The Secret Society Is Recruiting

Can I join?

username:  xanderale54

I’d like to join. i have xp in star con.

My user: skyfire247

Hi iPixelate interrested in joining ur Corp, have been online gaming for many years and played EVE for about 5yrs. Looking for a relaxing but interresting game experience. I do not have a mic at the moment but I am sure it would not take long to get one.

I  am in game everyday and wipe the PVE 1-3 with my eyes closed but cant seem to get my ships right for the other levels, need to be in a team before I get space sickness and find myself heading for a black hole never to return.


My in game name is Drakconus, hope to hear from you soon.

New recruit steps out of his lynx, looks around and takes a huge breath! Then has a look of total beffudlement. "What do I do now?l

Hey all new to game, but it has me quite interested…more of a live guy but willing to learn PvP. If ya taking on fresh meat green recruits… I am your fodder!