Thermal Energy Burner - OP

You think this gun is broken? Have you seen what tacklers are going to get?

I am waiting for the Engi updates!!!

Here is game on Loki, I did not play the game for a while, so this is my attempt at getting my xxxx back together. Even though I did score on top, Saw One was not far off and a guy on the enemy team on Mjolnir was not too far off either.


So, as I said earlier some range and crit dmg cuts will make it pretty much in line with the rest of the game.

And yeah, brace yourself, other roles are coming soon.


The best thing about this weapon is the high projectile speed and regular dps, we need more weapons with this particular combination.

This gun is bonkers. What were the devs thinking? ‘Lets give it 7k dps massive energy drain, fast projectiles, low spread and mount it on ships that can use Valkyrie and Mass Charge Accelerator. Because Balance.’

44 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

This gun is bonkers. What were the devs thinking? ‘Lets give it 7k dps massive energy drain, fast projectiles, low spread and mount it on ships that can use Valkyrie and Mass Charge Accelerator. Because Balance.’


7k damage if you fire for 10 minutes straight and cut range down to 3000m. Energy drain only if you dedicate all your cpu to infarred scanner so that you actually crit on occasion. Fast projectiles? Not if you want any decent damage. Also, what would be a better ship to put it on? Gunships? Now that’d be op. 

The range on that thing shouldn’t be even half of what it is, and damage could use some reduction too.

14 hours ago, WolfInnocence said:


7k damage if you fire for 10 minutes straight and cut range down to 3000m. Energy drain only if you dedicate all your cpu to infarred scanner so that you actually crit on occasion. Fast projectiles? Not if you want any decent damage. Also, what would be a better ship to put it on? Gunships? Now that’d be op. 

Many ships that use this already have +10% crit. Bringing it up to max damage takes a third of the heat cycle, not minutes. Bullets go decently fast with Mass Charge Accelerator while still dealing 7k+ dps. 

Even the lowest damage shots outperform Assault railguns!


anything outperforms assault railguns.

23 minutes ago, g4borg said:

anything outperforms assault railguns.

Actually no. AR is my way to go against coop ellydium ships on tackler.

10 minutes ago, niripas said:

Actually no. AR is my way to go against coop ellydium ships on tackler.

anything outperforms niripas.

Actually no, there is you

I think this was an attempt to make a command fighter weapon meant to counter other commands, except it ended up countering pretty much everything (in good hand of course). Just lower its damage and range by 10% and it should be cool

3 hours ago, g4borg said:

anything outperforms niripas.

Sure. Pity that the scoreboard says otherwise.

5 hours ago, g4borg said:

anything outperforms assault railguns.

What is wrong with assault rail? 

13 hours ago, xKostyan said:

What is wrong with assault rail? 

there is nothing “wrong” with it. i like assault rails.

but i dont see it used a lot in pvp, which is kinda understandable, since as soon as your enemy fixes its kinetic hole, dps suffers

and suddenly all the nice numbers go down, leaving you only with the cosy comfort, that kinetic guns still get more kills statistically.

but other weapons actually gain performance over the paper, through their dynamics


14 hours ago, niripas said:

Sure. Pity that the scoreboard says otherwise.

you should care less about those numbers. cmon.



anyway, the thermal gun is definitely, after a few days of playing it, nerfable in many ways. i just hope they dont nerf it in *every* aspect.

also took out the aura with it, on the aura it felt kinda meh. that ship does not have the mobility, even if does have the facetime for 1 kill.

and mobility currently has to be maxed just to be able to partake in r15.


i really like the weapon, since its constantly challenging to aim a bit less with the aim marker, but more by “feeling”.

so mechanically its one of the most enjoyable weapons. which is just my personal taste.

so even in matches, where my damage was not all too high, and i did not get lots of kills, which is a bit situational to happen, i enjoyed playing it, and i do love the loki anyway.

still, while i was sure it performed well on damage, it wont give you constant 20 kill stats, like the early thrakt.


i probably would have played it just as much, with less damage and no critical extra effects, simply because of the nice middle ground of ROF and damage.


i agree, on the loki, its op currently, and i am pretty sure, they will nerf it anyway.

will try to play different ships now, that i discovered rank restrictions lifted. even if its hard since the loki feels so well as an allrounder.


but to be honest, the overmobility of alien ships should be nerfed just as well.

close range weapons deal with the loki quite fast, (maybe even assault rails) just as any attention actually, so there is an antidote.

i dont see the games flooding with lokis / thermal burners either.


