Thoughts on the game

Hey guys, i’ve been playing for a week now and i am having a great time with the game.

Tough i have some ideas i think it’s worth sharing with you, so here it goes:


1.Things to add:


1.1- I think thre should be a way to block people on the chat. I’m really tired of those trolls who keep spamming “HOW TO SEL SHIPS?!” or stuff like that, and if i could right click their names on the chat and ignore (similar to what you can do on the “raiderz” rpg game) it would be a relief.


1.2- I have some dummy friends who need to be told 10x what tipe of ship to use on the match (T1,T2,etc). It might be a good thing to add on the squad window something that points out what type of game you are going to join based on the shiptypes currently selected. For example, if everyone on the squad is using only T1 ships and someone has a T2 selected, the squad window could point out that he should switch into T1 or the other into T2, otherwise the team is gonna be owned on the match.


1.3- I’ve read somewhere that you are not planning to add a player trade feature, but i ask you reconsider! A player trade would be a good thing, specially to give more value to loot. I say that because looting something usable is a rare thing, and when that item is somethig you don’t plan on using it is kind of frustrating, but if we could trade those with friends, i’m sure it would be way more rewarding.


1.4- (please note that this one might be completely wrong due to my lack of experience with corporations) I’m planning on creating a corp soon when i buy some “cash”, tough i am concerned with corp upgrade option… You need “galactic standards” to create a corporation, but do you also need more of those to upgrade it in order to have more members? If that is the case, i think there should be some “bank” feature where corp members could deposit an ammount they want to help the corp leader on upgrading it. That way you still get peole to buy the galactic standards, and no one needs to rob a bank in order to have a 100 member corp.


2. Game balance (T1 and T2)


2.1- The sniper frigates (empire) are overpowered IMO. 2 well coordinated pilots flying 2 of those can take out a bunch of enemies both at long and short range (and by “a bunch” i mean dozens). I think the special module itself is strong but acceptable since most maps have a lot of asteroids/objects people can use to avoid being hit. What concerns me is the massive ammount of HP they have, making it REALLY hard to take down those, even at close range. As an interceptor i can waste all my 6 rockets and a lot of hits on them and if they have a friend nearby it is impossible to breach their hull into critical levels (even by themself sometimes they inflict so much damage on me that i find myself forced to disengage in order to stay alive). Some might ask if i am dumb and stay still while shooting them, and to those i say: NO, i spin around the frigate like a freaking space monkey and even so they manage to get some hard hits on me. PLS nerf.


2.2- The plasma web makes me sad. When i read “web” i thought “Cool! There is a special ability that slows the enemy down, really awesome for a ceptor!”… well, no need to say how disapointed i was when i discovered it actually causes xxxx damage with huge cooldown. I really think that it should honor its name and diseable the target’s engine, much more fun :smiley:


2.3- When it comes to game modes, i find they all really fun and balanced. I just think that on the EMP mode, whoever is carrying the EMP should always be visible on the radar to the oposite team just as the commander does on the combat reconnaissance mode.


That’s it for now, i apologise if something i said here has already been discussed somewhere on the forum, but i don’t really have much time to browse the topics (and i’ve been paying for only a week now), but i hope you guys find some of this usefull.

Best regards.

just a heads up from your senior here (from t1 to t3 right now, within 2-3days)

t3 pacing and playstyle and xxxx is alot different


just a heads up from your senior here (from t1 to t3 right now, within 2-3days)

t3 pacing and playstyle and xxxx is alot different



No need to caps lock bro, i can read :slight_smile:

Don’t worry i am far away from rage quitting, just looking forward to a better balance of the game. And what do you think of my suggestions? Could you please contribute with your thoughts or are you here only to (try)troll?


Btw i am glad that you managed to hop into a T3 within 3 days! Hopefully someone will give you a medal.


i am trollz but i am just giving yo a heads up because i entered t3 with t2 mind set and me and my butt bro got utterly trashed (even thou we owned in t2)

There is a block function (unfortunately not with mouse right click). Down right skull icon (that is the friend list and block list too)


“You need “galactic standards” to create a corporation, but do you also need more of those to upgrade it in order to have more members?”

There is a post somewhere in the forum that tells how much each upgrade, but shortly: yes, you nedd gold for upgrade too.