Thermoactive weapon lowest range why?

So I got not too long ago my hands on the Tyrant and something keeps bugging me


Its dedicated weapon get the lowest range of all weapon (using albatross implant + horizon) at 5.5km when the default weapons (non upgraded) gets 6.5km for coilgun, 6.8km for meson and 6.2 for Halo and alien weapon


Now I understand it gets higher crit chance as heat goes up but does that really justify ~20% less base range? I can barely get in range before I already lost my shields and I worked the shield resistance up to 40% for all damage types

The Tyrant is meant as a more close-range brawler, so slightly lower range makes sense. Though because it has no dedicated close-range counter to attackers this makes it rather hard to use properly.

When i try Horizon Modules, it give me this ?   ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)  




What you talking about, I got 7155m range before +15% range from Spatial Stabilizer.

1 hour ago, Milfeulle said:



What you talking about, I got 7155m range before +15% range from Spatial Stabilizer.

How many Horizons are you using o.O

7 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

How many Horizons are you using o.O

2 I guess


But which weapon is better  [Thermoactive weapon 15] or [Vacuum resonance laser 15]?

The thermoactive is the most powerful weapon in the game and no one knows how to use it…

It break my heart ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

Well I can’t really put 2 horizon module or I loose the only + the gun has, crit damage/chance otherwise I gotta ditch the weapon cooling wich allow to sustain that sweet 70% crit chance for longer periods to add a third computer slot

6 hours ago, avarshina said:

2 I guess


But which weapon is better  [Thermoactive weapon 15] or [Vacuum resonance laser 15]?

[Thermoactive weapon 15]


The other is junk

19 minutes ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

The other is junk



Spend 10,000 gs try it for yourself.

15 minutes ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

Spend 10,000 gs try it for yourself.

Meaning you can not formulate why it is bad, meaning that your own capabilities might be the sole reason for the weapon being bad?

2 hours ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

[Thermoactive weapon 15]


The other is junk

Just an idea, but maybe you could test in a custom match. Hmmmm, sounds like work. I’ll just argue with kosty. That’s more useful!


Dude’s so argumentative his picture is next to the word in the dictionary.


I am not sure which r14 dessy to build Jeri or Empire - based on weapons above, i wouldtake jeri but i think empire r14 might be better - unsure…


2 minutes ago, avarshina said:

I am not sure which r14 dessy to build Jeri or Empire - based on weapons above, i wouldtake jeri but i think empire r14 might be better - unsure…


Jerry close range, empire long range. Pick your play style simple as that ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Thermoactive weapon is powerful because it gives you critical chance depending the heat.

Not gonna go deep to detail, but like the isotope harvester, the vacuum resonance laser dont do enough damage compared to other weapons.

Think about it like this, how times have you been killed by it? That to me is the reason neither is not worth the cost the trade gougers are asking for it. 


But you are gonna be Krusty, so no matter what I say you are just gonna pour salt, because you didn’t say it.

3 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Meaning you can not formulate why it is bad, meaning that your own capabilities might be the sole reason for the weapon being bad?


9 hours ago, Foxtrot39 said:

Well I can’t really put 2 horizon module or I loose the only + the gun has, crit damage/chance otherwise I gotta ditch the weapon cooling wich allow to sustain that sweet 70% crit chance for longer periods to add a third computer slot

Why making a gun into something its not meant for? If you want more range use coilgun, it also has better proyectile speed. Focus on the strong points of this gun: high dps and dmg per shot and high crit chance. Considering its range is low, proyectile speed not so good, deals enough dmg when spread is at full…makes it a weapon for medium-close ranges. But as redfox stated above, tyrant aint very good for closer quarters as other ships (like sirius…but you also got extra dmg at close ranges if you fly in dessie); tyrant aint very fast, cant place many engine slots for mobility without sacrificing more important features (like survability), shields go better at longer ranges (since you can take cover and regen), etc. If some of its features were implenented into sirius, the ship would be way better.

5 hours ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

Not gonna go deep to detail, but like the isotope harvester, the vacuum resonance laser dont do enough damage compared to other weapons.

Think about it like this, how times have you been killed by it? That to me is the reason neither is not worth the cost the trade gougers are asking for it. 


But you are gonna be Krusty, so no matter what I say you are just gonna pour salt, because you didn’t say it.


  1. Weapon does not have to collect kills to be a good weapon

  2. Vigi Lazor is a great weapon

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

  1. Weapon does not have to collect kills to be a good weapon

  2. Vigi Lazor is a great weapon

Maybe for you, because you are op asf and a sore winner.