Having to do this annoys the heck out of me, but I want to share with everyone a little story. It will relate, I promise.


Once upon a time, I joined SC. I played solo as a mercenary, which was fine to me. It fit my playstyle. I did this for a long time. I knew about corps, but they were lofty, mysterious things related to money. On the rare occasion that I’d get invited to a random squad, I’d play a few rounds with them, and then we’d part ways. Nothing to it, no strings attached.


Then one day, after doing a couple matches with a random squad, I got asked “Wanna join my corp?” 


I was hesitant. I consider myself a casual player. I cant always play consistently because of real world obligations. But I figured why not, I’d give it a try. That was how i found myself in my first corp: the united front [tuf]. 


They were fun people, even if I didn’t really talk much and just listened. We played some games and did well. At the time I was still crawling my way through the first bit of T2. So I wasn’t a huge amount of help. 


Eventually I was kicked out due to inactivity, which is completely understandable. Slots in corps are limited. People want active players. I held and still hold nothing against them. They want to be competitive and well. I couldn’t make that obligation with real life things. It was less stressful anyway, because I didn’t really know my role or purpose within a corporation. I knew they were like guilds but they seemed quite hardcore and out of my league anyway.


So I return flying as a mercenary, until once again after some matches with a random squad I got asked “Wanna join my corp?” Well, nothing wrong with trying it again, so I accepted. That was my arrival into the ranks of THE CORP [CORP]. I immediately noticed there was a lot of activity, a lot of active players. I pretty much kept to myself again for a long time and still played my own matches in the hopes i’d eventually make it to T3. People seemed friendly and fun though, and I began to interact with them more. 


It wasn’t until later that I became active in the forums, becoming aware of the horrible mess that is inter-corporation politics in the game. I didn’t think there was such a thing, but I shouldn’t have been surprised with such a competitive atmosphere. I jumped in head first if anyone remembers before the posts got wiped- not knowing there was a big grudge against [CORP] because of things that have been said and done. I suddenly realized I had been pulled into a troubling problem- I was getting painted with the same brush. But not just me, every corp member.


While drama rampages on the forums, the majority of those in game have no idea any of it was occurring. Like me, most of them were probably randomly invited. Like me, many of them probably had not much experience in corps. Like me, they didn’t know the politics going on outside the game. I get along with almost all these people. They are just there to play. some of them are casual like me and just play to have fun. Some others are much more hardcore and determined to improve to be the best. They are proud that they are near the top of the ranks, even if the system is broken and only rewards corps with floods of numbers. The majority aren’t a bunch of elitist roosters that like to ruin the fun of the game.


It irritates me immensely that I, and these innocent people who don’t know whats going on- are getting painted with this brush in game and they don’t even know it. They are innocent to it, and end up facing lots of rude people who hate them for reasons they don’t realize originate from their corp tag. They may come to learn that ‘everyone is out to get you cause of your corp’.


Judging a player based on their tag, or if they have one or not, is wrong. Plain and simple. I’m acting right now as the voice of those who don’t have one. I wholly admit that there are individuals in the corp who are difficult to deal with, have bad attitudes/beliefs and just aren’t fun to play with. But that’s not the majority. That’s not the attitude of the /entire/ corp. Often times members don’t even agree with the CEO and their beliefs and there is a huge disconnect. But they shouldn’t be penalized when all in all they just want to play the game.


I know that CEO and Officers are the faces of their corps, and that their behavior will shine a good or bad light on a corp. That’s how it is, that is part of the responsibility of the role. But this PSA is here to let everyone know that all those players that make up the body of a corp are still people who should be judged on their own merits, and how they fly. Some fly superbly. Some are sometimes down on their luck [and the chart, often like me].


Don’t trash on or get mean on random corp players. If you have bones to pick with individuals by all means handle that how you want. But don’t catch innocents in the crossfire. I have stayed with [CORP] as long as i have because I want to stick it out for those other players like me, because they haven’t done anything wrong. The least I should do is defend them.


This message was posted on my own and is in no way endorsed by the rest of [CORP], its officers or it’s CEO, and I accept full responsibility for the consequences it may produce. It was done without their knowledge through my own will.


