The Empire Ships Balanced

Well…I see or at least I am pretty sure that the empire ships are better than the other factions.


The majority of times I am getting killed by an Empire ship.


The Devs have mixed more hull points and more damage in a same faction.


Dont say that you give them more damage because they are slow, when an Empire ship arrives in the hole they are tough and plus deal more damage.


Something is wrong. They are slower because they have more hull points that are more difficult to deplete. They dont need more damage.


Its easier to deplete the shield with any weapon than deplete a hull and there are weapons that bypass the shields.


Fast movility is nothing when they kill you in 2 seconds.


Why dont you Devs remove the increased damage for Empire ships and lets say you give them more time untill their weapons heat up.

Why dont you Devs remove the increased damage for Empire ships and lets say you give them more time untill their weapons heat up.

Technically is the same thing,they deal more damage for shorter time=dealing less damage for longer times.

A fast Federation ship can run circles around an Empire ship!! What is the use of their high damage if they can’t apply it?

If you are getting killed mostly by Empire ships, then rethink your playstyle a little. Go for faster ships like covert ops, dodge and weave more…

What ships do you like to fly, may I ask?

Son, you have never played adaptive federation ships, have you?

Son, you have never played adaptive federation ships, have you?

did you read in my mind ? :013j:

Have you ever heard about being able to circle around ships? Well, you can do it against an empire ship with every other faction… 

Son, you have never played adaptive federation ships, have you?




Because they’re better than empire ships in maneuverability, energy stability, and gunship module bonuses?


If an interceptor gets behind you and you are in a empire gunship, you are screwed. With a fed gunship, you can be as maneuverable as interceptors but with the toughness and the firepower of a gunship. 

If an interceptor gets behind you and you are in a empire gunship, you are screwed. With a fed gunship, you can be as maneuverable as interceptors but with the toughness and the firepower of a gunship. 

Because they’re better than empire ships in maneuverability, energy stability, and gunship module bonuses?

But what happens if,i dunno,you fight a tackler or a guard or a ecm or a recon,they can all stop you from going fast and render those adaptives useless,its very likely to get againist one in any random PvP game or even OS,just my opinion,high ranking debuffs last for a long time…

But what happens if,i dunno,you fight a tackler or a guard or a ecm or a recon,they can all stop you from going fast and render those adaptives useless,its very likely to get againist one in any random PvP game or even OS,just my opinion,high ranking debuffs last for a long time…

Almost all the fed gunships have cpu for proton wall. Also, there’s an implant that removes engine-suppression effects when using multipurpose module. Also, there’s that magical and life-saving module called Combat Reboot, that removes all the negative effects and makes you invulnerable for 1.5 seconds. When I get in xxxx situations (something like a tackler/ecm + 2 other ships chasing me) I activate Combat Reboot and Engine Overcharge. If I’m in a seriously xxxx situation, I also use Overdrive, so I reach 700 m/s. If you don’t go blindly into enemies and constantly know what modules are available, you can survive for a very long time.  

gunships can deal biggest dps IG so they are op

tacklers can one shot all interceptors so they are op

commands can be invincible for a period of time and has great buffs = op

recons can thwart any escape plans of tacklers or whoever being cloaked = op

ecms… = op

covertops can literally fxxx anyone from behind and kill them almost instantly = op

engis can be built so they have enormous shield regen and can be very hard to kill at some point + overall buffs = op

lrs can deal enormous damage quite accurately on big distances which can end up in 12 + kills per battle so op

guards can mount anomalies which oneshot almost any lrf camping anywhere + has pulsar to take all the flies out = op


so it seems like all the roles are op… 


credit goes to whoever did this before me.


now to the topic, any ship can be piloted so it is op. Damn even those engies or recons can be hell of a struggle…


Shield is as hard as hull. But both share different resistances. So an EM-weapon is better against shield while kinetic against hull. From the point of use: A shield is likely better due selfregen.

Shield is as hard as hull. But both share different resistances. So an EM-weapon is better against shield while kinetic against hull. From the point of use: A shield is likely better due selfregen.

And all shield repair modules are more effective and have less CD then they hull counterparts.

But what happens if,i dunno,you fight a tackler or a guard or a ecm or a recon,they can all stop you from going fast and render those adaptives useless,its very likely to get againist one in any random PvP game or even OS,just my opinion,high ranking debuffs last for a long time…

Ever heard of proton wall, combat reboot, J2, and F8 kid? I’d like to see you go up against my Tiger-M.

Ever heard of proton wall, combat reboot, J2, and F8 kid? I’d like to see you go up against my Tiger-M.

rank 14 implants…

rank 14 implants…

You’re only helping my arguments here :smiley:

gunships can deal biggest dps IG so they are op

tacklers can one shot all interceptors so they are op

commands can be invincible for a period of time and has great buffs = op

recons can thwart any escape plans of tacklers or whoever being cloaked = op

ecms… = op

covertops can literally fxxx anyone from behind and kill them almost instantly = op

engis can be built so they have enormous shield regen and can be very hard to kill at some point + overall buffs = op

lrs can deal enormous damage quite accurately on big distances which can end up in 12 + kills per battle so op

guards can mount anomalies which oneshot almost any lrf camping anywhere + has pulsar to take all the flies out = op


so it seems like all the roles are op… 


credit goes to whoever did this before me.


now to the topic, any ship can be piloted so it is op. Damn even those engies or recons can be hell of a struggle…

If everything is op in certain scenarios, that means that everything is balanced.