The Doomsday missile breaks the game.

I have started playing less than a month ago and i have been hooked; i liked the spaceship battles and i somehow i was doing better than average (in T1). But then, i moved the T2 and my score dropped, as well as my winrate; everything seemed hard to kill and i was blown out of the skies by seemingly anything. No matter what i flew or how well equiped i was, i could get blown up in matters of seconds in some matches while doing as poorly as some of the bots… I could not figure out why i was doing so well in T1 and then doing so bad in T2. But then i started to use Doomsdays.


What i figured out though, after weeks of play and struggling (before i figured how OP the Doomsdays were), is that all the carefully crafted game ballance is thrown out of the window by the use of Doomsday missiles. All the guns and most missiles are limited to class of ships; ships don’t get weapons that would make them over powered… Exept when it comes to doomsday. Doomsdays can be carried by everything, can one-shot or seriously cripple anyone unlucky enough to be hit. Gamemode like Team battles and Recon are decided by who abuse of the doomsday the most, and capturing beacons becomes way easier when you can remove frigates guarding them with ease. Having this weapon in the game just breaks it.


I believe that weapon should be restricted to frigates, if not removed entirely.

it can be avoided very easy  :fed001:

such weapon is only good against new playersthat don’t move 

Yeah I hate being hit for 6k damage in my engineer by a covert ops carrying doomsdays in t3.  However I do not fly low tier PVP so I’m not aware of how game breaking it is down there.  I can imagine it though.

it can be avoided very easy  :fed001:

such weapon is only good against new playersthat don’t move 


But since there is no way to know when one is launched at you or who is carrying them… I think it’s the other way around; it’s only a bad weapon in the hands of an inexperienced player who can’t chose their targets well. 

it can be avoided very easy  :fed001:

such weapon is only good against new playersthat don’t move 


tell that to all the ecm stasis / doomsday n00bs 1 hitting most incterceptors and crippling most fighters

Yeah I hate being hit for 6k damage in my engineer by a covert ops carrying doomsdays in t3.  However I do not fly low tier PVP so I’m not aware of how game breaking it is down there.  I can imagine it though.


Yeah, quite gamebreaking. Anything short of a frigate can be one-shooted, and figates can get their shields knocked out by them.

1 hitting most incterceptors



tell that to all the ecm stasis / doomsday n00bs 1 hitting most incterceptors and crippling most fighters

agree. there is some very strong combos too :snowgirl: 

thanks for tip

it can be avoided very easy  :fed001:

such weapon is only good against new playersthat don’t move 


Well no.

With 680m/s speed and 36°/s as rotation speed this missile is not easy to avoid.

Secondly it is categorified as an “HEAVY MISSILE” and deals 10000 base damages = 12500 on Frigates (Not Balanced) / 10000 on Fighters (Not Balanced) / 7500 on interceptor (And now it’s balanced when not on an ECM).


This missile should literraly have the size of a Torpedo or a Cruise Missile, but no problem Inty and fighter can bring 3 of them and reload them in batlle. (/Sarcasm on)There is no problem here (/Sacarm off)

agree. there is some very strong combos too :snowgirl:

thanks for tip

I used doomsday on ecm for some weeks, but went back to piercing, more versatile, more effective.

I get killed by doomsday only 1 time: I was standing still on a Falcon, so my Ace mistake…

I get killed or crippled by piercing tons of times, and not ever was my fault…

But yes: on t2 and perhaps t3 it’s too much a doomsday on an inti

Unless I am mistaken, the big problem here is that the missile’s damage doesn’t scale down with lower Tiers. Initially that missile was introduced as a T5 exclusive weapon. Then it was released as a blueprint for all Tiers.


This missile can be used effectively in Tier 5, so either it should not be usable in lower tiers, or there needs to be variants for each tier that scale the damage down accordingly.

The missile have no Scalling at all.

The missile have no Scalling at all.

That makes it worse in lower Tiers. Even in T3 its stronger than a regular Torpedo… Whilst in T4/5, it feels underpowered against larger ships. Nonethless, the lack of damage in the highers Tiers balances the op damage in the lower Tiers. /devlogic



Whilst in T4/5, it feels underpowered against larger ships.

It’s supposed to be a missile, not a guided Torpdo or Anomaly Generator.

Anomaly Generator? Ohh

I’ve an awesome idea! A red anomaly generator with 30k damage craftable and you can put it on all ships of any tier! (/sarcasm off)

Damn, Doomsday is dangerous in any way, some nub shoots them on you, it’s hard to avoid them.

A ECM nub use them, Stasis -> Impact = Dead or hardly damaged.

Tackler nub use them -> All slowing mods = When you’ve no FR8 multi mod, you’re dead.

And other smart players just come into 500m distance that they’ll definetely hit you.

The scale in T1/T2 is just… broken, in T3 overpowered and in T4/T5 it might be Ok.

The Doomsday missile is the easiest avoidable guided missile. It’s turningrate requires some very particular movement & attackvector, before you can shoot it and hit anything. And if you are that bad at evading guided missiles consider taking flares…

The scale in T1/T2 is just… broken, in T3 overpowered and in T4/T5 it might be Ok.

Whoever uses Doomsday in T1/T2 pubs is just throwing away resources and being extremely wasteful.

I just find amusing how all the “nub” ways of using it are the ways to ensure the missile hits, because it’s so easily dodged.

If you’re so worried about Doomsday missiles, put on more thermal resist. Or, y’know, dodge.

Doomsday missile is disproportionately strong in T1 and T2, and should not be available to use it down there

You spend your resources on actually crafting this monstrosity, you deserve the upper hand.

I wish there was a nuke that had 2000 range

with full damage 0-500,

half damage spread 501-1000

and 1001-2000 25%.

Some huge damage and shorter fuse

I would craft that. It will be double edged, because due to short fuse even on 500m/s you will get 25% damaged, but I will like it.

well the only time when the doomsdays are useful in lower Tier’s is when they have the spacial of winning 500 GS in 20 battles, you just want does 20 wins out of your way ASAP…and still that feels a bad doing it to the noobies