The Great Epic Ugly Reward in Rank 15 Ships

I am confused…


I am enjoying the looks of almost all the ships in the game, specially Jericho has all the ships perfect.


But I am injured after seeing the Caltrop and the Saw One.


Why this suffering…after all the work from rank 1 to 14 and then when you reach the top they bring you an ugly ship ready to kill your enemies with fashion.


Would be perfect to change the Caltrop for the Razor and the Saw One for the Dragonfly…these ships are so pretty.


Then leave the Caltrop and the Saw One for the pirates with that awesome modified maniac/punk textures.


Ronin is atractive.


About the Federation I must say that the Jaguar and Peregrine need better winds. There is the awesome Bear that is lost down there and could be changed for the Peregrine for example. 


Octopus is beauty.


The Empire lvl 15 ships are perfect!!


Hope to see some changes on this…or we will die eventually…out of style.

To each their own.

at least they arent grizzly or tormentor, ugliest ships in gaming

IMO,I’d like to try Cyning,it looks pretty ok,also it has EM control so i can do a full spread-reduction build on it and try out the Scatter gun,but i think i will craft it AFTER i will craft the T5 dessie…

How can you not see that this is all a matter of taste and someone else will be loving the looks of a ship that you passionately hate or vice versa?

For example I dislike how regular jericho ships look whereas you find them perfect. Also not a fan of regular empire ships except for fighters.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder  :012j:

I love the design of Caltrop and Saw One :slight_smile:

Ships are fine as they are. It’s all subjective here.

I hope that Tier V Destroyers will look really good.

They are ugly. Caltrop, Saw one, Nyx… some ugly mofos… They are so ugly, i dont know whats a cocpit or exhaust. Wich is kinda important if you wanna pilot a thing. Definetly not a ride to pick up chicks…

And jaguar…looking so good…until you come to engine/wings… What is that? How did that end up in here? It was stolen from another ship, wasnt it?

But I am injured after seeing the Caltrop and the Saw One.

Saw One looks weird, not ugly, which seems quite fitting for such a ship. It’s like condensated Jericho weirdness.

Caltrop then goes a bit on the ugly side though.


Octopus is beauty.


The Empire lvl 15 ships are perfect!!


You forgot one:



I feel a little dirty saying this, but I’d like to see a Borg cube’ish destroyer of that Jericho sub-faction.

Beauty is in the eye of the developer :012j:

yes it is Cake, yes it is…

I find the Mauler looks good in its own way. Grizzly is also nice except they put the yuk paint on it.

Another thing is that this Caltrop and Saw One, they are smaller than the previous ships.


It seems that the designer had to end the work prematurely.


Where are the other half part of these ships mama!?


…ask the cat…


…but we have to go now…


…and that is the end of this neverending tale.

You forgot one:



My god my eyes, and not because of the ship…

Deez colors

My god my eyes, and not because of the ship…

Deez colors


I got bored waiting for a game on prefered EU (seems only laggy RU servers nowadays)

It’s fabulous, isn’t it?

I got bored waiting for a game on prefered EU (seems only laggy RU servers nowadays)

It’s fabulous, isn’t it?

So it’s not just me…

I still find it funny.


Pirates ftw!

Sometimes, I really like a ship’s design, but then it got stuff like: “Increase kinetic projectile speed | Reduces kinetic projectile spread” when I want resistance-reducing lasers…


And then there are these ships you can manufacture … weeks ahead of a new account after steam locks me out of my old.

But these ships are only the destroyers, you can’t manufacture an agile interceptor before Rank15.


Also there are these gaps … where a faction has 1 ship in the range of 5 ranks which forces something like faster rotation or faster move speed instead of the opposite onto you  – something that doesn’t fit your play-style.

You have to switch factions for that role or play with a buff you like less than another you had previously (prior ranks in the same role/faction).



And then you have to stick to that ship, be it asymmetric or in the wrong colour or not streamlined in style with the others. Maybe you like the design of a Fed/Empire but want more shield from Jericho …



Perhaps this game is too restrictive on the choices of designs. Weapons and active modules already change the visual appearance, so why not make different wing-weapons/cockpit-modules/etc which is just there for visuals?

Why not move all these manufacture-ables into a Player-faction tab and let the player choose the model-components?


I also play Robocraft and I like most that you can design your crafts, but it does not have to be all cubes.

I also like the separation between “Dead” and “Damaged but alive” of this game – it would allow you to build more freely without having to worry that a broken wing changes your manoeuvrability, so you can build more aesthetically pleasing ships.