The M.A.R.V.E.L. gun

A weapon for interceptors capable of accumulating charge, deals thermal damage, the more charge it gets the higher the damage, projectile speed, spread and recoil will be.

MARVEL is an acronym for Magnetically Accelerated Railgun of Varying Energy Levels (its not the best but at least it makes some sense)

Not sure on its stats, but it would be nice to have a chargeable weapon with thermal damage for interceptors to act as a counterpart for the Gauss and Positron cannons.

Fox, is that you?

No, why is the grind in this game so hard?

3 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

No, why is the grind in this game so hard?

No its not :confused:

Id use it but only if max charge recoil sent me flying backwards at 2837m/s.