"The Fox" and his shenanigans

Classified Transmission from the Federal Guard, date unknown:

“We’ve been receiving calls from several pilots in a corporation known as “Planetary Dynamics” over the past few days. All of them are very similar in an eerie way. After a connection is established, a loud screech is heard and comms are lost. No matter what we do, we can’t re-establish communications links with them. We found security footage of their station gate exploding in to bits. After the dust cloud expanded enough to see through, there was a single small ship sitting amongst debris and many dead bodies. After a few seconds of sitting there motionless it turned on and immediately initiated warp and untraceably left the sector. Which was strange, as it did not come equipped with any such mechanism. After sending a team of engineers to see what had happened, we found the majority of the corporation’s members dead or dying from large gashes that seemed almost clawlike. After re-sealing the hangar and restoring atmosphere the military was summoned to sweep the area for survivors. After several score of dead bodies, there was a sound from a sealed storage compartment. Inside were a cramped bunch of staff that seemed like they had all seen a ghost. Upon interviewing them we discovered that their CEO, code named “TheDarkRedFox”, had gone insane and stated attacking other members of the corporation. He made off with a few cargo units of supplies from his personal lab and a small ship that he had modified himself.”

Follow-up classified transmission from the Federal Guard, date unknown:

“We traced his plasma-trail to the abandoned “Research Center” facility on the edge of our territory. He is not responding to any attempted contact and seems to be forming some sort of alliance with the aliens. Though they seem to be treating him like a lower-class or something, as he is seldom seen interacting with them besides from the occasional data-transfer.”

The Contract: (very rarely appears. Gives normal mission rewards.)

Title: “Mirage Terror”

Emergency contact from Federal Guard to all available troops and mercenaries:

“The former owner of corporation “Planetary Dynamics” has gone insane and transformed using alien material that he smuggled from the Emperial Research Department. He is extremely dangerous and carrying on illegal activity with the aliens. Destroy him at all costs. Make sure to bring back anything that he may have had in his cargo-bay, as he is in possession of illegal alien artifacts.”

Here’s where the fun begins:

Name: “The Fox”

Ship: “The Foxi”

Location: Federation Open Space, Research Center

Radar Range: 4000m

Main Weapon: “Hyperstar-Cannon MkX”

Secondary Weapon: “DNX Solarclaw Mines”

Module1: “Tractor-Beam”

Module2: “Phase Scatterer”

Module3: “Tactical Reset Controls”

Module4: “The Button”

The Foxi:

Type: Frigatey Interceptor …?

Rank: 22

Max Speed: 460m/s

Shield: 65000pts

Hull: 215000pts

Model: That of half of a Hunter fused with the other half of a Golden Eagle CovOps Interceptor.

Special module: “Dimentional Recall” (120s reload. Creates a big green shield around the ship and heals by 1%/s until fully healed or shield is broken. Shield has same health as an engineer’s portable shield.)

Hyperstar-Cannon MkX:

Type: Fox Primary Weapon

Ranks: 22

Damage: 4500EM

Range: 6500m

RoF: 15/m

Tooltip: You shouldn’t have this.

Function: Fires a 50m wide beam of pastel rainbow energy at the target that persists for 1 second. The beam is instant and pierces. Big “FWZZHHH” sound.

DNX Solarclaw Mines:

Type: Fox Secondary Weapon

Ranks: 22

Damage: 7000Therm

Radius: 150m

Trigger radius: 100m

Charges in cartridge: 4

Reload time: 18s

Function: Drops a pulsing purple mine that detonates in to what looks like a huge ball of fire. Loud “BANG-FWSHHHWIP” sound.

Tractor Beam:

Type: Fox Active Module

Ranks: 22

Cooldown: 12s

Function: Pulls the locked enemy in line of sight to the user’s ship at 5/6 the target’s max speed.

Phase Scatterer:

Type: Fox Active Module

Ranks: 22

Cooldown: 100s

Function: Surrounds the ship in a dark green could of non-damaging particle effect, cloaks it for 5s, and teleports it randomly 8000m away, leaving behind the cloud.