2 hours ago, g4borg said:

there is nothing “wrong” with it. i like assault rails.

but i dont see it used a lot in pvp, which is kinda understandable, since as soon as your enemy fixes its kinetic hole, dps suffers

and suddenly all the nice numbers go down, leaving you only with the cosy comfort, that kinetic guns still get more kills statistically.

but other weapons actually gain performance over the paper, through their dynamics


you should care less about those numbers. cmon.



anyway, the thermal gun is definitely, after a few days of playing it, nerfable in many ways. i just hope they dont nerf it in *every* aspect.

also took out the aura with it, on the aura it felt kinda meh. that ship does not have the mobility, even if does have the facetime for 1 kill.

and mobility currently has to be maxed just to be able to partake in r15.


i really like the weapon, since its constantly challenging to aim a bit less with the aim marker, but more by “feeling”.

so mechanically its one of the most enjoyable weapons. which is just my personal taste.

so even in matches, where my damage was not all too high, and i did not get lots of kills, which is a bit situational to happen, i enjoyed playing it, and i do love the loki anyway.

still, while i was sure it performed well on damage, it wont give you constant 20 kill stats, like the early thrakt.


i probably would have played it just as much, with less damage and no critical extra effects, simply because of the nice middle ground of ROF and damage.


i agree, on the loki, its op currently, and i am pretty sure, they will nerf it anyway.

will try to play different ships now, that i discovered rank restrictions lifted. even if its hard since the loki feels so well as an allrounder.


but to be honest, the overmobility of alien ships should be nerfed just as well.

close range weapons deal with the loki quite fast, (maybe even assault rails) just as any attention actually, so there is an antidote.

i dont see the games flooding with lokis / thermal burners either.


Imo it is also op on the Aura, I had a couple of rounds with it and the weapon was far stronger then a Phaser.

1 hour ago, John161 said:

was far stronger then a Phaser.

mhhhhm, i did miss my phaser tho, even if the damage of course is higher once you are ignored, i kinda wanted to switch back

tho, lets be honest, phaser is also not the most uber performant “dammage” weapon, just terribly comfortable on a slow fat knight like the aura


the whole intermediary damage phase, where you spool up the thermal burner damage is a lot harder on the more sluggish ship, while getting ambushed is still easier to counter with the phaser bubbles, which gives you the alpha immediately. the loki on the other hand can give you the mobility, and the cpu to boost the crit


i’ll try it again, but imho it was a lot more balanced on the aura, and probably also got through testing because of that. (trying serious face)


i still find the energy burning being influenced / tunable by crit chance / amount, and instead removing actual crit damage from the weapon might just do the trick, giving it opportunities for raw curved damage, range or energy burn builds. because without crits, the weapon is a lot less potent.

and while i find most of the discussion is around its damage performance, the whole energy burning is an extra effect that just pushes it totally over the top - but could be useful. (i was always asking for more energy meta)

On 28/12/2017 at 3:21 AM, g4borg said:

there is nothing “wrong” with it. i like assault rails.

but i dont see it used a lot in pvp, which is kinda understandable, since as soon as your enemy fixes its kinetic hole, dps suffers

and suddenly all the nice numbers go down, leaving you only with the cosy comfort, that kinetic guns still get more kills statistically.

but other weapons actually gain performance over the paper, through their dynamics


I kinda wanted to argue about this, but then i remebered that gunships and their stuff come soon, so it would pe pointless or somewhat irrelevant   ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)