I ask that you read this and just ponder it, but do not turn this into a flame thread. This isn’t a place for you to point fingers. I’m not a player of any rank in the corp, so I cannot solve your strife or your problems. If you have issue with individuals, PM them. If you have issue with me, feel free to post about it.


The point of this thread was to show how average players can suddenly end up in a mess, and didn’t join a particular group just for the chance to be elitist jerks. This goes for every corp, not just this one.



Having to do this annoys the heck out of me, but I want to share with everyone a little story. It will relate, I promise.


Once upon a time, I joined SC. I played solo as a mercenary, which was fine to me. It fit my playstyle. I did this for a long time. I knew about corps, but they were lofty, mysterious things related to money. On the rare occasion that I’d get invited to a random squad, I’d play a few rounds with them, and then we’d part ways. Nothing to it, no strings attached.


Then one day, after doing a couple matches with a random squad, I got asked “Wanna join my corp?” 


I was hesitant. I consider myself a casual player. I cant always play consistently because of real world obligations. But I figured why not, I’d give it a try. That was how i found myself in my first corp: the united front [tuf]. 


They were fun people, even if I didn’t really talk much and just listened. We played some games and did well. At the time I was still crawling my way through the first bit of T2. So I wasn’t a huge amount of help. 


Eventually I was kicked out due to inactivity, which is completely understandable. Slots in corps are limited. People want active players. I held and still hold nothing against them. They want to be competitive and well. I couldn’t make that obligation with real life things. It was less stressful anyway, because I didn’t really know my role or purpose within a corporation. I knew they were like guilds but they seemed quite hardcore and out of my league anyway.


So I return flying as a mercenary, until once again after some matches with a random squad I got asked “Wanna join my corp?” Well, nothing wrong with trying it again, so I accepted. That was my arrival into the ranks of THE CORP [CORP]. I immediately noticed there was a lot of activity, a lot of active players. I pretty much kept to myself again for a long time and still played my own matches in the hopes i’d eventually make it to T3. People seemed friendly and fun though, and I began to interact with them more. 


It wasn’t until later that I became active in the forums, becoming aware of the horrible mess that is inter-corporation politics in the game. I didn’t think there was such a thing, but I shouldn’t have been surprised with such a competitive atmosphere. I jumped in head first if anyone remembers before the posts got wiped- not knowing there was a big grudge against [CORP] because of things that have been said and done. I suddenly realized I had been pulled into a troubling problem- I was getting painted with the same brush. But not just me, every corp member.


While drama rampages on the forums, the majority of those in game have no idea any of it was occurring. Like me, most of them were probably randomly invited. Like me, many of them probably had not much experience in corps. Like me, they didn’t know the politics going on outside the game. I get along with almost all these people. They are just there to play. some of them are casual like me and just play to have fun. Some others are much more hardcore and determined to improve to be the best. They are proud that they are near the top of the ranks, even if the system is broken and only rewards corps with floods of numbers. The majority aren’t a bunch of elitist roosters that like to ruin the fun of the game.


It irritates me immensely that I, and these innocent people who don’t know whats going on- are getting painted with this brush in game and they don’t even know it. They are innocent to it, and end up facing lots of rude people who hate them for reasons they don’t realize originate from their corp tag. They may come to learn that ‘everyone is out to get you cause of your corp’.


Judging a player based on their tag, or if they have one or not, is wrong. Plain and simple. I’m acting right now as the voice of those who don’t have one. I wholly admit that there are individuals in the corp who are difficult to deal with, have bad attitudes/beliefs and just aren’t fun to play with. But that’s not the majority. That’s not the attitude of the /entire/ corp. Often times members don’t even agree with the CEO and their beliefs and there is a huge disconnect. But they shouldn’t be penalized when all in all they just want to play the game.


I know that CEO and Officers are the faces of their corps, and that their behavior will shine a good or bad light on a corp. That’s how it is, that is part of the responsibility of the role. But this PSA is here to let everyone know that all those players that make up the body of a corp are still people who should be judged on their own merits, and how they fly. Some fly superbly. Some are sometimes down on their luck [and the chart, often like me].


Don’t trash on or get mean on random corp players. If you have bones to pick with individuals by all means handle that how you want. But don’t catch innocents in the crossfire. I have stayed with [CORP] as long as i have because I want to stick it out for those other players like me, because they haven’t done anything wrong. The least I should do is defend them.


