Top Aerography Round 2 works and discussion

I feel like the Blackwood Logo should be segmented, like Aperture Science. After all, there’s already evidence that GLaDOS is being used as the operating system for their AI system. :005j:  

I like your new stickers Jasan. I wonder where does it come from. :004j:

Haha, I guess mine have no chance. I like simple things that people can see on my ship on death screen :smiley: Hope enough people will like it as well.
Very strong competition.

How about a repost?Loooool



Is that contest dead or something like that ?

I don’t play SC anymore, so in fact I won’t submit mine (would be unfair for players who still play). BUT HEY? WHERE IS THE RESULT ?





Deadline for entries of Round 2 : 31 October


on ship


So, do we have any updates?

Late as usual,last round was like this too.

Well, I attempted a very simple post in the Russian forums (in Russian) inquiring if they had any updates on the winners.


Thread was deleted without a response.


So I have absolutely no idea if they’re even planning to honor this contest anymore, or if they’re trying to sweep it under the rug and make us forget about it.  :fed003:


Seriously. They announced the winners of the ‘dress your pet’ contest faster than this…

Hello guys, we apologize for delay. We don’t forget about you we are just waiting for more contest participants.

Thank you for your understanding. 

We don’t forget about you we are just waiting for more contest participants. 




Thanks for the update. Glad to know the contest is still on.







I’m never going to win one of these contests…

Maybe the reason you’re not getting more participants is YOU TOLD EVERYONE IT ENDED!


I know English is your second language, but surely “the contest is over” means the same in Russian!

I got time :slight_smile: I’m gonna try to make one

Deadline for entries of Round 2 : 31 October


…we are just waiting for more contest participants.

Thank you for your understanding. 


[English Forum]

Congrats for the winner !


Wait. Nobody won.

WAIT. The contest isn’t closed 1 month after the deadline ?


Okey guys, pick random sticker on the first edition, and put them here.


“sigh” . So, nothing have changed in 3 month.

News post about this contest was never updated, so nobody knew that the deadline has changed.


Seriously though, this is getting silly; there was never any mention of a minimum number of entries required, and no serious attempt has been made to inform the community that the rules of the competition have changed.


As ever, lack of communication by the Devs is the problem.

Jasan, I think they don’t want to give you a reward.  004j.png


I might try to do one (and give it) if I have time for it.

Some idea Guys ? 


Something that don’t need those tiny icons from the game as model, because I tried and it’s a pain. And I don’t have SC anymore so I won’t download it for a sticker. xD

Jasan, I think they don’t want to give you a reward.  004j.png

Yeah. I doubt they’d ever give this sort of prize to me of all people. You have to suck up to them to warrant this.  :004j:


Also, if you don’t play then why are you entering? Especially for this. There’s potentially a lot of GS on the line, and there are players out there who want that. Hell, winning this and turning it into a steady income is pretty much the only way I’m ever going to get into Tier 5 properly, because I’ve had enough of grinding and the prices are just wrong. Just seems rather selfish to take part if you know you’ll never use the reward.

I never said that I’d submit something under my name.

I improved your sticker, don’t you remember ?

Maybe I’ll give some stickers to random guys, I don’t know.  005j.png


After all, if there’s nobody submiting stickers anymore, this contest will never end so you won’t have your GS. 

But don’t worry, I won’t take a reward that I won’t use.