The most heavily armed and armored are...snipers?

Kryptic, I do those killing runs solo. Having a wingman IS QED. And I was wondering why people kept dropping gates recently whenever I hit them.


QED means “proves the point”. I use it in response to the smug frigate who states how easily he kills an interceptor, I’m not sure how you use it.


It is QED because it proves the point. A frigate with all it’s range advantages, should be at a disadvantage if someone takes the time to engage them in close combat. These should be large disadvantages, but currently they are not. These threads are going to keep coming because (some) people understand


BIG ADVANTAGE - small disadvantage =/= Balanced

  1. What? The maps are not empty space? A sniper frigate cannot fire non-stop at target because of rocks, asteroids etc… It does not contribute to his team 100% of the time needed for you to get to him…


  1. Ton of weaponry? But it the frigate is sniping, he ll probably not see you coming in his six. And then as a fighter you ll get 4 weapons against his two weapons (he have 6 only on forward side). Plus you probably have some disabling modules and more rockets than a frigates have. Now just don’t come to the frigate head-on… Use modules to disable his engines, modules or weapons…


  1. Same as 1. A frigate sitting in the spawn does nothing for his team since he cannot defend points, cannot take points, and mostly won’t fire at anything because of poor line of sight, and can’t buff people out of the range of his buff modules. This only happens in tier 1 with nubs trying the sniping ability.


  1. Same answer as in 3. A frigate camping his spawn does nothing for his team at all, except for scaring other nubs…


I myself use a Empire frigate. Like the guy above me I also use engine jammer, pulsar and mines, i do good against clueless people, but some fighters that are good are destroying me in less than 10 seconds, despite having 17k hull and about 100 resist on all 3 damage areas.

They know how to handle frigates. But I admit at the moment, only a few pilots know how to defeat a frigate that quickly, most of the people are still at the stage of asking silly questions on general chat instead of trying to find tactics ingame…



Your arguments are pretty invalid since you’re basicly pointing out that we should just ignore frigates since “a sniper frigate cannot fire non-stop at target because of rocks, asteroids etc”. 

If you ignore them, you die.

When you don’t, you’ll end up getting killed by their fighters, interceptors or you just can’t focus enough on the objectives.

I am honestly confused…

1 fighter or intercepted can take out a sniper easy.

So because the sniper has range it able to attack more the 1 target? So all the other ships can only attack 1 ship at a time? What? That’s AL ships…

Please think before you post silly statements like this.

I usually take down multiple snipers solo in my interceptor? T2 using a Dwarf 2.

I usually take down multiple snipers solo in my interceptor? T2 using a Dwarf 2.

But…Snipers are OP man!! You are clearly hacking :wink:

Ok “Mr Frigates are Invincible” Kryptic/Glaphon, post your build. My suspicions are that you messed up your ship build and are now trying to pass the blame to the developers.


Bazeleel, it’s called the Skillz hack.


And just finished “Finishing off the Support” for the 4th time. That is 20 frigates dead.


Obviously OPed.

I play Empire and Fed frigates at tier 9 and they are far from being op, in fact at this level they are sitting ducks. If you want to play support at dogfight range you’ll be screwed by too much debuffs and toasted in no time by fighters and inty, if you want to be a sniper you’ll barely help your team with the occasional shot allowed by obstacles and fast moving light ships. 

I am honestly confused…

1 fighter or intercepted can take out a sniper easy.

So because the sniper has range it able to attack more the 1 target? So all the other ships can only attack 1 ship at a time? What? That’s AL ships…

Please think before you post silly statements like this.


I think you were confused by what he was saying. Now keep in mind right now I am talking about T1 and if I am not mistaken so is he.) Range of sniper 12000 range on my weapons on any ship Half that AT MOST. so while you and your inty buddy are flying towards me. I could possibly take down or injure one of you. thus when you get in range are either easier to kill OR he burned through energy/mods and are at a disadvantage against me. As the other guy pointed out at this point i can damage you and (I am again only in T! so I am not sure what Tier this is at) warpgate off and finish you with a sniper shot. Oh you have way to get back to me, that’s fine maybe I warped to allies? Maybe there’s a trap? Or maybe I just kept you busy so that you, in your fast agile ship, cant cap points that I wouldn’t be able to cap anyway since i’m in a huge slow frig thus helping my team anyway.


P.S. All of my play time has been spent at T1 (Even though I have access to T2) so this is about my experience to T1 play.  If it gets better in T2 or T3+ then great but that doesn’t me it shouldn’t be balanced for T1 play aswell.

Yes guys, we all understand that one frigate is easy pickings for a fighter or interceptor. But they usually are sitting in spawn, surrounded by several other frigs and people spawning in. Not to mention their absolutely xxxx shield and hull tanks, and point blank AOE capability.


