The Meltdown [Missile]

Name: Meltdown

Type: Heavy Nuclear Missile

Ranks: 9-15

Damage(Missile): 7,100 Thermal

Damage(Blob): 18,335 Thermal per second

Blob radius: 400m

Meltdown time: 2 seconds

Flight speed: 1,450m/s

Maximum range: 7,650m

Recharge: 11 seconds

Charges in cartridge: 2

Cartridge reload time: 100s

Tooltip: A massive nuclear missile is launched that will melt down after 2 seconds in to a large blob of extremely deadly radioactive material. It will continue to travel through any structure and ship until it reaches its maximum range. If the missile hits a ship or structure before melting down it will simply explode.

The “Blob” is actually called a “Radiation Cloud”,be more sophisticated!

The “Blob” is actually called a “Radiation Cloud”,be more sophisticated!

No, it’s a blob. Can’t you read? Xp

No, it’s a blob. Can’t you read? Xp

ITS A RADIATION CLOUD!at least that is what is written on the tooltip of the “tactical” nuke,so that is more cannon than a “blob”.

It will continue to travel through any structure

I belive this feature will not make it. About the whole idea - may be interesting if not being OP.