This message was posted on my own and is in no way endorsed by the rest of [CORP], its officers or it’s CEO, and I accept full responsibility for the consequences it may produce. It was done without their knowledge through my own will.


I ask that you read this and just ponder it, but do not turn this into a flame thread. This isn’t a place for you to point fingers. I’m not a player of any rank in the corp, so I cannot solve your strife or your problems. If you have issue with individuals, PM them. If you have issue with me, feel free to post about it.


The point of this thread was to show how average players can suddenly end up in a mess, and didn’t join a particular group just for the chance to be elitist jerks. This goes for every corp, not just this one.

Why in the world then those people are in this corporation? No one is forcing anyone to stay in any corporation, people stay from the free will. CORP has 150 members, i do not believe that no one is visiting forums and have no clue what is going on, there are people that do know, and i am sure that officers and CEO are aware, but they do not inform they own comrades of what is going on and why all the buzz, it is disrespectful for they followers. And those that are aware of the situation and understand why CORP is viewed in a bad light and still chose to stay, they will be associated with CORP tag and will be viewed in the same light, because for everyone else they agree with philosophy that [CORP] tag bring with it. 

 And you, for example, you know all what is going on and say that there are many players that are clueless in that corporation, why don’t you educate them? 


P.S. [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21344-what-do-you-consider-a-good-corporation/)

Agree with Kostyan, if you don’t like the reputation of your corp either work at changing it or look for a new corp. After all the whole point of running around with a corp tag is to be recognized for what the corp stands for.

The point of this thread was not to complain about a corp reputation. It was to not paint all users with the same brush, essentially. 


And saying to someone “watch out a lot of people don’t like this corp” would only look like i’m sowing discord in the group when there’s no need for that? Would you like someone saying that in your corp? A bad encounter with one person shouldn’t determine the rest of the group who are not involved. The person responsible should deal with it.

The point of this thread was … to not paint all users with the same brush, essentially.

But why not?

Let me tell you a little story from real life. Having just acquired a new client we would meet one of that client’s opponents, who happened to be represented by a firm who had been representing the client in another country already. Making sure my client would be listening, I then pointed this fact out to the opponent’s counsel. That guy wasn’t the brightest and defended his situation with two points, namely that he hadn’t known and that they weren’t very integrated in that firm. The result of that was that his firm lost that client and mine would be representing them in 4 countries from thereon.

Back to the game, there is no difference. “I didn’t know” and “we are all individuals” are no arguments. You join a corp for the corporate identity. If you don’t, you might as well stay alone.

Judging a player based on their tag, or if they have one or not, is wrong. Plain and simple. I’m acting right now as the voice of those who don’t have one. I wholly admit that there are individuals in the corp who are difficult to deal with, have bad attitudes/beliefs and just aren’t fun to play with. But that’s not the majority. That’s not the attitude of the /entire/ corp. Often times members don’t even agree with the CEO and their beliefs and there is a huge disconnect. But they shouldn’t be penalized when all in all they just want to play the game.

I disagree with this statement, for these reasons: In an environment such as this, the only initial thing you can judge someone on, is the people they choose to associate themselves with. If people choose to associate themselves with leaders whom in my experience have proven rude, obnoxious or otherwise disrespectful (and I am not throwing around accusations here towards anyone - this is used purely as an example) - then this is something which reflects on an individual for following such people.

If you frequently find yourself at odds with the opinion of your CEO and officers - then you need to consider whether or not you are in the right group. Period.

The majority aren’t a bunch of elitist roosters that like to ruin the fun of the game.

I cannot help but feel that this statement was a snipe at other organisations or people within this community. I don’t believe anyone is out to ‘ruin the fun’ but rather to create an environment which is both enjoyable and competitive in nature. One which is fair to all involved and rewards those who consistently outperform others. This isn’t elitist, but rather a realistic view on what the term competitive really means.

I know that CEO and Officers are the faces of their corps, and that their behavior will shine a good or bad light on a corp. That’s how it is, that is part of the responsibility of the role. But this PSA is here to let everyone know that all those players that make up the body of a corp are still people who should be judged on their own merits, and how they fly. Some fly superbly. Some are sometimes down on their luck [and the chart, often like me].

