This just in


What paint is that omg.

sir, your reactor seems to be leaking gaydiation everywhere…



i love it

It’s perfect!

Everyone is dreaming of having their own space pony, how did you get yours?

*Heavy Breathing* What her name?

We’re doomed…


The only thing that would make that better are purple polka-dots

Needs a Hello Kitty aerography.

My new ‘Blue Angel’ Spark:



V7Gjygb.jpg B2H0zCe.jpg


And my new trophy Peregrine:

qm6J6qj.jpg SU1kXaV.jpg

+1000000 to Blue Angel Spark.

Dangerously fabulous/10

[_terrorblade](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243375-terrorblade/)

aaaaaaaaaa!! Pika-Pika!


[DarthDirk_](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240327-darthdirk-/)

Blue Angel’ Spark is amazing!

This was mine:


Too bad I could not keep it.

Too bad I could not keep it.

With that color anybody could spot you on any distance on any map.

With that color anybody could spot you on any distance on any map.

I doubt it. It was so bright and sparkling, all that have looked at it would have gone blind in an instant. 



They used to sell those in the back of magazines.

Obligatory, and not sure why it wasn’t done sooner:


