The WolfPack - A New Beginning

This announcement is both one of the hardest and saddest as well as the most exciting and important I could make to the diplomatic community. Those familiar with the diplomatic landscape of Star Conflict, and the relative skill level of each corporation, will understand the depth and impact of the decisions involved here.

So without further ado, I can announce that The WolfPack and NASA will merge into one corporation, starting immediately. We expect this process to be completed within a number of days.

This decision did not come lightly to any of the involved parties. It came after thorough evaluation of the current player base, the activity levels following recent patches (which has sapped the motivation of many core players within the community as a whole) as well as the potential impact that this decision has for our position among the current corporations within the community. Unknown to the community and even many of our own members, the officers of both corporations a few weeks ago signed an alliance treaty with a full set of terms describing a level of close cooperation and interaction between both corporations. Our intention was to ensure our members benefit from each other in terms of skill and activity. The merger is an extension of this idea and takes it a step further, providing more tangible benefits in the form of the same tag, a unified effort towards sectors, and shared communications in the form of corporation chat, Teamspeak (although we already shared TS access), etc.

Essentially we are strengthening our position of power together and ensuring that we go from being the best 2 corporations on the English side of the community to the undisputed number 1, period. Whilst this may sound like a bold claim, those familiar with the pilots in both The WolfPack and NASA should know that this is a statement that simply rings true.

So what’s happening now?

We’re going through the process of merging all our resources and transferring members of The WolfPack to NASA. I myself will take a position among the NASA officer team and primarily look out for the EU side of the corporation. The process of merging all our resources will take a few days and some smaller details possibly a bit longer. But soon, you’ll see familiar faces flying together with the same tag, unified by their desire for victory.

Does this signal the end for The WolfPack? No. For most of us, the pack is more than just a tag. It’s a play style, a feeling, a community. Whilst we may change tag, we will not shed our identity or ideology. We will share this with our brethren in NASA and together we will become an unstoppable force. Or, we will die trying.

So whilst this is a sad day, at the same time it is a day that will be remembered by us as the day we came together, to build something great.

Hear, hear. The Empire has a new powerhouse.


Welcome aboard, my brothers-in-arms.


Welcome, indeed. I look forward to working ever more closely with you and your men. -Kingfisher

That’s one small step for WPK and NASA, a giant leap for the Empire


I look forward to being locked more often :slight_smile:

Signed and excited to have you guys with us. I think we make a great match, been waiting for this day, welcome aboard!

Does that mean All WPK signatures need to be made into NASA signature but with a little asterisk saying “Former WPK member” or are we working on that? 


Also, this means that the Sweet rolls of NASA and the Beer of WPK are now one. Thus we are gonna get drunk off Sweet rolls! 


All joking aside, I thought it was just a mutual alliance, now…I dont know whats happening now, but everyone else is now gonna target us more. COME AT ME BROS! 

So you are now officially my new officer Evil, I play on the EU times so we will have a great time together :smiley:

Does that mean All WPK signatures need to be made into NASA signature but with a little asterisk saying “Former WPK member” or are we working on that? 


Also, this means that the Sweet rolls of NASA and the Beer of WPK are now one. Thus we are gonna get drunk off Sweet rolls! 


All joking aside, I thought it was just a mutual alliance, now…I dont know whats happening now, but everyone else is now gonna target us more. COME AT ME BROS! 

Don’t forget my bacon :smiley:


I dont know what to say…

Im a bit sad tbh. WPK was an outstanding corp. socially as in combat. I will really miss them. 

Still, I hope that all those great players and characters find a good home @ NASA. 

If it helps your motivation Im all with you. 

Good Luck Guys and Gals!


I dont know what to say…

Im a bit sad tbh. WPK was an outstanding corp. socially as in combat. I will really miss them. 

Still, I hope that all those great players and characters find a good home @ NASA. 

If it helps your motivation Im all with you. 

Good Luck Guys and Gals!

No one is taking those great identities away :slight_smile: the only thing that will change is the Corp tag, that awesome bunch that WPK is known by is not going anywhere and i am looking forward to fight side by side with them


I dont know what to say…

Im a bit sad tbh. WPK was an outstanding corp. socially as in combat. I will really miss them. 


Thank you for your words, Zap. As an ‘outsider’ it’s nice to hear such an opinion. We are not going anywhere though, we just kick arse together with our friends and allies, under the same roof.


Whilst we might not wear the tag, the WPK spirit remains and will live on inside NASA.


Everyone else: Thank you, really. all you people are exactly why this decision was taken - to provide you with the best possible platform to find skilled, active players and conquer the universe.

Sad and exciting at the same time.


The Owls hoot in unison, as your brothers and sister at arms in the Empire



JP better be slaving away doing double time making those sweet rolls for all the new members! Welcome aboard!

came over to give this a thumbs up.


a good move for both corporations involved.


o7 WPK


\o/ NASA

That’s one small step for WPK and NASA, a giant leap for the Empire



I look forward to being locked more often :slight_smile:


+1 to these ^^^^


Welcome aboard Evil and all WPK members! 

Bit sad to see [WPK] go.  It was good, in a weird way, to go into a match and see that tag, and know that I’ve got a buddy even if we’re not in a squad.  Or if they’re on the other team, a worthy person to put into space :taunt: .  There’s just one thing that comes to my mind:

Sad to hear , but exciting new beginning … thanks to you guys I learned bout the whole teamspeak thingamajig, have fun

Anything that means I get to fly alongside the Wolfpack more often is a good thing in my books! Welcome to New Aerospace Sweetroll Administration!  :good:


Whilst we might not wear the tag, the WPK spirit remains and will live on inside NASA.



Thats good to hear. 

I wonder what this might have an impact on NASA… Im sure it´ll be positive (even if SemTex failed to kill my LRF yesterday, coincidence?  :taunt: )

Just wondering where I should go now, if i feel to nag you guys on audio… 

You can also visit me on Mumble, btw. :slight_smile:

We remain on the same teamspeak :slight_smile: