The most heavily armed and armored are...snipers?

Frigates need a rework. You have fed frigates that are useless, and emp and jeri frigates that are only good because they are sniping platforms. If you want to play a frigate you are forced to be a sniper. They are also very weak, they die really fast to certain people - yes most people don’t seem to be able to kill them as fast but that’s just because they don’t know what they are doing yet, frigates shouldn’t be balanced around the idea that most people are idiots.

Frigates seem to have this support theme but they cant get in and support with out being shredded instantly. Id say remove the sniping weapons (and drones, since drones seem to suck), replace all three with some sort of super support ability, then make frigates a LOT more durable, and faster (but still not very maneuverable). Their job then is to escort groups of fighters and provide buffs and utility.

You could even remove control of their turrets. Make them auto target with a key to direct them, then give the frigate pilot a bunch of different support abilities and resource management they have to do while keeping an eye on the fight and positioning themselves optimally for best use of their buffs and abilities.

This would make flying a frigate more like commanding a frigate and less like flying some sort of huge and impractical fighter.

I don’t understand how on earth you can kill a frigate fast. Yes if you flank them you avoid their damage but it’s not that what is bothering me.

the problem is:

  • spawn area where they mostly sit and others respawn just in time to help them.

  • Snipers Frigates are never alone since alot use them.They’ll cover eachother.

  • Frigates have insane amounts of HP think i’ve seen some with 30k hull HP my 500dps gun isn’t working on it. overheating is also a problem.

Not buying a none-overheating gun because i have to click my mouse xx-times in T3.


Frigates should look more like the federation once support your smaller fighters in the battle, Like the warpgate/buffs added long-range dmg. When i say added long range damage i’m talking about lasers doing 200dps at a range of 5000m.(goodluck leading a long-ranged rail-plasmagun i can’t)


Anyway tell me your secret to kill one fast because i’m almost using 4 rockets , overheating 2 times my plasma guns which i switch to kinetic damage when the shield is finally down only to see him respawn in 20sec and i’m out of rockets for the rest of the battle.

And ye i’m playing federation my ship doesn’t have a 20sec damage boost, only a 20sec get behind the frigate invisibility

A “Random Spawn TDM Mode” contained in a sphere with asteroids/space stations could eliminate the camping at their dedicated spawn-site.


Regardless, Fed Frigates suck.  Either give them ‘sniper drones’ or do something to balance it out.  I chose Fed [blindly because you aren’t given the option to test out ships before play] if you couldn’t tell.

Whilst I don’t really have any problem dealing with frigates, I confess I’m starting to get annoyed at the sheer number of people using them as long range snipers/artillery and not for their other myriad uses.  Seems like every time I like at the chat, some idiot is asking “Wich is best snipr guyz?”.  Whilst they are pretty tough, a well equipped fighter can easily mash them without missiles, but when half the team is using a combo of Jericho and Empire frigates all clumped together in one spot there’s not a lot you can do to hurt them.


That said, as someone else pointed out earlier, this tactic actually does more harm than good to their team effort, on combat recon they can form a near unbreakable defence which will take a combined team effort to take down (which is a bit difficult without a squad :D) but on other modes they can be easily out-manoeuvred for a quick victory.  Once you get to know the maps it’s fairly simple to stay out of their LoS.


Fly smart people…

I think when they buff rail guns, they should make it so that they literally 3 shot frigates.  Hell keep the same crap damage against other ships for all I care.


8 frigates camping at the spawn with their captain?  No problem, everyone switch to their rail gun ship and wipe them all out.



I mainly fly interceptors and I’ve been pegged plenty of times weaving or dogfighting with other ships around objectives. It’s annoying dieing randomly to their hitscan beam, but it’s worse having to abandon objectives and hunt them only to die because they can tank you(even in Offensive fighters) until an ally spawns beside them and drives you off. There’s a lot wrong with the ship, but skill fighting them ain’t one of them.