I judge people first and foremost on whom they choose to associate themselves with. After this, I judge them on personal merit - both their in-game skills and their behaviour in general. There are plenty of people I respect or am even friends with who are in corporations for which I have little respect. This sort of respect though, is something that needs to be earned. Anyone who claims to ignore people their corporation tag entirely, would not paint a realistic picture. You simply have nothing else to initially judge a person on other than the uniform they wear, and this affects the way you view someone. This is simple human nature.


Don’t get me wrong - I understand your sentiment. But similarly, looking at it from an extremely realistic point of view - it is something you cannot avoid happening. In my opinion, people should be more careful about whom they choose to associate with. And this doesn’t just go for this, or any other game.

From my observations, without dwelling on whether or not I condone the actions and opinions I am about to iterate, the prominent understanding in this community regarding corporations is that they are entities for which people identify with. A corporation is a pact amongst players that implies unity in action and unity in culture. When it comes to how individuals are perceived, the tag will come first simply because it is easier to recognize the attitude of a group versus the attitude of every individual player. It is a quick-handed method of understanding where someone stands. As much as we would like to meet everyone personally to get the whole picture, it is honestly not feasible.


The CEO and other leaders of a corporation are responsible for developing and maintaining a vision and image. Ultimately, it is their actions and opinions that colour their corporation. I understand many people may not recognize what kind of reputation their corporation carries, but I would also argue it is the responsibility of the individual to find out.


Those who grasp this concept of a corporation tend to also understand this frustration. Consequently, beneath the actions that appear to “paint all with the same brush” lies a recognition that not every person agrees with everything their tag stands for. However, as shown by the posts above, the frustration goes both ways. The question lingers, “Why support a corporation you do not agree with?”


The answer is generally “for the people.” At that point, it is up to the individual to decide what factors matter most and whether or not conflicts of interest can be reconciled.

I cannot help but feel that this statement was a snipe at other organisations or people within this community…


It wasn’t a snipe, I was talking solely about [CORP] and how its portrayed. I was saying that despite some people saying [CORP] members are arrogant jerks, not all of [CORP] members are that way. I do not trash talk other corps and don’t appreciate the implication. My business is the corp i’m apart of and no others.



Back to the game, there is no difference. “I didn’t know” and “we are all individuals” are no arguments. You join a corp for the corporate identity. If you don’t, you might as well stay alone.


You make a valid point and I will concede to that. The real world is not a fair place and the same expectations cannot be present for real corporations, and so on. Though, you are playing a game with a broad spectrum of ages, genders, nationalities. I suppose I don’t think its a misplaced expectation that this isn’t a job, but a game- so business world politics and black records are a little harsh. But I am a casual player, so you can probably see I would lean towards having a casual environment.



There are plenty of people I respect or am even friends with who are in corporations for which I have little respect. This sort of respect though, is something that needs to be earned. Anyone who claims to ignore people their corporation tag entirely, would not paint a realistic picture. You simply have nothing else to initially judge a person on other than the uniform they wear, and this affects the way you view someone. This is simple human nature.


Don’t get me wrong - I understand your sentiment. But similarly, looking at it from an extremely realistic point of view - it is something you cannot avoid happening. In my opinion, people should be more careful about whom they choose to associate with. And this doesn’t just go for this, or any other game.


I agree that it is the gut response to judge someone by the uniform they wear and that’s something humans cant help. 


“careful about whom they choose to associate with” - I start to get concerned though when things get turned into the level of middle school lunch room politics, which is what this looks like. And it contradicts your previous point that you are friends with people from corps you don’t respect. So things don’t have to be as harsh as you state. We are suppose to be blowing up spaceships, not gossiping over who is corp’d with who and sat by what in the mess hall.



From my observations, without dwelling on whether or not I condone the actions and opinions I am about to iterate, the prominent understanding in this community regarding corporations is that they are entities for which people identify with. A corporation is a pact amongst players that implies unity in action and unity in culture. When it comes to how individuals are perceived, the tag will come first simply because it is easier to recognize the attitude of a group versus the attitude of every individual player. It is a quick-handed method of understanding where someone stands. As much as we would like to meet everyone personally to get the whole picture, it is honestly not feasible.


