The Gift Function - ability to give the Blueprints and Secret Project ship parts

Give us the option to give someone a gift from your friend list, if you wish to do so.

You can only gift all sorts of blueprints and Secret Project ship parts.

There should be the option - Gift a friend (only works, if you have a contact on your Friend list)



  • you can only gift all sorts of blueprints, if you own them yourself

  • you can only gift all Secret Project ship parts, if you own them yourself

  • your friend can give you back your item, if you made a mistake, but strict restrictions below still apply


Restrictions: (mainly put in to prevent abuse)

  • you can only gift an item or more items once per day

  • you must have the option checked or enabled under in-game options

  • your friend must have the option to gift checked or enabled under in-game options

  • your friend can only accept or decline a gift once per day

  • your friend must be in your Friend list to be able to gift item/s

  • your friend must have you in his Friend list to be able to accept item/s

  • you can only gift 1 ship part of a blueprint of the same kind (no stacking)

  • you can only gift 3 items at once, not more than that, daily

  • the cooldown period for the Gift function is 1 day or 24 hours

  • you can only gift one person from your friend list, not more than that, daily

  • you cannot gift any kind of rare resources, including Monocrystals or Iridium

  • you cannot gift credits

  • you cannot gift GS

  • you cannot gift any Loyalty vouchers

  • you cannot gift any equipment items or Kits, including GS equipment as well



Mainly, this method is available to help good friends, who want to obtain a Secret Project ship a bit faster or a Mark 5 blueprint, but they can’t do it, because they lack time to do so.



How to implement this?

Under game options we should have the option. Enable Gift function. If it’s checked, it should allow your to select a Blueprint or a Secret Project ship part from your Armory.

You will be asked, if you want to send this gift to a friend. If you confirm, your friend will receive an e-mail parcel. He will have two options to choose from. Accept and Decline.

If a friend will Accept your gift, it will be added to his Armory or Workshop.



If you got any more questions, let me know.

Again,not getting mk5 its not a waste,about the SPs,grind whenever you can,your life is not at stake in a race against time to prove yourself being “good” at the game just because you have a Jaguar(srsly tho y do people think this way?)

This is asking for a Asian Bots farming and trading for real moneys 

9 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

This is asking for a Asian Bots farming and trading for real moneys 

Not necessarily. You can grind it as well, so there is basically no money involved. It’s depends from the perspective. You got a choice.

As for you, you can’t come up with any better ideas, which is no surprise.


As for the votes, it’s no surprise. You get “TRIGGERED” every time you vote for “No”? You may need some help, you know.

10 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Again,not getting mk5 its not a waste,about the SPs,grind whenever you can,your life is not at stake in a race against time to prove yourself being “good” at the game just because you have a Jaguar(srsly tho y do people think this way?)

True, in order to accomplish this, they would have to approve the Trading System. Still, I see no harm. Players have been asking this for a long time.

Koromac, why do you even bother… You know this will never get imlemented for whatever reson gaijin doesn’t want trading system in the game. Sure it’s not entirely a “trade system”, but you could trade that way for sure… they aim for the solo-grind, no help.

36 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Not necessarily. You can grind it as well, so there is basically no money involved. It’s depends from the perspective. You got a choice.

As for you, you can’t come up with any better ideas, which is no surprise.


As for the votes, it’s no surprise. You get “TRIGGERED” every time you vote for “No”? You may need some help, you know.

You have no idea how real money - game resources trading works, really?

6 hours ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

Koromac, why do you even bother… You know this will never get imlemented for whatever reson gaijin  TARGEM doesn’t want trading system in the game. Sure it’s not entirely a “trade system”, but you could trade that way for sure… they aim for the solo-grind, no help.

Fixed for you.

-1, trading could be abused in many ways. Players should get their own things just as everyone before them, no boosting or “Power-Leveling” Aces please. Rather not have a flood of Destros and other stuff just because it would be a cool feature…Koromac i don’t realize why you continue to do these polls or add a 3rd option, like it’s a easy question and really not even 1% of the population of the game will know of this…i understand it’s for the sake of putting it out there but be realistic already…

Those arguments that weren’t about potential abuse would just be re-stating the fact that the developers will not be giving us any sort of actual trading or P2P market.

I would love anything that allowed me to share some of my wealth, but unfortunately the devs see that as a threatening concept.

Trading system between players is not in our plans. It’s pretty hard to control and potential field for abusing it and scam. As I spoke before, the traiding system is good when it was in mind from the begining of development. By the way, we’re experimenting with some trading in new OS mode.

4 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Trading system between players is not in our plans. It’s pretty hard to control and potential field for abusing it and scam. As I spoke before, the traiding system is good when it was in mind from the begining of development. By the way, we’re experimenting with some trading in new OS mode.

In my opinion, you set your goals for this product too low from the start!

Personally, I don’t think it was ever meant to be a serious and extensive Project, more like a training ground, product designed to gain as much income as possible.

Too many technical restrictions, game engine is outdated and simplistic in terms of functionality and performance.


Your only choice now, is to give players a payable service for Secret Project ship parts, where you can exchange one with the other.

This would fix at least some of the problems, if we lack a Trading function.

Of course, if you provide such service, it must be GS based and Credit based as well.

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

In my opinion, you set your goals for this product too low from the start!

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

Personally, I don’t think it was ever meant to be a serious and extensive Project, more like a training ground, product designed to gain as much income as possible.

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

Too many technical restrictions, game engine is outdated and simplistic in terms of functionality and performance.

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

Your only choice now, is to give players a payable service for Secret Project ship parts, where you can exchange one with the other.

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”) ![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”) ![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”) ![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

This would fix at least some of the problems, if we lack a Trading function.

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”) ![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

1 hour ago, Koromac said:

Of course, if you provide such service, it must be GS based and Credit based as well.

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)


Man, what is your secret? How do you manage to be so consistent in generating face-palm worthy content department?

money money 


1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

Man, what is your secret? How do you manage to be so consistent in generating face-palm worthy content department?

My secret is you. As a troll, you do my bidding for the trolls.

Yea…I do not want trading. And if you dont have the time to play and get what you want. You probably are working or can put 2$ a week on the side till you can buy w/e you dont want to grind for. If it’s because you’re a teen and have school and all, it will help you understand how to prioritize in life, a little bit. Personal opinion.