The RandomMan

Original idea and creation: Maximum997

“Approximate (well, not even close)” Translation: xKostyan

Grammar check: Google Chrome

DVmHgZf.jpg bpif9vS.jpg MlfFYdC.jpg rEC3lV3.jpg

As RandomMan would say “Screw grammar”

The grammar seems to follow spoken language, so whatever.


I sort of like the painless one.  Between the time where engineers with heals were normal to me giving up on finding an engineer and fitting hull heals, I had to do this.  Shields up but hull gone?  Go kill, carefully.

Nice one!

This is too funny… +1


This is the best thing ever.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, i saw myself when i started this game.  LOOOOOOL

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, i saw myself when i started this game.  LOOOOOOL

I once hit below 900 DSR.  Now I’m at the low end of 1400.  How do you think I feel?

This earns my seal of approval.



Yeah, Max sure outdid himself ))

The RandomMan is a hero. But ofcourse we have a villain! Prepare yourself!

Those good old days, MWarping to the captain, only to encounter two ECM and being jammed to oblivion, before I could use Parasitic + mine in the typical T2 guard as always…



The RandomMan is a hero. But ofcourse we have a villain! Prepare yourself!


Really? Now Im excited to see the villain!

Really? Now Im excited to see the villain!

There is a Russian premiere already :slight_smile: Unfortunately i have not even came up with proper name for a translation :(((

There is a Russian premiere already :slight_smile: Unfortunately i have not even came up with proper name for a translation :(((

English is poor :frowning:

English is poor :frowning:

Poor english of a poor englishmen is even poorer  :01515:

There is a Russian premiere already :slight_smile: Unfortunately i have not even came up with proper name for a translation :(((


Google translate says: History evil or man-nagibatorom!

There is a Russian premiere already :slight_smile: Unfortunately i have not even came up with proper name for a translation :(((


Can you describe the meaning of the Name?


Maybe the Russian to German would help?  Since he used pictures, those stay Russian.


I’m wondering about pedo bear…