But I get it, you must be bad if you get instagibbed by the sniper blob that’s been massacring your team by raining constant torps/snipes onto your control points.

Well the bright side is if he is constantly blindly firing into the beacons, he is going to rack up an impressive friendly fire score , that is one of the biggest complaints at higher levels, both sides just flooding the area with torps and killing their own teammates.


Digital, blobbing is why if you want to do a lightning raid, you do it in a pack, not solo. And people blobbing on the spawn sniping are almost certain to lose the match in terms of capturing beacons. Detonation, not so much, the HE rain might be enough to keep people away.


Tell me. When you try to kill a sniper or blob, how do you approach them?

Just checking in to say that QED is a Latin abbreviation that translates, literally, to “that which was to be demonstrated”. 


Good hunting everyone, and remember, knowledge is power!

It’s becoming more funny if you happen to play camping mode.


Combat Reconnaissance vs. 6 frigates with support moduls and constant range shooting with their captain in the middle, getting repaired all the time. Yeah good luck with that.

Varonth, seen it, also seen a beautiful counter. 3 fighters/interceptors from the corp SKY warping into the middle of the formation and tearing the Captain to pieces in 3 seconds. Beautiful piece of work.


Kadaeux, you mean Que Ergo Demonstratum. Think I typoed it though. Long time since I seen it used, in the old days, maths problems that you solved for homework had to be signed off that way to show you completed the proof, but that was 30? 40? years ago under the British education system.

It’s becoming more funny if you happen to play camping mode.


Combat Reconnaissance vs. 6 frigates with support moduls and constant range shooting with their captain in the middle, getting repaired all the time. Yeah good luck with that.


They’re all working together at a that point. IF you have 6 people with you as well and you’re all working together as they are, it shouldn’t be a problem. The problem with that scenario is not the frigates, but the organization and teamwork employed by the enemy team.



Varonth, seen it, also seen a beautiful counter. 3 fighters/interceptors from the corp SKY warping into the middle of the formation and tearing the Captain to pieces in 3 seconds. Beautiful piece of work.


Kadaeux, you mean Que Ergo Demonstratum. Think I typoed it though. Long time since I seen it used, in the old days, maths problems that you solved for homework had to be signed off that way to show you completed the proof, but that was 30? 40? years ago under the British education system.



Yes, that was what I was speaking of.

They’re all working together at a that point. IF you have 6 people with you as well and you’re all working together as they are, it shouldn’t be a problem. The problem with that scenario is not the frigates, but the organization and teamwork employed by the enemy team.


No it is just a bunch of random players playing frigates. There is no actual teamwork there. Not a clan or something. It’s just what is happening because it is the most efficient way to play. Camp with alot of other in your spawn.

They won’t die as easy, which means, less repair.



Varonth, seen it, also seen a beautiful counter. 3 fighters/interceptors from the corp SKY warping into the middle of the formation and tearing the Captain to pieces in 3 seconds. Beautiful piece of work.


Kadaeux, you mean Que Ergo Demonstratum. Think I typoed it though. Long time since I seen it used, in the old days, maths problems that you solved for homework had to be signed off that way to show you completed the proof, but that was 30? 40? years ago under the British education system.


You should see the same thing with a jericho interceptor pressing F and having emergency shields :wink:

But…Snipers are OP man!! You are clearly hacking :wink:

Not at all.

Well the bright side is if he is constantly blindly firing into the beacons, he is going to rack up an impressive friendly fire score , that is one of the biggest complaints at higher levels, both sides just flooding the area with torps and killing their own teammates.


Digital, blobbing is why if you want to do a lightning raid, you do it in a pack, not solo. And people blobbing on the spawn sniping are almost certain to lose the match in terms of capturing beacons. Detonation, not so much, the HE rain might be enough to keep people away.


Tell me. When you try to kill a sniper or blob, how do you approach them?


I approach snipers from below or above, and simultaneously from behind with my wingman. I would love to find a team that is coordinated enough to go after the enemy spawn en masse but no one ever talks in my matches.

I approach snipers from below or above, and simultaneously from behind with my wingman. I would love to find a team that is coordinated enough to go after the enemy spawn en masse but no one ever talks in my matches.

^^^^^^This right here, even with a friend of mine playing (just got him involved) he’s the only person even attempting to do anything resembling teamwork. Hell I get hit with friendly torps often, I was calling out my target on coms after I got him playing and I was incredibly surprised he aborted his torp to not hit me (driving it away from my inter). After the surprise wore off I thanked him and his response was “Why are you thanking me, I’m your support. I should take precautios ot not hit you, it’s just common sense.”

I actively try avoiding team damage in my Jericho frig(when I actually play it).

First off it hurts your teams ability to win, and it also can usually be averted into other enemies to still be useful.

Only clause to this is combat recon, if hitting teammate means I ensure enemy cap twin dies, I will.