 9k damage and 10km range.  It almost can’t one shot anything, yet takes far more skill to use.  When I’m using it I have to adjust the monitor to make it brighter so I can pixel hunt engine trails!  It needs a maneuverability boost at the bare minimum.  IMHO, the torpedo should have greater range than the disintegrator since the torpedo looses range on turns.

That would be a massive nerf to the ship!  The radiation is almost useless and blocks vision more than dealing damage.  Compare that to Empire LRF which can get almost 12k damage for possible one shot kills every three seconds at 12km range.  All they have to do is point and click like an idiot.  It’s the easiest ship to get kills on in the game.  No other ship is easier!  Compare that to Jericho’s 9k damage and 10km range.  It almost can’t one shot anything, yet takes far more skill to use.  When I’m using it I have to adjust the monitor to make it brighter so I can pixel hunt engine trails!  It needs a maneuverability boost at the bare minimum.  IMHO, the torpedo should have greater range than the disintegrator since the torpedo looses range on turns.


You kidding? Torpedo more skill than Desintegrator? Where is the skill on a Torpedo? That ships need everything but a buff, dont give bad players more reason to swarm the game with that things.


If it was for me I would get rid of that ships and add some kind of electronic warfare command frigate.

You kidding? Torpedo more skill than Desintegrator? Where is the skill on a Torpedo?

What skill is there with a disintegrator where you generally just click on the circle and do nothing else?  Seriously.  It gets more kills, it takes less skill.  I will say it with 100% conviction, being good with a torpedo is harder than being good with a disintegrator.  A major factor is a disintegrator can afford to miss because it can fire again in three seconds.  The torpedo takes 17 seconds if you miss.  Reducing the cooldown won’t help because those 17 seconds are spent on flight time.


Your second problem is there are just too many bad LRF pilots, both Empire and Jericho.

Your second problem is there are just too many bad LRF pilots, both Empire and Jericho.


Its more like this. 

There is skill involved in killing with Empire-LRFs. Why are so many failing when it is so easy? 

But of course you are right. If you can work with the Desintegrator its the by far more powerful tool. 

So tell me, why is there a Jerry LRF spam and not an Empire one? Because PPL tend to hit at least SOMETHING with it. Its the nawb-tube. 

It seems viable enough for the random brain-tard. No need to buff it… at least not as long as it stays that popular. 


@ Kraimax: Your right about the Eff. Points, maybe thats why they take it… In SecCon on the other hand, I only care about win. I´ll try to use a Jerry-LRF in SecCon tomorrow… wonder how this will work out. 

  Here we go again  dang torpedo’s causing…havoc…not contributing…etc etc.


  Though I will say in Sector conquest I will not venture out in a LRF since friendly fire is in effect as I do not want to take the chance that I may affect someone on my side that may be just on the verge of low health.  Also by now the players should  know how to stand off and be efficient at killing off any LRFs at this point.    


  As for spamming torpedo in hopes that it will hit something.   Well believe it or not you really do not want to be in the torpedo for very long so you do have to be always observant of your surroundings.  The more you spam the more somebody will figure out where you are.    


Any good Jericho torpedo ship should have at the very least 75% hit ratio.  (damage or kill)

Every time I see someone in SecCon using a Jerry-LRF on my side, I just want to shoot him. 

In general those guys cant pull their weight and shoot a torp at you while you are in a dogfight (remember: FF is on in SecCon).

Hell, they arent even able to clear the beacons from the drones… Its just their cheap excuse for: “Im shooting Torps! Let the team win the battle. I sit just right here…Nawb Team if we fail!” 

Armadillo and thermal resistance and you should be fine from Torps. 

IMHO the Torp is underpowered. Maybe its a good thing since for unknown reasons PPL still stick with it, while archieving absolutely nothing for the victory… at least they can say: Hey, I dealt some damage! DerpDerp!

but LRF is best ship to deal with T3 and tier rushers in SecConq…


I don’t think I’ve ever been destroyed by 1 hit from a torp.  Sure, they pack a hell of a punch, but  you need to be constantly aware of them in order to not die quickly.  If you hear the incoming missile bit, then look around, find cover, or go to a guard ship.  Or all three.  


Also, knowing if the enemy team has a LRF is quite handy…you’ll find that you’ll be seeking cover more often and not going out into the open as much.

I use Torps only with tachyon to finish enemy that got out of range or is behind something. btw there is one magic module for LRF called EM Scattering Field which with T5 can be run all the time in theory players only can’t lock on you but in games most ppl can’t find you :smiley:


Its more like this. 

There is skill involved in killing with Empire-LRFs. Why are so many failing when it is so easy? 

But of course you are right. If you can work with the Desintegrator its the by far more powerful tool. 

So tell me, why is there a Jerry LRF spam and not an Empire one? Because PPL tend to hit at least SOMETHING with it. Its the nawb-tube. 

