The Doomsday missile breaks the game.

You spend your resources on actually crafting this monstrosity, you deserve the upper hand.


its very cheap to craft

Doomsday missile is disproportionately strong in T1 and T2, and should not be available to use it down there

It should be available, but it should NOT be that powerful…

yeah agreed. 

1/2 the dmg and x2 the amount, which is 5000 dmg and 6 missiles per load sounds legit.

How many pylons?

You spend your resources on actually crafting this monstrosity, you deserve the upper hand.



Doomsday missile is disproportionately strong in T1 and T2, and should not be available to use it down there


Couldn’t agree more. The doomsday missile should be available only for T3 and up. If it were to continue in T1/T2, the damage should be significantly scaled down.

On a separate note, Doomsdays are extremely easy to avoid. You know when one is coming towards you because it is homing, you will get an icon of incoming missile and the loud, obnoxious noise indicating a missile is inbound. Use that advanced warning to maneuver away and avoid it. The only time this won’t work is, like yeahalex said, when an ECM uses stasis on you and then fires a doomsday. It is a deadly combo, but can only be used once every time stasis recharges, limiting the effectiveness of this strategy. If you get killed in this manner, it’s just bad luck that the ECM happened to target you.

You realize that the Doomsday Missile is implying Frigate based Mechanics (Size of the Cartridge, Damages, range), used to have the same Pathfinding mechanics like the Cruise Missile.


This is the problem. It’s always Frigates —> Other ships and never Other Ships —> Frigates. 


Like if creating an “Apocalypse Missile” and an “Armaggedon Rocket” would not have been a better idea than just throw a monstruous revamped Cruise Missile for All ships.

I agree that the doomsday should be available only t3 or later, but as a weapon restriction for the pvp queue.


I find it funny to fly T1 in T3 with it. So equipping it should be still possible (for PvE, invasion, …)  but the MM should not allow to queue in T1&T2 with it.


Also, while the Blueprint once said “Doomsday T5”, the Missile itself was never restricted.


Just give Rakza Kinetic rockets for his guard :smiley:

Just give Rakza Kinetic rockets for his guard :smiley:

Give me a Rocket Launcher with 12 Charges dealing 5k damages each only for frigates.

Doomsday missile is disproportionately strong in T1 and T2, and should not be available to use it down there


Well, i found very little use for the Doomsdays in T1 because a fully upgraded T1 ship can kill other ships relatively fast. In T2 ships start to be more difficult to kill even with fully upgraded guns, using doomsdays there makes kills a lot easier. In T3 upgraded ships can soak Doomsdays so they are not as game breakers there.

The Doomsday missile is the easiest avoidable guided missile. It’s turningrate requires some very particular movement & attackvector, before you can shoot it and hit anything. And if you are that bad at evading guided missiles consider taking flares…


No amount of skills can make a frigate avoid them. Flares break the lock of missiles, but the missile can still hit if it’s already on a collision course. And last, if the missile is shot from close range you have very little time to do anything about it.

Give me a Rocket Launcher with 12 Charges dealing 5k damages each only for frigates.

Isn’t that called Octopus?

Things are only OP if you don’t know enough about them, or haven’t had enough experience with them. Doomsdays are no exception. I do agree that they are quite powerful, but that’s nothing some flares couldn’t solve. And for a lack of flares; static barriers. And anything that breaks lock between you and the doomsday abuser will keep you safe.

tell that to all the ecm stasis / doomsday n00bs 1 hitting most incterceptors and crippling most fighters

Did you call me? :smiley:

Doomsdays are really strong on an ECM and on Tacklers in T3. I would fit the damage to the tiers. For example: In T1 it deals 2000dps, T2 4000dps, T3 6000dps, T4 8000dps, T5 10000dps. Or I would modify it to a stun rocket which removes the enemy’s all resistance to 0 for a few seconds.

This game is promoting a not needed skillls “game”. Whats the sense of clicking 2 butons?           Stasis+Doomsday wooooooohooo funyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (sure they are proud of themselves)

And remember the A1MA, our official aimbot. Thx god not anymore.

And Takler’s drones everywhere!!!  

And what I call Usain Bolt Taklers flying at 700  m/s wooooooooooohoooooooooooooo!!

Pylons overpowered… !!! Not anymore too…



Thats what we have at  moment! 

Things are only OP if you don’t know enough about them, or haven’t had enough experience with them. Doomsdays are no exception. I do agree that they are quite powerful, but that’s nothing some flares couldn’t solve. And for a lack of flares; static barriers. And anything that breaks lock between you and the doomsday abuser will keep you safe.


As the OP, i disagree. I find missiles counter measures rather useless because players who use missiles effectively never launch them from long range. When i use doomsdays i fire them from gun range, often at almost point blank when i already landed a few shots to soften their shields so the missile is more likely to score a kill. It’s also how i often die to missiles; they are shot from so close i also have no warning or any time to react.



They break everything.


How can an interceptor take down a frigate with nothing but a couple of missiles, just a few shots, and maybe a module or two? It is RIDICULOUS that I have to CONSTANTLY be on the lookout for a missile that can completely obliterate my shields, and my whole ship if my shields are down or close to it.  I am sorry.  Maybe I missed the point of a BALANCED GAME, but this is absolutely outrageous.


I didn’t mind doomsdays at first, because not everyone was using them.  But nearly every ship has them now.  They need to be taken out of the game.  Period.  They are making fights unfair between classes because all of the sudden, interceptors are dealing massive damage to everyone and avoiding it themselves.  They practically never get hit by these things, and of course they die when they do.  But they’ll likely unload their whole payload and then some before taking a single hit from a doomsday.


So at least take them away from intys.  They should NOT be able to deal such damage; that is reserved for frigates.  I just don’t understand the devs on this one.  It’s a HORRIBLE weapon.  I don’t use it because it’s cheap, and I have more respect for other players than that.


Ahhh I feel better now :slight_smile: