Toggle Settings Setting

Simply put, give us the option to have two sets of settings for different purposes, including two sets of key binds and two sets of general gameplay.


You can already do this can’t you?

Alternative keybind.

Considering that there is a shortcut for nearly everything, I don’t understand why.

You know, i was thinking today that many new shooter games have an “aim down sights” toggle option (you click once to aim down sights, click again to return to hip fire and normal view, instead of holding the click), and considering that SC has a lot of “hold the mouse for a long time to fire”, a toggle for firing would be really nice…ive already messed up one mouse for holding it way too much (with a bit extra pressur) and i think im starting to destroy my second one. Very few weapons would work bad in specific situations (like quick fire gauss), but for most of the weapons (and all the weapons i use), a toggle fire click would rock, specially for heavy blaster/meson to prevent loosing the spin up.

Like you can toggle auto-afterburner? Just for the weapon(autofire until you toggle it again/overheat)?

Like you can toggle auto-afterburner? Just for the weapon(autofire until you toggle it again/overheat)?

yes! :smiley:

But a toggle for weapons would be horrible on nearly everything that isn’t on a frigate/destroyer because of how dogfights works.

Even with a gauss canon, it’d be a problem when you want fast shoot.