It seems viable enough for the random brain-tard. No need to buff it… at least not as long as it stays that popular. 

skill for Empire LRFs are only needed for T3+ good players and interceptors

If aiming the desintegrator was that easy, I would see more Empire LRFs in game, and not 5 Jericho ones every game per team.


Those players think that they will get kills just because they don’t need a brain to control a torpedo properly and make it crash into anything.

1Z51lpi.jpgThat is true power of LRF :slight_smile:

Its more like this. 

There is skill involved in killing with Empire-LRFs. Why are so many failing when it is so easy? 

But of course you are right. If you can work with the Desintegrator its the by far more powerful tool. 

So tell me, why is there a Jerry LRF spam and not an Empire one? Because PPL tend to hit at least SOMETHING with it. Its the nawb-tube. 

It seems viable enough for the random brain-tard. No need to buff it… at least not as long as it stays that popular. 


@ Kraimax: Your right about the Eff. Points, maybe thats why they take it… In SecCon on the other hand, I only care about win. I´ll try to use a Jerry-LRF in SecCon tomorrow… wonder how this will work out. 

If aiming the desintegrator was that easy, I would see more Empire LRFs in game, and not 5 Jericho ones every game per team.


Those players think that they will get kills just because they don’t need a brain to control a torpedo properly and make it crash into anything.

The primary skill involved in an Empire LRF is less than the skill needed to hit any target with a main weapon.  Zap, how different are positrons from a disintegrator?  I’m not talking about the skill of the bad players, since obviously they can’t shoot or “fly” their torpedo.  The bad players fly every class, it’s not just Jericho LRF’s.  It’s a matter of the good players.  I doubt Jericho LRF’s are more common than Empire.  We’d have to ask the devs.  The big difference is Empire doesn’t scream “nearby disintegrator aimed slightly in your direction, nearby disintegrator aimed slightly in your direction” annoying you.  The bad fighters and interceptors get lost in the haze of the match.


Which would worry you more, a good ESB member in an Empire LRF or in a Jericho LRF?  That alone should say they’re imbalanced relative to one another.

1Z51lpi.jpgThat is true power of LRF :slight_smile:

The problem is, a Dragon can also do that, and have double survivability.

The problem is, a Dragon can also do that, and have double survivability.

You still have to be out in the open to make use of the Disintegrator properly. Jericho LRFs can sit behind a rock and shoot from there.

The problem is, a Dragon can also do that, and have double survivability.

yup but if enemy hide behind rock with 10% hull there is no way to finish it with Dragon… and that’s where Jeri have adventage


btw if enemy hide behind some small object guided torp will get them out of there bcs ppl run from that cloud and i get clean shot with fullt charged positrons

yup but if enemy hide behind rock with 10% hull there is no way to finish it with Dragon… and that’s where Jeri have adventage


btw if enemy hide behind some small object guided torp will get them out of there bcs ppl run from that cloud and i get clean shot with fullt charged positrons

Sure, I’m not saying that jericho LRF are useless, but I see them more situational. With torps you trade a lot of raw dps for the chance of hitting people on cover.


Anyway, I still have to tame the jerry LRF class. I have no problem with the sniper empire version but the jerry ones…

The primary skill involved in an Empire LRF is less than the skill needed to hit any target with a main weapon.  Zap, how different are positrons from a disintegrator?  I’m not talking about the skill of the bad players, since obviously they can’t shoot or “fly” their torpedo.  The bad players fly every class, it’s not just Jericho LRF’s.  It’s a matter of the good players.  I doubt Jericho LRF’s are more common than Empire.  We’d have to ask the devs.  The big difference is Empire doesn’t scream “nearby disintegrator aimed slightly in your direction, nearby disintegrator aimed slightly in your direction” annoying you.  The bad fighters and interceptors get lost in the haze of the match.


Which would worry you more, a good ESB member in an Empire LRF or in a Jericho LRF?  That alone should say they’re imbalanced relative to one another.


Positioning is a skill, that is by far more needed for Emp-LRFs than for Jerry-LRFs. 

The Inquisitor AE is the very last LRF that hasnt max. Synergy  on my Account. So I would say I have quite the experience with LRFs. 

Its paradox and you need to wrap your brain around it (only take special module): 


  1. Every “Skilled” LRF Pilot will say, that Emp-LRF is better, in fact Jerry-LRF is UP.

  2. Every “Non-Skilled” LRF Pilot will say, that Jerry-LRF is by far better, since you can hit (some rare times even kill) stuff with it

(god bless the AoE). 


I hope you get my intention.

If you buff the Jerry-LRFs, even more random Derps will try to get a piece of that cake and the battles will be even more boring than they are already

(Long range wars… And I dont talk about the class here, I mean the range of MANY weapons!) 


And yes, Im pretty sure about it, that there is a higher usage of Jerry-LRFs than Emp-LRFs