The CEO and other leaders of a corporation are responsible for developing and maintaining a vision and image. Ultimately, it is their actions and opinions that colour their corporation. I understand many people may not recognize what kind of reputation their corporation carries, but I would also argue it is the responsibility of the individual to find out.


Those who grasp this concept of a corporation tend to also understand this frustration. Consequently, beneath the actions that appear to “paint all with the same brush” lies a recognition that not every person agrees with everything their tag stands for. However, as shown by the posts above, the frustration goes both ways. The question lingers, “Why support a corporation you do not agree with?”


The answer is generally “for the people.” At that point, it is up to the individual to decide what factors matter most and whether or not conflicts of interest can be reconciled.


I think you make all valid points and I do agree with you when it comes down to it. 

Most of the comments about [CORP] you’ve seen has probably been related more to the skill of the squads rather than anything else.  Because [CORP] “requires” frequent play by it’s members, and takes almost anyone, there are a lot of lower skilled members.  I also believe that [CORP] has an overriding focus on sector conquest, which leads to the “take anyone” issue.  That’s not to say everyone in [CORP] is a bad player, but experience has shown me that if I see a [CORP] squad, I can ignore them as a squad.

It wasn’t a snipe, I was talking solely about [CORP] and how its portrayed. I was saying that despite some people saying [CORP] members are arrogant jerks, not all of [CORP] members are that way. I do not trash talk other corps and don’t appreciate the implication. My business is the corp i’m apart of and no others.

You may not appreciate the implication - but it was the impression you gave. I am merely pointing this out, I did not feel personally offended in any way.



“careful about whom they choose to associate with” - I start to get concerned though when things get turned into the level of middle school lunch room politics, which is what this looks like. And it contradicts your previous point that you are friends with people from corps you don’t respect. So things don’t have to be as harsh as you state. We are suppose to be blowing up spaceships, not gossiping over who is corp’d with who and sat by what in the mess hall.

I may have put my point across in a much more blunt manner - but this essentially says the same as others (ZEIK specifically) have stated above.

Choosing to be friends with an individual who chooses to follow specific leadership is not comparable to actually being there and making the decision to follow said leadership. There is in fact quite the difference here, and this does not contradict the point I was trying to make to you.

If the leader and/or officers of a specific corporation are incredibly rude to you, then this would affect how you perceive their members moving forward. Whether or not you’d give the individuals a chance at all, differs from person to person. I do, but at the same time I am realistic enough to say that it does cloud my perception of the individual and my initial feelings towards them will be less positive than they’d otherwise might have been.

Whilst this may seem unfair, realistically speaking it is how us humans work.

At the same time, I can only echo what ZEIK wrote. There is a degree of responsibility when you join a corporation to know what you are joining and thus choosing to attach yourself to. Ultimately if one finds themselves in a corporation that does not stand for the same things as they do - should they not leave and find a corporation which better matches their core values?

You may not appreciate the implication - but it was the impression you gave. I am merely pointing this out, I did not feel personally offended in any way.



At the same time, I can only echo what ZEIK wrote. There is a degree of responsibility when you join a corporation to know what you are joining and thus choosing to attach yourself to. Ultimately if one finds themselves in a corporation that does not stand for the same things as they do - should they not leave and find a corporation which better matches their core values?


As long as you know that I wasn’t trashing on other corps, that’s what matters.


Yes, I can concede the point that someone does have a responsibility to know what they are getting into. There seems to be two different worlds. In game, and the forums. Perhaps there should be some overlap, like allowing corps to write about themselves in a corp stats page when you double click on it’s name. A link to their thread in the forums. It’d give people more tools to learn about the different corps.

To be genuinely accurate, it would have to allow others to write understanding crafted opinions, including negative ones.  I doubt that will happen outside the forums.

To be genuinely accurate, it would have to allow others to write understanding crafted opinions, including negative ones.  I doubt that will happen outside the forums.


This is true, and it would be highly abuseable I imagine. 

Well Dagget, since you’re asking, let’s input my points of view and thoughts as well since i also commented on that status update a while back, so i think i should explain myself.

First off this is in the eyes of a solo player as of now, not a member of any corp (yet).