I’ve only played Tier 1 in Arcade and Regular so far, but they’re awful to fight against in a lot of situations.

a good attack ship DESTROYE’S!!! my fully tanked acid hydra in LESS then 10 seconds while i cannot lay a SINGLE(1) shot on him.

i am 100% depending on my team to get him of me or i am a gonna…


saying “randomly dies to” is fcking bs, have some basic map awareness, you know ± where their snipers are laying, keep out of LOS! or stop flying in predictable lines, believe it or not you need to be within 5km of the sniper for him to have a decent change hitting you if you constantly switch flypath(meaning you actually do something to avoid getting hit).


the support ships are there too SUPPORT their team in the fight, if you fight in open fields and dont have support ships to help you, then you should die becouse you got outplayed and outsmarted by the composition of the enemy team.


same if you try to attack head on with only attack/interceptors and no command modules vs well rounded teams with command modules, then you should get destroyed! becouse of the team combo is sooo much better.


i generally dont think neither snipers nor torps is an issue when i am in an interceptor they simply dont hit you 95% of the time, and if they wasted shot on you PERFECT! thats HIGH dmg shots which should have been supporting their teammates in the fight vs brawler frigs/attack ships.


generally as a sniper i never shoot at good intercept pilots or REALLY good attack pilots unless there is nothing else to shoot at, simply just becouse you miss too many shots due to how insanely slowly your projectile move and if they change direction constantly then its pure luck when you hit.

I think when they buff rail guns, they should make it so that they literally 3 shot frigates.  Hell keep the same crap damage against other ships for all I care.


8 frigates camping at the spawn with their captain?  No problem, everyone switch to their rail gun ship and wipe them all out.



properly one of the most xxxx things i have heard -.- maybe L2P!! instead and actually use the correct ships, if they are in 8 frigs, bring 5 offensive attackships and 3 command ships and utterly raped them (equelly good players the frigs would die sooo fast its not even funny and they would MAYBE get 2-4 ships killed at best)

Why is this an issue with the Empire Frigs/Disin in general?  What about the Jericho Frig/Guided Missile?  Those things can fly around cover and have a huge AOE.  


The answer seems to be based around and current game arenas where each system is strong.  The guided missile has a shorter range, but is great for beacon suppression, whereas the sniper is perfect for punishing people that don’t stick to cover.  Sorry to say it folks, you brawl out in the open, you deserve to be sniped, with a few exceptions.  On some of the maps, there are beacons out in the open that simply don’t have any cover on their approach, but they really are few and far between.  Anyone here play on the ice field map yet?  Snipers are pretty much worthless there, very little line of sight to work with and way too many blind spots to be sneaked up on.


A lot of the complaining I’m seeing is built around certain factors of the game that need to be adjusted rather than the ship or special ability.  For instance, T1 ships simply don’t have the tools to deal with them effectively or are currently unfavored for ECM/Suppression modules.  For example, who here has used a stasis ECM module on a Frig to mop the floor with him?  They do exist in T1 but are rare.  What about Empire Inty’s micro-warp drive to get across the map and start harassing them?  What about the Fed Fighter cloak if you find that you’re vulnerable to snipe.  Most ships have at least access to some of the tools listed here.


In T2 the tools at your disposal are even better, there’s even modules like a warp gate that help you get across the map in short order, even frigates using them can get across the map quickly.


Finally, even failing all of the above, just do a 3 dimensional serpentine (this is done by pitching your ship in a circle motion as you approach whatever destination you’re headed towards).  This maneuver throws off the firing solution prediction and makes sniping difficult as you have to now rely to the target camera PoV to lead your target accurately.


As for dealing Pulsar and Minefield, that’s T2+ in which you have to understand what you’re fighting.  Pulsar is thermal, so stacking resists against that helps if you can’t avoid the 1100m range (rather dubious if you ask me since even pulse lasers reach out to 1500 in T2).  Minefields seem to be under used atm, so they’re typically less likely to be used, but even so.  You can see the mines and “should” know that they have an activation range of 410m, so it’s really only a punisher for those that are spatially unaware.  Also, use torps, that’s what they’re there for after all.  ECM suppression works wonders, which turns the frigate into a giant helpless pinata.  By T4 you have enough counters and “hopefully” enough experience to deal with a frigate effectively.  Most frigates I’ve seen in the later tiers actually end up requiring cover support from smaller ships to deal with inty’s and fighters.

saying “randomly dies to” is fcking bs, have some basic map awareness, you know ± where their snipers are laying, keep out of LOS! or stop flying in predictable lines, believe it or not you need to be within 5km of the sniper for him to have a decent change hitting you if you constantly switch flypath(meaning you actually do something to avoid getting hit).


