The most heavily armed and armored are...snipers?

Hi - I’ve just started playing this game and love how sleek and fun it is. One thing that is driving me crazy are the snipers in this game. Maybe I am just a (BAD PLAYER)  who knows nothing, but it seems to me that having the toughest and most heavily armed ships also be the snipers is well…a little silly. Like how in the world did this ever make it into the game silly.


I mean - we are not talking about snipers that are just annoying, these are extremely deadly ships that also happen to have enough traditional firepower to melt anyone who comes to challenge them. If they find themselves outclasses it’s ok they can just tank the attacker until a friendly spawn comes along to help them out, since they are camping at spawn anyway. Seriously WTF.

Yup, this is why I think I’m gonna switch from Fed frigates to Empire.

Frigates are easy to kill when you circle them as they have bad turn rates. Never fly had on at a frigate.

Manoeuvrability!!  NONE of the frigates can out-turn the two lighter ships, and in a close quarters fight they are totally outmatched.  That heavy armour is to ensure that the sniper frigates aren’t one-shotting each other from across the map.


Try to get over the traditional “high damage - low armour” mantra that dominates most games, this is one of those games where agility and speed are actually viable means of survival (a lot like EVE if you’ve ever played it).


You want to kill Frigates? try this…


Take an empire fighter, the overdrive ability will give you extra speed and fire-power  whilst it’s activated you can easily avoid their fire thanks to your superior agility.  When you get close you need to slow right down and park yourself behind them.  This will take a bit of getting used to, but once you’ve got it down you get to watch them flounder as you burn your remaining overdrive pummelling them from behind.  Recommended weaponry?  Once you get to T2 assault lasers with a microwave mod and a damage mod make a good weapon for this, as you can use the microwave mod to strip the shields and then switch back to straight damage to burn the hull.


Once you get the hang of this you can be in and out before the frigate’s allies even know you’re there…

I really do not approve of the Empire frigates. Sure they’re slow maneuvering, but they’re impossible to kill before another enemy sees you and guns you down unless the enemies are braindead or their frigates are REALLY far out of the battle. This on top of already going out of your way to hunt them down instead of the 5 fighters/interceptors swarming whatever objective is in play. Unless I’m missing some tactic, sneaking up on them with an interceptor or cloak fighter doesn’t get rid of them before dieing to other fighters.

If you get killed by a sniper, you´re doing it wrong, simple as that!


You see the “infrared target beam” when they aim at you. Just start dancing. At least 50% of the snipes will miss, in most cases way more!

Don´t ever be immobile. Just don´t, it kills you.

Use rocks, beacons and other stuff as cover as often as you can. You can almost always hide behind something so they can´t snipe you.

Use these tactics to get close and behind the frig and start the fun. They just can´t do anything against you. Try not to get too close though, some may be able to slow you and do a DoT. Avoid that.

Don´t complain and try to find the mistake on YOUR side of the screen. In most cases, it´s the right side!

Don´t complain and try to find the mistake on YOUR side of the screen. In most cases, it´s the right side!


I mainly fly interceptors and I’ve been pegged plenty of times weaving or dogfighting with other ships around objectives. It’s annoying dieing randomly to their hitscan beam, but it’s worse having to abandon objectives and hunt them only to die because they can tank you(even in Offensive fighters) until an ally spawns beside them and drives you off. There’s a lot wrong with the ship, but skill fighting them ain’t one of them.


I’ve only played Tier 1 in Arcade and Regular so far, but they’re awful to fight against in a lot of situations.

Interceptors are best used to fast capture beacons and assassinate commanders at T1, they don’t really have the punch to get through to frigates and you don’t have the modules you get in later tiers that allow you to be properly dangerous.  I haven’t used them that much, but interceptors don’t really seem that well suited to sustained combat, sometimes the best you can hope for is to fly by a target and strip their shields and then get an assist once your team finishes him off.

Yes I understand that they are less maneuverable. I understand that you are supposed to get behind them. However, even if you do this perfectly you are still at a disadvantage:


1- You must have flown over to the camper which takes a lot of time, during this time you are not contributing to your team. The sniper is contributing to their team this entire time

2- Once you reach the frigate they are not defenseless. They have a ton of weaponry and will hurt you too

3- Even if the frigate is bad and you are killing him no problem the odds that another enemy will come along and kill you before you can kill the frigate is extremely high because you are sitting in the enemies spawn

4- Even if you kill the frigate and none of his friends came along to help him  you are still by yourself away from your team contributing nothing and surrounded by enemies

Empire Frigate’s pilote here.

Interceptors and fighters can cause a lot of trouble but mine field + pulsar + propulsion inhibitor can help deal with them.

I love the empire ship design and the lore but I hate my frigate’s sniper abillity because it locks me in place + i have this ugly scope and can’t see my fabulous ship, moreover the ship dosen’t even have a cannon it shoots these lazers out of nowhere. Also while i am waiting for a perfect shot i don’t help my team with the objective, and having such tankynes is wasted sitting at the spawn and not being in front lines.

All in all, I hope my Empire frigate’s abillity will get changed, maybe not completely changed but some parts of it

Yes I understand that they are less maneuverable. I understand that you are supposed to get behind them. However, even if you do this perfectly you are still at a disadvantage:


1- You must have flown over to the camper which takes a lot of time, during this time you are not contributing to your team. The sniper is contributing to their team this entire time

2- Once you reach the frigate they are not defenseless. They have a ton of weaponry and will hurt you too

3- Even if the frigate is bad and you are killing him no problem the odds that another enemy will come along and kill you before you can kill the frigate is extremely high because you are sitting in the enemies spawn

4- Even if you kill the frigate and none of his friends came along to help him  you are still by yourself away from your team contributing nothing and surrounded by enemies


  1. What? The maps are not empty space? A sniper frigate cannot fire non-stop at target because of rocks, asteroids etc… It does not contribute to his team 100% of the time needed for you to get to him…


  1. Ton of weaponry? But it the frigate is sniping, he ll probably not see you coming in his six. And then as a fighter you ll get 4 weapons against his two weapons (he have 6 only on forward side). Plus you probably have some disabling modules and more rockets than a frigates have. Now just don’t come to the frigate head-on… Use modules to disable his engines, modules or weapons…


  1. Same as 1. A frigate sitting in the spawn does nothing for his team since he cannot defend points, cannot take points, and mostly won’t fire at anything because of poor line of sight, and can’t buff people out of the range of his buff modules. This only happens in tier 1 with nubs trying the sniping ability.


  1. Same answer as in 3. A frigate camping his spawn does nothing for his team at all, except for scaring other nubs…


I myself use a Empire frigate. Like the guy above me I also use engine jammer, pulsar and mines, i do good against clueless people, but some fighters that are good are destroying me in less than 10 seconds, despite having 17k hull and about 100 resist on all 3 damage areas.

They know how to handle frigates. But I admit at the moment, only a few pilots know how to defeat a frigate that quickly, most of the people are still at the stage of asking silly questions on general chat instead of trying to find tactics ingame…

You must be flying in different maps than I. 2-3 snipers sitting at spawn makes 80% of the map no mans land.


Already I can see this is a problem that needs some consideration when frigate users say they are fine and non-frigate users say they are not.


e: Oh wait I forgot about the guided missile ships…is there really an argument about how they can’t hit anything they want to?


e2: Oh hey look a 4 page thread with people all complaining about how the desintegrator is OP i guess it must be totally fine!

If it’s that hard to learn how to take down a sniping frigate, it needs to be that hard for the frigate to snipe.


All that I see i s a thread with you whining about it, and people telling you how to deal with it, but you are completely ingnoring them and you keep on repeating false arguments like frigates being invincible in a dogfight or frigates being able to snipe all across the map…


If it’s that hard to learn how to take down a sniping frigate, it needs to be that hard for the frigate to snipe. 