Let’s start regarding you. I have nothing against you ingame or on the forums since in my books you’re tagged as funny enough, not a rager (what do you call that in the positive way? chilled, calm?) and as a logical person who tries to cope with others’ opinions and stuff before saying something like ‘i don’t care, i’m gonna post whatever i want’. Ingame i barely barely met you and that was quite a while ago, so i dunno much about that except the fact i had nothing bad to argue or rage about you at all, so basically ‘neutral’.

Bottom line: you’re ok! So please don’t take all this to heart.





This is based on facts i personally witnessed and had to deal with, not making stuff up or borrowing opinions from others.


Every time i saw a [CORP] tagged player in matches it was proven to me they are terrible at doing things in the game as far as ‘skill, teamplay, strategy’ etc. would go. I have noticed the recruitment thread on the forums before and like many other new corps i spot there i usually spot them on in matches and am interested in their way of their actions and abilities. Unfortunately i was let down by that performance every single time, on top of occasional rages predominating from them - regarding general combat chat, not personal so far at least (i’ve actually had worse cases on raging from [Nova] which threw them in the depths of ignorance in my books - except for one guy who i befriended and like flying with - yes, he did try after a while to recruit me, but i told him my previous experiences and he accepted them without swearing or badmouthing; we kept on squadding up without a problem). The ‘skill’ part of the corporation i viewed them as was also enforced in time by other more ‘straight in your face’ type of players on several random occasions in the combat chat and raging.


One of the things i mostly hate from random corp players is ‘Join my corp!’ messages and straight blunt invitations. No description, no squad invites to see who they are, random friend invites just in hopes of getting me in the corp without actually trying to know me, just cuz i have good stats and a truckload of medals and they only want numbers. Sorry, not interested. That’s how someone in [CORP] treated me a while back and i was forced to completely ignore recruitment. There’s a case where the individual might fail a certain corporation’s expectations that he wants to join, but this goes the other way around too, thus the corp failing the individual’s expectations which happened in this case. I’ve been ‘befriended’ at random, invited at random, but not a single word priorly spoken to me. There are other 2 corps (maybe) i’m going to name here who did the same. One is DeadSpace [DS], apparently a russian corp who kept just inviting me or sending ‘join us!’ messages - IN RUSSIAN ffs… I finally had to tell them i don’t understand a f****n’ thing of what they were trying to tell me (hit my nerves one day, stopped playing for a minute and went to G.Translate to see what the hell they wanted from me). The other, which i’m still confused to this date what they wanted from me is Scattered Eagles [sE]. Every once in a while i would get completely random squad invitations from them, without any prior words. Obviously i refused in that case. Then we would meet in matches, blow each other up at random and every time it happened they would send me an apology message for ‘wrecking my DSR’. Wut? My stats came from naturally playing the game, not farming as they considered. They never sent an actual corp invitation, but in any case i had to ignore anything coming from them. Haven’t seen them lately at all, but i’m still not sure what all that was about.

In recruitment manners i liked WPK’s, NASA’s and TUF’s ways of recruitment where they talked to me first before anything else in a way of trying to find out who i actually am instead of ‘Join my corp!’.


Another issue with [CORP] would be the forum recruitment thread which i remember saying they acknowledged anyone in etc, forgot the message and requirements, but i remember thinking of it as a ‘zerg corp style of recruitment’ which it ultimately happened to become. There were many corps before of this kind and none resisted, so i saw no real future for it.

* In all honesty i see Jungfaha falling for the same trap with the ‘mass recruiting of just about anyone’ style of doing things. Tho JungC have a good moral code, i would still advise them to take care of how they handle things. I don’t have anything against them, so if any JungC member reads this pls treat it as a suggestion regarding recruitment.


The elitist treatment i was talking about, well, goes mostly to 1 person, i would actually PM you his name rather than writing it here if you want, but there were more of them doing so. Basically just raging about stats, ratings etc. in all the glory the term ‘raging’ can possibly mean.



This is my 2 cents. Bottom line: certain events made me think of them as ‘elitist rating farmers who fail at properly doing so’ as the general tag. As far as individuals go, the first thing going through my mind is wether i know the guy or not, then if yes applying what i know about them prior to the ‘general tag’. So usually i don’t expect much of [CORP] in matches.


I’ll finish with: i don’t want to be rude to anyone, it’s my opinion based on past experiences and i’ll have to add that any attempt of ‘arguing’ or ‘raging’ with me will be ignored. If you have something constructive to say, i’ll gladly talk with you (referring in general here, not just Dagget).