Tactical Reset Controls:

Type: Fox Active Module

Ranks: 22

Cooldown: 300s

Range: 2000m

Function: Must have lock. Once activated, shows a beam of rainbow energy transferring from The Foxi to the target for 4 seconds, then The Fox takes control of the target ship for 10 seconds. Cannot use self-destruct, but target steadily loses health at 750pt/s for the duration of the effect.

The Button:

Type: Fox Active Module

Ranks: 7-22

Cooldown: 60s

Tooltip: Nobody knows what will happen when you push this button.

Function: Does something random every time you push it. Maybe helpful, maybe not.

The Fox loot table:

Common: Monocrystal(1-2), Blueprint(T5Mk5), Artifacts(150-250)

Rare: Blueprint(Hidden blueprint)

Epic: The Button, Biogel


Type: Material

Tooltip: Versatile alien goop that can be used in place of any ship part.

"We’ve been receiving calls from several pilots in a corporation known as “Planetary Dynamics” over the past few days. All of them are very similar in an eerie way. After a connection is established, a loud screech is heard and comms are lost. No matter what we do, we can’t re-establish communications links with them. We found security footage of their station gate exploding in to bits. After the dust cloud expanded enough to see through, there was a single small ship sitting amongst debris and many dead bodies. After a few seconds of sitting there motionless it turned on and immediately initiated warp and untraceably left the sector. Which was strange, as it did not come equipped with any such mechanism. After sending a team of engineers to see what had happened, we found the majority of the corporation’s members dead or dying from large gashes that seemed almost clawlike. After re-sealing the hangar and restoring atmosphere the military was summoned to sweep the area for survivors. After several score of dead bodies, there was a sound from a sealed storage compartment. Inside were a cramped bunch of staff that seemed like they had all seen a ghost. Upon interviewing them we discovered that their CEO, code named “TheDarkRedFox”,


Maybe it should be here?

Well I’m not too sure.

It does go with the implied lore of the old corporation but it isn’t really a dedicated writing.

I would call it more of a contract enemy suggestion. And a really fun and unique one at that. X3

Hahhaha! “The Button” -  Does something random every time you push it. Maybe helpful, maybe not.


…btw, you sure you dont inhabit the spirit of a nine-tailed fox? 0_o

I’m pretty sure. Xp


The button can do literally anything. It may heal 100 hull, it may heal 10000 shield, it may just be flares, it may teleport you randomly, it may set you on fire, it may launch a missile(from where, I have no clue,) it may give you hyper-speed, it may slow you to a crawl, it may make you invisible, it may be a container of enemy spy-drones. Nobody knows what will happen when you push this button, but the best way to find out is to push it.

Something I found using the Bored Button. It’s beautiful actually!





@up. It… is… AWESOME!

More rainbows

@up. It… is… AWESOME!


I set it as my desktop for the next couple of days :slight_smile: That was actually only my second try!!! I favourited it and I’ll come back next time I’m bored :smiley:

Ooooh and I’ll spend on this many hours. :smiley:

I know what gonna be next background for mine avatar.

Ooooh and I’ll spend on this many hours. :smiley:

I know what gonna be next background for mine avatar.



:008j:  That is amazing!!


(it does kind of look like a female body part as seen in biology books though, with two ovaries… just sayin… XD)

Oh the offtopicness


Oh the offtopicness


I’m so sorry, but most of your suggestions are hardly feasible anyway XD  They are entertaining though, I’ll give you that!! I’ll make a new thread for these cool images :slight_smile:

Hah thanks Millanbel.

Sorry Fox. :wink: But yes, Millanbel is right about yours suggestions. :smiley: But still, nice story Fox. Feel like old role play times in WoW.

edit. Make it more Millanbel and I will steal it for my avatar or something. :smiley:

edit2. Time to go sleep. Girlfriend is attacking me. :smiley:


I like this though. It’s slightly more rainbowy

