Thermal Energy Burner - OP

Damage build.


Critical(No energy 4 u build)


Range(Rekt at LR feather build)


So I ask… wat? Too OP. Loki can BREAK this gun. 


Its useful for dem crazy dps npcs in ariadne lel

The Flamberge can get use this alongside the new bullet speed active mod. Figure out why this is OP AF.

1 minute ago, Scar6 said:

The Flamberge can get use this alongside the new bullet speed active mod. Figure out why this is OP AF.


4 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

The Flamberge can get use this alongside the new bullet speed active mod. Figure out why this is OP AF.

As can the Loki with on CPU slot more. The weapon is already really strong on the Aura

I managed to kill the Defiler in Leviathan using this on Excalibur, spoiler, he drops nothing, not even a container that gives 5k credits, he was pretty easy to kill honestly in comparison with the Hunters and Predators he is pretty tame.

you make it sound like no gun ever could kill the defiler


now its true, the gun is too strong and has no downside, especially compared to what you have on the command

with a bit of timing, the weapon speed module can counteract its slowdown on the rank 12 goldens


definitely needs a nerf for the long run.


but cmon, how is this comparable to the thrakt early release? or the taikin death weapons? or generally the alien ship mobility meta? which is even still in the game?

to be honest, with some other stuff still broken in the game, i dunno if it deserves the “OP” title so easily

and its actually the mildest xmas op weapon yet, especially compared to true-damage-autoaim scatter madness


can’t help but the liquidator on the other hand seems to have okay stats but feels totally useless.

It’s pretty strong with commands that can do crits. Unfortunately those are mostly premiums (dragonfly, loki, excalibur), with the exception of saw-one

Without crits it’s less appealing since you can only really do full dps to frigs and destroyers.


nerf to damage should help

I think the biggest properties that need reducing on Thermal burner are Crit DMG and Base Range.

The biggest roflstomp comes on Loki with a huge amount of crits, and you get to equip mass charge accumulator, plus you can equip curved reflector and still have same distance as most Fighter weapons.


I used it on PromX, DragonFly, Loki, Excalibur and out of all only on Loki it felt like lololo poor peasants. PromX doesn’t really have crits, on DragonFly it was a tad too much but if nerfed by the range and crit dmg it would almost be in line. Excalibur is a wet tissue paper command and out of all the prems never really felt offensive, so with this gun it was easily farming the newer guys, but when went vs above average players, it felt like a huge struggle flying Excalibur even with this gun, and I was constantly wishing I had something else, even Aura+Assault railguns, And Excalibur does not really have access to the “better” unique command equipment. 



Someone put here a picture of rank 17 Thermal Energy Burner full upgraded without any implants bonuses, ship bonuses and modifiers bonuses?

All you need to know is u can reach 8k dps as if you were a destro with mesons, its helpful with those npcs outside elly for the daily xenos but in pvp its over powered, tapping hits never miss inties and slow hits decimate anything slower than that.

okay loki crit build is hilarious.


maybe it should only burn energy on crit and scale that with crit%, no real crit damage


even tho i have around the hours in commands that some dedicated people spent in gunships, so not everyone might be so happy with it, and it does depend on population / enemies. thargas still outdamage you by far, and the mobility they have makes them still the better pick imho for the average killing spree; aswell as their weapons, since they can reach just about the same damage (however by no means over the same range)


that being said, range could be reduced by some 20%.


it is very effective against wazgots and destroyers.


addendum: after a few games, i must say, it might be quite occasional. stronger players in the enemy team / lots of elly ships quickly deny the shenanigans. I expect, mediocre and lower skilled players who get good teams assigned by MM will dominate easier with this weapon, so the whole issue is still exaggerated and subjective.

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

tapping hits never miss inties and slow hits decimate anything slower than that.

“never misses” intys with 10km projectile? LOL

Try 100 km/s

5 hours ago, _terrorblade said:

“never misses” intys with 10km projectile? LOL

I just couldn’t miss ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I have to say that all the butt hurt over energy burner loki builds is a little bit too much. I’ve mained Loki for a little bit and I put together as powerful a build as I could with the energy burner. Now I’m a mediocre player and despite several co-op, pve and pvp battles I didn’t find that all of a sudden I effortlessly went toe to toe with superior players and ships. Now I do agree that the range is a little silly, but with careful precision it’s difficult to hit from max range. So you have to close in anyway. Like g4Borg said, any op or roflstomping with this gun is immediately slapped down by other solidly in place roflstomp builds. Really the Energy burner just gives more power back to the regular ships. So whilst there can be some tweaks, like removing it’s ability to counter snipe LRFs, it’s no where near the “Omg so op nerf nerf nerf, I always die” reaction is uncalled for. And I must also call attention to the fact that this is only the first class of ship to receive an overhaul. So when all the other ships receive their own energy burner level weapon, the perceived “overpowered-ness”  will disappear. Not only that, but as Kostyan pointed out, the only ship that can max out the Burner’s power is the Loki. One. Single. Ship. 

56 minutes ago, WolfInnocence said:

Really the Energy burner just gives more power back to the regular ships Premium commands.

FTFY ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

1 hour ago, _terrorblade said:

FTFY ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Despite the fact that Spartacus, Prometheus X, and Aura are some of the primary command types and Dragonfly, Excalibur, Loki are the only real candidates for premium. And also discounting the fact that by the words of a veteran player Excalibur doesn’t really fit on the list ether. And given that of course the Loki is the topic of discussion, being the only ship the burner could be too op on. And the Dragonfly just being there. No, silly me, premium ships are the only ones that benefit from these weapons.


Im really sad when i see that lot of veteran players came back to game only for exploiting new not balanced weapon.

18 minutes ago, MuflonUrsrs said:

Im really sad when i see that lot of veteran players came back to game only for exploiting new not balanced weapon.

![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)


its winter, most players come back at this time of year for a while


also, there are enough already broken mechanics in the game. this gun ain’t the biggest deal.