Top Aerography Round 2 works and discussion

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So can we re-submit old designs if they didn’t win, or do we have to come up with new stuff from scratch?

I think it’s better if each of us who participated previously (and still want to participate) make something new.

So can we re-submit old designs if they didn’t win, or do we have to come up with new stuff from scratch?

Well, if your previous submit loosed, why not improving it a bit ?


Btw guys I have a good new. I asked Hwislter, and even if I won the previous one, I can still participate to this one. So be ready for my submit.  :01010:

Not got much in the way of programs or talent to work with, but I’ll throw the concept in for the hell of it.


Kill Count:


The practice of marking weapons or vehicles with kills made by the crew has been passed down through the millennia. Today, mercenaries who want to show their might adorn the hulls of their ships with records of their most bloody battles.


Edit: Image updated. Kudos to DestroyHer once again for his help.  :012j:

Not got much in the way of programs or talent to work with, but I’ll throw the concept in for the hell of it.




Hey! That’s not nice, picking on the fighters!


Why not make an ECM one? Everyone hates those guys.  :fed002:

Not got much in the way of programs or talent to work with, but I’ll throw the concept in for the hell of it.


Well, I doubt it will looks nice on a ship.

But if you want I might do it for you.

Well, I doubt it will looks nice on a ship.

But if you want I might do it for you.


I would do it myself, but I don’t want to rip off Jasan’s idea. I may be a pirate, but I try to be respectful.

Well, I doubt it will looks nice on a ship.

But if you want I might do it for you.

The offer is very much appreciated. If you did that we’d have to come up with a way to split the earnings if it won. :wink:

The offer is very much appreciated. If you did that we’d have to come up with a way to split the earnings if it won. :wink:

Don’t worry, just take the full reward if you win. I’ve already won the first contest.

It’s your idea.

So, where exactly do I submit ?

So, where exactly do I submit ?

Here. In this thread.


Post your In Game Name, your submission’s name, and the piece of artwork. There are some dimension regulations too, but I’ll let you look those up.

Don’t worry, just take the full reward if you win. I’ve already won the first contest.

It’s your idea.


Did you get any GS so far? I wonder if people liked the design enough to spend (a high amount of) GS on it. 

Would love to have this on my enemy’s death recap !
IGN : Mapoko

Edit : Would be nice to be transparent and opaque to the color of the hull part it is on.

Did you get any GS so far? I wonder if people liked the design enough to spend (a high amount of) GS on it.

Oh yeah.

Enough to buy at least 2 t1 premium before I took a break.

Between 4 and 46 GS per mail (r1 and r15 I suppose) (Btw, those mail don’t have a limited duration. After 2 week I can still take them).

Between 7 and 13 mails a day. Mails are usually 2-4 +4 GS, 3-5 +26 GS, and 2-4 between 35 and 46 GS.

The amount of mails is so hight. I fear that because I didn’t login for 2 week, when I’ll login today I’ll have 200+ mails.

I wonder what it would be with x 10 the amount of players.

It’s a really nice reward over the long term. Everybody here should do his best to win.

IGN: SoldiersFortune

Submission: “Blackwood Company Mk2”



Example Images [actual sticker background is transparent]:


  1. Sticker on Black test background



  1. Sticker on colors typically found on Star Conflict ships



The idea is that Blackwood Shipyard was overrun by an unknown force. So the new sticker design is burned off in places as well as battle-scarred.

Did some epicness for Jasan.


Ok, next !  :00555:


I’m working on my sticker now. 

IGN: SoldiersFortune

Submission: “Blackwood Company Mk2”

Direct Link:


Because the sticker is white on transparency, it won’t show up on the forum without a background other than white.


Example Images [actual sticker background is transparent]:


  1. Sticker on Black test background


  1. Sticker on colors typically found on Star Conflict ships



The idea is that Blackwood Shipyard was overrun by an unknown force. So the new sticker design is burned off in places as well as battle-scarred.


I don’t think it’s a good idea to make it half transparent. The “burnt” part is shown green over a green background, and it feel strange.

I would merge it with a black background to always have the stickers like shown in the first picture.

But it’s just my point of view. Great work !

Did they mention if they support alpha channels?


Btw. I think such an effect can only be done with alpha channel fade, otherwise you will see the color used to fade the other color.



I don’t think it’s a good idea to make it half transparent. The “burnt” part is shown green over a green background, and it feel strange.

I would merge it with a black background to always have the stickers like shown in the first picture.

But it’s just my point of view. Great work !


Agreed, It does not look burnt to me, it looks like the paint has wearn off. And that it does reflect on any material below correctly imho.

If it’s the black burn effect, then the black has to be mixed in and the alpha fade has to be used on the black “burns”.


And I agree also to it looking really neat.

I actually like the worn effect, on black it might look like burns, on other materials it looks like the paint has been torn.

Did they mention if they support alpha channels?


Btw. I think such an effect can only be done with alpha channel fade, otherwise you will see the color used to fade the other color.

Remember the big debate on the first edition about alpha layers ?

They never answer our questions about contest. So if we want an answer, we have to try.

And like I said in the first edition : There’s no stickers in-game with a true alpha channel. Only fully opaque or transparent. So I suppose that it’s not supported.



Agreed, It does not look burnt to me, it looks like the paint has wearn off. And that it does reflect on any material below correctly imho.

If it’s the black burn effect, then the black has to be mixed in and the alpha fade has to be used on the black “burns”.


And I agree also to it looking really neat.

I actually like the worn effect, on black it might look like burns, on other materials it looks like the paint has been torn.

I don’t think that if the paint has wearn off, it would do something like shown in this sticker. But well, you understood my point.