The Workshop - Better Organization Methods

Screenshot 1: More organization is always better than less, saving you time.

Example:        We all know the Alphabet, right?



Screenshot 2: Same weapons of different ranks should be not be separated by another weapon, but should be sorted in the same order.

Example:        Thi’Lith Beam 9, Thi’Lith Beam 12 and Thi’Lith Beam 15, etc.




Please, sort all of the items in the Workshop alphabetically from A-Z and from lowest to highest rank, if the Any option is selected, when showing all weapons available!

Also, sort them based on rarity. Common first, then rare, then very rare.

In other language clients do the items have different names?

For example in hungarian, we held the english names.

CinnamonFake, will this be done anytime soon?

I never payed any attention to it but now that you’re talking about it. It’s common sense.

Any info on this?

I would really like this to be implemented.

It feels like a maze, going through the Workshop now!

Any official news? [@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/)

This is increasingly important as more and more new items are being added to this game.  Please implement, I don’t think it would be too hard to slip into a patch.

Xelavian is so right! And think of the importance to find and decide on tradeable items, too.

Also: the selection - specific to a type - would be good, I mean for example: blue prints are another category than modules, weapons obviously!

This is important, but no one cares, it seems.


I guess we are just basket of deplorables.


Like I said it before, sort if out alphabetically, and based on rarity. Common items first, then rare, then very rare.