Torpedo & Quality of Player

Am I the only person who feels like torpedoes are unbalanced on mid rank ships? I have literally gotten an interceptor destroyed by one hit.

Around rank 9 everything starts to balance out, and it isn’t an issue anymore.

Until you get someone on your team that ships at your spawn point, and launches torpedoes at the beacons.

I have been in a dog fight, and gotten hit by my own player because they wanted to hit the other person.


My concern is that at mid levels it does too much damage.

Then players are making poor decision that make the game less fun for other players.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they are good. I’m saying they make they game less fun.

Am I alone on this?

Are you talking about EM Torpedo or Guided Torpedo?

Mh,… torpedos really are VERY slow. So it is only natural that they deal appropriate damage, since it’s rather easy to avoid them. Higher ranked ships do even stop them by letting themselves be hit on purpose, so that the beacon’s drones are saved. So try to avoid dogfights which are too close to the beacon. It requires some skill, but with training you should be able to do it. Fighting at beacons always involves risks! There are not only torpedos, but also guided missiles. So take care out there =)

Torpedos are fine the way they are.

Are you talking about EM Torpedo or Guided Torpedo?


I meant to reference guided torps.

I am really good about going away from the beacons. I charge them then just leave. In fact sometimes I split off before they are charged so someone else can charge them while I distract players. It is the clouds they guided torps leave the bother me.


Actually, the time I got hit dead on by my own team, it was me and another interceptor next to some space trash. About 2000M from the beacon. Got hit dead on, followed the trail back to someone on my team spawn point…

No, he didn’t kill the other ship, or me.

interceptors/fighter class takes less damage from exlposives in general.  a 10k Torpedo hitting you would most likely not kill you in 1 shot.  if you have resistance it would be way lower. its also easy to dodge aslong we dont use tachyon overcharge. 

10k of damage to a speed tanked fed interceptor could kill it.  A disintegrator’s far easier and can fire every three seconds and has more range.


If you got one shotted by a guided torpedo, props to the pilot.  Those things don’t turn that fast.

interceptors/fighter class takes less damage from exlposives in general.  a 10k Torpedo hitting you would most likely not kill you in 1 shot.  if you have resistance it would be way lower. its also easy to dodge aslong we dont use tachyon overcharge. 

And here we have it. Another prime example of not knowing how math works. Yes, a Torpedo will kill most, if not all, Ceptors without an EB. Good LRF pilots will have no problems shooting you out of the sky with the Disintegrator if they know what they’re doing.

10k of damage to a speed tanked fed interceptor could kill it.  A disintegrator’s far easier and can fire every three seconds and has more range.


If you got one shotted by a guided torpedo, props to the pilot.  Those things don’t turn that fast.

It really is not too hard to 1 hit a T2 interceptor. Not forgetting about the cloud.

So in general?

Everyone feels the damage for guided torps at T2 is good? Odviously it isn’t an issue at higher ranks…

No one is getting disrupted by there own teams torpedoes?


It isn’t the explosion that I have trouble with, it is when a big energy well is around the beacon that hasn’t been captured yet.

The damage for torps is OK, and the cloud around the beacon can be avoided with ease. Just remember you can cap up to 700 m away from the beacon, and the cloud size is smaller than that (if it exploded on the beacon)

So I’ve been able to verify with multiple people. I just get annoyed too easily, by the torpedo clouds.

So I’ve been able to verify with multiple people. I just get annoyed too easily, by the torpedo clouds.

I recommend you to play the torpedo frigate line so you can see that they are not that good as they seem. And you will also see what other players do to avoid your torps.

In T2 the only J-LRF is the Templar, and it is weak. Get behind one in a cov-ops and you can practically kill them with plasma arc alone. A half-decent Recon can farm them all game long.

T3 and up their survivability increases, but in T2 the Templar is a free kill or six.

I had used the Templar, and did ok. I don’t get top 3 like I do in an interceptor.

Actually, it was my having previously played it that made me think the damage wasn’t balanced at T2.

I was using the guided torpedoes to get people out of cover, to finish them with the heavy lasers.


Really though, I can see that I get too annoyed by the guided torpedoes and should just get over it.

Oh you can use the Jericho LRF such as the T2 Level 6 Templar quite effectively…It will ONE SHOT mostly anything below a Command ship to around level 9.  


As with other lines you have to practice to learn how to effectively use them.   Spamming torpedo shots towards a beacon without a set pattern or objective does not accomplish much.  You also must be aware of the Blast cloud and how it will affect the friendlies around it.  Nothing worse than someone on your own side blasting a torpedo in your vicinity and you have little to no means of escaping the zone quickly.

Really though, I can see that I get too annoyed by the guided torpedoes and should just get over it.

It’s half the point actually.  Although the can go around asteroids, some asteroids have unhittable areas because the rotation’s not enough.  You can force some ship to sit and hide instead of be an active role.  They work for area denial.  Also, try out gunship mode with coil mortars.  Or you can take positrons.  If it’s beacon hunt, go to B first and when the counts starts getting lower, hit em scattering field and wait.  If the enemy gets an interceptor to fly in first and sit, lock on and hit them with a fully charged positron.


I spent one match in T3 just harassing an ESB squad with torps from 8-10k away to limit their effectiveness.  I even got one kill off of them.  I may have only got one kill for the match, but I probably prevented more kills from team.

Every time I see someone in SecCon using a Jerry-LRF on my side, I just want to shoot him. 

In general those guys cant pull their weight and shoot a torp at you while you are in a dogfight (remember: FF is on in SecCon).

Hell, they arent even able to clear the beacons from the drones… Its just their cheap excuse for: “Im shooting Torps! Let the team win the battle. I sit just right here…Nawb Team if we fail!” 

Armadillo and thermal resistance and you should be fine from Torps. 

IMHO the Torp is underpowered. Maybe its a good thing since for unknown reasons PPL still stick with it, while archieving absolutely nothing for the victory… at least they can say: Hey, I dealt some damage! DerpDerp!

What if someone uses one as a gunship?

What if someone uses one as a gunship?


Those die quickly…