It is. Unless you re flying absolutely straight, completely ignoring the guy sniping you, it is hard to shoot someone based on trajectory predictions whith ship having such a low mass…


Btw, the sniper gun got a 1500 DPS in tier 4 for example, which means a frigates does way more damage with lasers than it does with the sniper ability. Not even talking about sniper dps versus railguns or plasma guns on same said frigate…

People can take down a frigate in a few seconds. Just don’t fly head on to the frigate in a straight manner, doesn’t seem hard to me…

All that I see i s a thread with you whining about it, and people telling you how to deal with it, but you are completely ingnoring them and you keep on repeating false arguments like frigates being invincible in a dogfight or frigates being able to snipe all across the map…



It is. Unless you re flying absolutely straight, completely ignoring the guy sniping you, it is hard to shoot someone based on trajectory predictions whith ship having such a low mass…


Btw, the sniper gun got a 1500 DPS in tier 4 for example, which means a frigates does way more damage with lasers than it does with the sniper ability. Not even talking about sniper dps versus railguns or plasma guns on same said frigate…

People can take down a frigate in a few seconds. Just don’t fly head on to the frigate in a straight manner, doesn’t seem hard to me…

This guy is angry about space ships

All that I see i s a thread with you whining about it, and people telling you how to deal with it, but you are completely ingnoring them and you keep on repeating false arguments like frigates being invincible in a dogfight or frigates being able to snipe all across the map…



It is. Unless you re flying absolutely straight, completely ignoring the guy sniping you, it is hard to shoot someone based on trajectory predictions whith ship having such a low mass…


Btw, the sniper gun got a 1500 DPS in tier 4 for example, which means a frigates does way more damage with lasers than it does with the sniper ability. Not even talking about sniper dps versus railguns or plasma guns on same said frigate…

People can take down a frigate in a few seconds. Just don’t fly head on to the frigate in a straight manner, doesn’t seem hard to me…

All I see is a guy that doesn’t understand how something like this isn’t fun for all players. There’s a time when its l2p and there’s a time when it’s to blame the game. 


The Disentigrator SHOULD force the enemy to have to adjust their flight to compensate for a second gun tailing them, but NOT net all kinds of kills because the flyer can’t maintain a constant counter flight pattern because of the number of beams that need to be consistently dodged. 

The Disentigrator SHOULD force the enemy to have to adjust their flight to compensate for a second gun tailing them, but NOT net all kinds of kills because the flyer can’t maintain a constant counter flight pattern because of the number of beams that need to be consistently dodged.

That I agree with. Slowing the projectile in tier 1 might solve this. Of course slowing it too much would make it useless, but just enough will teach players to dodge. A skill that they will need in later tiers, and a longer lead forces snipers to use more… Skill dare I say.

So here’s my perspective.  I fly Federation fighters pretty much all the time, and feel pretty confident in them, but not much else, so this is from that perspective.  I’ve ventured a bit into T2, but mainly still T1.


In T1 at least, its rarely a good idea to go after frigates by yourself.  You want to stay together as much as possible.  2 fighters on 1 frigate can absolutely wreck them in a very short time.  Otherwise you just don’t have this offense at this tier to kill them easily by yourself.  It can be done, but it just takes a while.  Basically, if you are trying to solo hunt frigates, you’re not playing your position.  They’re just a nuisance really, and they’ll get some kills, but if you keep moving and use cover, they remain mostly a nuisance.  Federation gets a cloak that can break lock which is handy as well.


I can accept that at higher tiers, fighters and interceptors may get more tricks to burn them down.  

Ok just got my harpy. I’m a bad sniper in most other games, and this is just ridiculously easy. I even get a firing solution. It’s one thing when you have an environment to hide from sniping (avoid long corridors) but for the most part this is space with lots of space. And not a lot of hiding positions. More importantly no safe approach to any camper. 

I am playing a Fed Frigatte and Fighter and i agree that snipes can be a pain in the xxxx, if you are not near a asteroid to hide behind. They can kill you before you are near any cover, i think the desintegrator should do more damage but shouldnt be able to shoot this fast. A Sniper is a sniper, over this distance this gun should take its time to power up and not fire like a slow machine gun.


it is not that hard to evade them, especially with cloak and an eye on cover but sometimes you cant take cover and then they are really annoying with their fast sustained fire.