Top Aerography works and discussion

Fine… I’ll put her back up. She is really pretty though. You, Ptom, are hoh (horny as h€ll)


Well, if you read above, they say that you are against the rules. 


Don’t confuse what I was saying about buying talent with features that come with an open-source program. I’ll admit, Ethics isn’t as black and white as I wish it were.


What I am against is a contestant making arrangements with another artist to use their already completed work as their own. Like websites that sell stock photos. The pay-a-subscription-to-get-watermark-removed garbage.


There are items that fall under Creative Commons Licenses which are free for your use, which usually require you give credit to the original author. A prime example of this would be Since the original author, in this case, still wants to be listed in the credits, I would hesitate to use their material in a contest of this sort, although it probably wouldn’t get you disqualified per-se.


Some items, such as fonts, don’t ask for anything. I would consider those similar to brush textures in their use.

Fixed my sig for you Ptom

Fixed my sig for you Ptom


What a bad sig.

What a bad sig.

I don’t really care ]:stuck_out_tongue:

Is it better than MrDuck’s?

I don’t really care ]:stuck_out_tongue:

Is it better than MrDuck’s?


Nah, the lady is not pretty enough, it has ugly eyebrows.

Stop watching so much anime.

Stop watching so much anime.

That’s the same like saying “Stop breathing so much oxygen.”

We cannot, and will not live without it. At least some of us.

Nah, the lady is not pretty enough, it has ugly eyebrows.


You have ugly eyebrows. jk i do not even know. why you call her it?

 why you call her it?


Idk, she reminds me of



This is my first post here, and in the same time, my entry. :slight_smile:
Space Cavalry






Back in the old days, horse cavalry units were used to perform quick and strong attacks on the enemy’s weakest points. In the space era, Space Cavalry is a band of elite pilots capable of fulfilling a similar role in space combat.



It is entirely vector based, so I could easily recolor it if you wish, so for example there could be a version with black horse instead of white, that can be used on light colored ships.


EDIT: here is the dark version:





Due to the short time limit (I found this conest yesterday!!! :open_mouth: ) I could not make a proper rendering of it on a ship, so I jsut did a quick mockup on a random ship:




EDIT: Ingame name: StormHUN

i just love the idea of a horse / cavalry sign, even if the roundings to show the jaw could need a more edgy line, and maybe not so strong up forward.

atm moment it looks a bit like a pouch. but otherwise very stylish and beautiful. one of the best so far.

Glad you like it! :slight_smile:

the roundings to show the jaw could need a more edgy line, and maybe not so strong up forward.
atm moment it looks a bit like a pouch.

Not entirely sure how you mean that. Could you please explain? If you mean the Masseter muscle (The U shaped part under the eye) then it really depends, on both jaw bone shape and muscle development. Also, since it’s an insignia, I didn’t go for maximal anatomical accuracy, but rather smooth, simple, curved lines.

Hi there Guys, I just want to know this pic is acceptable to Aerography?
If not, why not, because I don’t understand that Alpha Layer stuff xD


Also some summery: I made this from Paint Tool Sai, First (the Girl) then I made the Background Layer in Paint Tool Sai too, and after that I used the Photoshop to merge into one and than I made some adjustements.

I think it’s resembels the Jericho’s Emblem… a little bit, just because it’s RED xD

So here it is:



…Uhm, how can put here an Image? XD 


There is few sample:

Nice one. Looks a bit too complex for a stickers in my opinion, but nice design. 


Edit : And strangely, it’s not symmetric ^^

Here is my work. In-game name is capnnic.


You are needed, mercenary!


I drew the emblem myself before producing a digital version. Original sketch


Compare: admiral.jpg

Oh forgot my ingame name… added it now, it’s: StormHUN


By the way, the deadline is today if I’m correct. When will we have the winner?

Dunno, lol. Contest ends 23:00 according to the contest announcement.

No winner annoucement :expressionless: yet,it’s 4 August now.

Perhaps the Russian and English competitions are the same? If there is to be only one winner, they won’t announce it until after the 10th of August.


If, however, our competitions are separate and there is to be one winner for each contest, we should know the winner as soon as the judging can be completed. I wouldn’t expect them to rush through the judging process in less than 12 hours after submissions are finished.