The Herlever [Ship]

Name: Herlever

Type: Engineering Frigate

Rank: 14 Crafted Premium

Slots: 1 Engine, 3 Capacitor, 2 Shield, 2 Hull, 1 CPU

Special Module: Revival Chamber: Passively heals allies within the bay at a rate of 90pt/s for both hull and shield. Upon activation, coats them with a layer of microscopic repair drones that heals them for 8%/s hull and shield for 8 seconds. 20s cooldown.

Shape: It’s appearance is that of a large ring. It has 5 engines in a pentagonal shape along the ring, and it’s four main weapons mounted in a cross shape. Allies can “dock” with the Herlever by moving in to the center ring. The ring will have a very slight pull that keeps them centred while being healed. The ring should be large enough that even large frigates can fit inside, but not so big as to render the shield pointless. Or it could be built around the shield, and the shield’s purpose could be simply to protect the allies within. It’s really up to y’all. ^^



So basically I would be flying this:





So basically I would be flying this:




Yes but standing up on its side.



Well there’s no “up” in space, so this’ll have to do :slight_smile:

Well technically there is an up in this game. Otherwise you’d see ships spawning in all sorts of various orientations.

Well technically there is an up in this game. Otherwise you’d see ships spawning in all sorts of various orientations.


They do on one of the new maps, the one with the crashed dreadnought ^^


But yeah, in certain maps there is an up and a down

Also, the plane of the map has nothing to do with the plane of the ship. It’s “proper” standing is upright, and it will be flown upright. For other ships the orientation will not matter, but your you, it will seem like the “ring” is standing on its side, facing forwards.

With the logic given earlier by you, why don’t we fly the Jaguar sideways? Or why doesn’t the Blood Tormentor stand on its engines to fly? It’s simply the design of the craft, independent of the map. Xp

I like the general idea :smiley:


Yeah like that. It’s like a sort of mobile ship bay that specialises in quick repairs of single or view ships at a time. Allies go out, deal damage, get damaged, and pass through the revival chamber for some quick patchwork before venturing out again to keep the damage counter rolling. X3

Maybe this kind of ship could be implemented in open space…traveling from point to point…there u could refill the energy and send your cargo to ur bay.

No update on a docking ship?