I’m not sure how you play, but snipers will bring objective-based matches to a crawl. Worst is T1 where fighters can’t finish off a sniper clump before their allies will turn on you before you can finish off any of them. This also brings up the whole “ignoring the objective so you can kill sniper #4832 so he’s gone for 30 seconds” instead of going for the objective.


There is still the issue of random death because of not seeing the laser sight until after the shot is taken and you explode, a lot of maps lacking debris/asteroids in the middle and being able to shut down objectives from across the map.

I see a lot of people mentions “tools to deal with frigates” but to me I just don’t see it. For inty’s you have smart bombs, for fighters the frig can put on a tank, mines, stasis, there is a counter for every counter. Except for the sniper sitting there and shutting down the open ground for which there is NO COUNTER. Flying 30s+ just to go have a FAIR FIGHT with a sniper is ridiculous.


Awesome ranged weapons, Huge HP, Significant standard weapons to brawl with

This should be pick 2 but instead frigates get it all

The point is, if you’re flying 30+ seconds to fight a sniper one on one, you’re not playing your position, and you are hurting your team.  Fight them with a group.  Its not that hard.  Just stay in the fight with your team, don’t let them take you out of the game.

Yes fight them as a team what a great idea! So:


1 Sniper requires multiple people to deal with it? (TRUE)

1 Sniper can attack multiple people due to it’s range (TRUE)


So basically 1 sniper is worth multiple other people?

All I use is the frigate and all you have to do to take me out is come at me with 2 of the smaller ships and I am toast. 1 interceptor might get me given he knows what he is doing.


However hope to god my warpgate isnt charged otherwise if I have 1 interceptor to deal with I will damage him at close quarters then pop out a gate and go through, Turn on my disintagrator and finish him off.

All I use is the frigate and all you have to do to take me out is come at me with 2 of the smaller ships and I am toast. 1 interceptor might get me given he knows what he is doing.


However hope to god my warpgate isnt charged otherwise if I have 1 interceptor to deal with I will damage him at close quarters then pop out a gate and go through, Turn on my disintagrator and finish him off.

Thank you for such an eloquent QED

Kryptic, I do those killing runs solo. Having a wingman IS QED. And I was wondering why people kept dropping gates recently whenever I hit them.

Keep playing, you’ll realize that snipers aren’t more OP than anything else as you learn how to fly.

I think Cryptic’s ship may have been misconfigured. For example the E-Barrier I mentioned would give you 3 seconds of invincibility to get to cover and heal, add that to Phase Modulator invisibility (4.5 sec) and you actually have 7-8 sec of time to hide, not to mention it actually takes 2-3 hits to down shields and hull to the point where the barrier activates, so it would take ~15 sec to kill you. Lots of time to get lost.

yes the big heavily armed heavily armored ships are strong. and HEAVY they can’t turn for crap so get up their butts and take them out. Ignore them. and they are going to do what big ships do destroy you wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. they are strong because they are the easiest ship to take down once you learn how.

Again sniper are very easy to kill. They cant snipe across the map, range is only 12000.

They have poor turning and can’t see anything other then what’s in their scope so use that.

Hide behind stuff, zig-zag around.

These threads have got to stop! Either learn how to counter them and learn how to use the 3D battlefield or stop posting QQing threads.

Yes fight them as a team what a great idea! So:

1 Sniper requires multiple people to deal with it? (TRUE)

1 Sniper can attack multiple people due to it’s range (TRUE)

So basically 1 sniper is worth multiple other people?

I am honestly confused…

1 fighter or intercepted can take out a sniper easy.

So because the sniper has range it able to attack more the 1 target? So all the other ships can only attack 1 ship at a time? What? That’s AL ships…

Please think before you post silly statements like this.