Three New Weapon Types for T5

Tachyon*, Neutron*, Anti-matter*.  *Introduced at Tier 5.


Tachyon would be a sub-class of Laser weapons unlocked via Empire contracts. They would mix Thermal (75%) and Kenetic (25%) damage. Fire Tachyon particles at extreme speeds. Low damage, High ROF. Unlike lasers, these would have actual projectiles.


Neutron would be a sub-class of Electro-Magnetic weapons unlocked via Federation contracts. They would mix EM (75%) and Thermal (25%) damage. Fire Neutron particles at moderate to slow speeds. Moderate damage, Moderate ROF.


Anti-matter would be a sub-class of Kenetic weapons unlocked via Jericho contracts. They would mix Kenetic (75%) and EM (25%) damage. Fire shells with Anti-matter warheads at moderate speeds. High damage, Low ROF.

Suggestions for Specific Weapons under New Damage Types:




Vulcan Cannon

DPS: 330

ROF: 650

Range: 2000-3000

Projectile Speed: 3800

Spread: 0.4-2.0


Pretty much the closest thing to a Gatling gun Star Conflict will ever have. Nasty up close, but not very effective at range. Devastating against hull.


Tachyon Beam

DPS: 400

ROF: 450

Range: 3000-5000

Projectile Speed: 3000

Spread: 0.1-0.4


Moderate range weapon firing single bolts of Tachyon energy. More comparable to a full-auto sniper rifle than an assault rifle. Very unfriendly to hull.




Sapper Cannon

DPS: 300

ROF: 300

Range: 2000-3500

Projectile Speed: 3000

Spread: 0.5-1.7


Similar to the Assault Plasma, but with slightly more damage to hull.


Particle Ionizer

DPS: 365

ROF: 250

Range: 1500-2000

Projectile Speed: 2500

Spread: 0.1-0.8


Think full-auto, short-range Hail plasma with more hull damage.





DPS: 400

ROF: 100

Range: 2000-3000

Projectile Speed: 2500

Spread: 0.5-1.0


Similar to Assault Railguns but much slower firerate. Deadly against hull, but also deals moderate damage against shields.


Matter Driver

DPS: 450

ROF: 50

Range: 4000-6000

Projectile Speed: 3000

Spread: 0.0-0.5


Upgrade to Stabilized Railguns. Fires slow-moving anti-matter tipped rounds at extreme range. Punches through heavily armored targets with ease. Also effective against lightly shielded targets.

We will have a major weapon rework for all Tiers in some time.

We will have a major weapon rework for all Tiers in some time.


For some reason that makes me extremely optimistic that my idea may be implemented…

All I can do is hope…

We will have a major weapon rework for all Tiers in some time.


Why does that fill me with dread? I’m seriously scared that Frigates will be limited to using heavy weapons or Empire, Jericho, and Federation ships will only be able to mount their respective weapon types.


Please don’t go altering things that aren’t broken again. If you want to add more guns, great. If you’re going to change existing weapons, that’s a big no-no.

Why does that fill me with dread? I’m seriously scared that Frigates will be limited to using heavy weapons or Empire, Jericho, and Federation ships will only be able to mount their respective weapon types.


Please don’t go altering things that aren’t broken again. If you want to add more guns, great. If you’re going to change existing weapons, that’s a big no-no.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.