Tokenize epic drops

I believe everyone finds it frustrating when they get an epic drop that won’t fit in any build they are planning, or is the wrong tier. Therefore, I suggest dropping epic tokens that can be traded for the equivalent items, perhaps in a warehouse-like tab called “Research” (for example). So, instead of getting a specific item you get:


  • Experimental T3 weapon schematics.

  • Experimental T2 active module schematics.

  • Experimental T4 passive module schematics.

  • Experimental T3 weapon mod schematics.


and so on.


You can trade Experimental T3 weapon schematics for:

  • Any of the experimental T3 weapons.

  • Experimental T2 weapon schematics.


Benefits of this include:

  • Dumb luck is not as big a factor.

  • With some persistence anyone will eventually be able to make their dream build.

  • It lets people know that there are epic drops in the game and what epics exist.

Good idea.


Especially with the game trolling me with a purple EM hull resist mod and all that…  :stuck_out_tongue:

I could trade in that purple t1 item i never needed…


I like this idea, instead of pruples being random drops, having them being a research only avaible with these tokens sounds just tooo awesome, and i think trading these green and purple items should give one more “research points” then jsut money

Very good idea. Being able to trade in e.g 3 purple items of a previous tier for a higher tier token would also be nice.

I agree this is a good system, all the benefits you list make sense. My reservation with it is that having purples won’t be special anymore. They will just become the new end tier items. At the same time, however, the gap between purples and blues isn’t so great that it turns people who have full purples into unkillable powerhouses, so I don’t think there would be too big of a deal.

I agree this is a good system, all the benefits you list make sense. My reservation with it is that having purples won’t be special anymore. They will just become the new end tier items. At the same time, however, the gap between purples and blues isn’t so great that it turns people who have full purples into unkillable powerhouses, so I don’t think there would be too big of a deal.

Purples are still rather rare so I don’t see that as a problem

I don’t agree to this, this way you’d gear up too damn quickly. I like it random, thank you.

I don’t agree to this, this way you’d gear up too damn quickly. I like it random, thank you.



Purples are still rather rare so I don’t see that as a problem

A compromise would be tokens AND normal epic drops, with the tokens having something like 1/10 or 1/20 (please don’t take the numbers seriuosly, it something that needs to be blanced of course) chance of an epic drop.


Otherwise, with my 60 hours of gameplay i think i’d almost be full purple by now on my favourite ship, and that’s too fast imo.

A compromise would be tokens AND normal epic drops, with the tokens having something like 1/10 or 1/20 (please don’t take the numbers seriuosly, it something that needs to be blanced of course) chance of an epic drop.


Otherwise, with my 60 hours of gameplay i think i’d almost be full purple by now on my favourite ship, and that’s too fast imo.

Alternatively keep dropping the items as they are but introduce the item-to-token system with my previous example rate of 3.

The problem can simply be solved by a feature that virtually all other games that call themselves MMO has–player trading/trading board system.

I like the trade idea , i would like to see something similar to star trek on line even more , so to be able to store some drop for the corporation , to help new entry players , and the chance to Exchange to other players.

I think trade be this best way keeps epics super rare and allows people a easier time finding a epic they need.

The problem can simply be solved by a feature that virtually all other games that call themselves MMO has–player trading/trading board system.

I agree. That being said we don’t have one so a interim-solution that can be implemented easily might be nice.

I hate this trade ideea, this will become Diablo AH all over again. No drops you can actually use, just try to sell epics at huge prices and farm etc etc. No please, keep it simple…

I hate this trade ideea, this will become Diablo AH all over again. No drops you can actually use, just try to sell epics at huge prices and farm etc etc. No please, keep it simple…

except unlike in diablo we don’t have a crafting system, a giant amount of variable rares and real-world trading is not allowed.

Diablo’s crafting system was pretty useless, i don’t know how it is now. The AH wasn’t full of crafted items, it was full of drops. The purple ones were out of your reach anyway unless you weren’t farming and selling lots of other blue items on AH, and the blue items were pretty damned expensive, the important ones. Anyway, the main problem that LOTS of people complained about was that you couldn’t gear up from normal play, like all other Diablo games, you geared up only from the AH by selling other stuff in the AH. Alot of people viewed this as a problem, that took Diablo on a pretty steep fall. WoW for example, is another thing. In WoW AH there is ALOT of stuff to be sold and bought, crafting materials, foods, potions, also items, but it’s a complex economic system that is quite interesting, where you have to spend money on all sorts of stuff, pets, mounts, etc etc not only items. And i tend to compare this game more to Diablo, because the economic model would be really simple, specifically because there is not crafting/gathering…nothing complex, nowhere to spend money except other ship items.


But the heart of the problem was that because of the AH, and not wanting players to gear up to quickly, the drop rate of purple items at level 60 was VERY VERY VERY VERY small. I prefer to have a bigger drop rate so that i have fun gearing myself up, then a very low drop rate and staying on the AH interface all day long.

Diablo’s crafting system was pretty useless, i don’t know how it is now. The AH wasn’t full of crafted items, it was full of drops. The purple ones were out of your reach anyway unless you weren’t farming and selling lots of other blue items on AH, and the blue items were pretty damned expensive, the important ones. Anyway, the main problem that LOTS of people complained about was that you couldn’t gear up from normal play, like all other Diablo games, you geared up only from the AH by selling other stuff in the AH. Alot of people viewed this as a problem, that took Diablo on a pretty steep fall. WoW for example, is another thing. In WoW AH there is ALOT of stuff to be sold and bought, crafting materials, foods, potions, also items, but it’s a complex economic system that is quite interesting, where you have to spend money on all sorts of stuff, pets, mounts, etc etc not only items. And i tend to compare this game more to Diablo, because the economic model would be really simple, specifically because there is not crafting/gathering…nothing complex, nowhere to spend money except other ship items.


But the heart of the problem was that because of the AH, and not wanting players to gear up to quickly, the drop rate of purple items at level 60 was VERY VERY VERY VERY small. I prefer to have a bigger drop rate so that i have fun gearing myself up, then a very low drop rate and staying on the AH interface all day long.

WoW also had far more variable drops and way more micro-transactions. Stop comparing games that function on an entirely different basis to Star Conflict.


No one said anything about reducing drop rates.

I like this idea, seen games that have a similar system, giving you a type of token or currency to acquire unique items. Breaking items down to make tokens for a higher tier or mark item would sound a bit like the TF2 system of acquiring equipment that the player would prefer.

Epics will still be rare (they can even adjust the drop rate to account for the fact that you can choose what you get). It will also take you about 18 epic drops to fully equip a T4 ship. I doubt everyone will be running around in full purples any time soon, even if the tokens are implemented.