Being at this type of subject, if any TheLO guy reads this i have to apologize for a direct verbal attack at them a while ago regarding them all in general as i was in a bad mood when it happened (yep, even i have my moments every once in a while). Basically one of them flying an engi spawned a warpgate in front of me sending me for a thud medal in a realistic match and made me lose my specifically chosen ship for the enemy’s current ship loadout. Now that i’m thinking of that, it was quite funny that both of us crashed in the same spot. So… sorry about that.



EDIT: * added a friendly little comment about Jungfaha corp at the ‘zerg’ rant.

Well Dagget, since you’re asking, …


I can definitely sympathize and understand you here, and I appreciate the honesty and sharing your story. It seems recruitment methods have changed since I hopped on board, and that being more wary about random corps wanting you to join isn’t a bad idea. I found your post insightful and I’m glad you made it. Your frustrations are completely legitimate. You could PM me if you wanted but I’ve already been accused of acting as a mod in corp so I’ll leave it to those with rank if they are interested in contacting you.


I’d like to also thank everyone else for contributing, and for doing it in a level way to not turn this into a big spam thread. I like the discussion that was brought here, a lot of people made some excellent points that I cannot deny. This was for the most part constructive, and I thank you for that.

I can definitely sympathize and understand you here, and I appreciate the honesty and sharing your story. It seems recruitment methods have changed since I hopped on board, and that being more wary about random corps wanting you to join isn’t a bad idea. I found your post insightful and I’m glad you made it. Your frustrations are completely legitimate. You could PM me if you wanted but I’ve already been accused of acting as a mod in corp so I’ll leave it to those with rank if they are interested in contacting you.


I’d like to also thank everyone else for contributing, and for doing it in a level way to not turn this into a big spam thread. I like the discussion that was brought here, a lot of people made some excellent points that I cannot deny. This was for the most part constructive, and I thank you for that.


I wish all CORP members were like you

Being at this type of subject, if any TheLO guy reads this i have to apologize for a direct verbal attack at them a while ago regarding them all in general as i was in a bad mood when it happened (yep, even i have my moments every once in a while). Basically one of them flying an engi spawned a warpgate in front of me sending me for a thud medal in a realistic match and made me lose my specifically chosen ship for the enemy’s current ship loadout. Now that i’m thinking of that, it was quite funny that both of us crashed in the same spot. So… sorry about that.




hahahahaha newbie lol (Joke of course sir !)

(I also spawn warpgates infront of friendly players who I dislike lol)

I’m actually fenced on this one


The tag you choose to have in front of your name should not be something you pick up at random, you should know that corp’s goals (present or future), know their players and, most importantly, know their officers and CEO. This is highly important so you get to know the corp you’re in, no matter how its members are. They’ll always be friendly towards one another and hostile towards other pilots, depending on attitude.


However… If those officers are just arrogant sods with no concern for anything or anyone outside of their corp, there is absolutely no reason to be allied to those people. Why burn yourself because of what your leaders do or say? It’s a game. Besides, you said it yourself that you prefer the lone wolf life.


If you stay there, it’s of your own volition, for good or bad. It’s up to you whether you want to be a part of the clusterfuck that are zerg corps.



(I also spawn warpgates infront of friendly players who I dislike lol)

And randomly toss them into neighbouring rocks. I still hate you for that.

I can definitely sympathize and understand you here, and I appreciate the honesty and sharing your story. It seems recruitment methods have changed since I hopped on board, and that being more wary about random corps wanting you to join isn’t a bad idea. I found your post insightful and I’m glad you made it. Your frustrations are completely legitimate. You could PM me if you wanted but I’ve already been accused of acting as a mod in corp so I’ll leave it to those with rank if they are interested in contacting you.


I’d like to also thank everyone else for contributing, and for doing it in a level way to not turn this into a big spam thread. I like the discussion that was brought here, a lot of people made some excellent points that I cannot deny. This was for the most part constructive, and I thank you for that.

I wish all CORP members were like you

If you feel this strongly about your corporation, Dagget, speak to your leaders. Every corporation needs a vocal representative in the community, preferably one who is well-respected.

I’m actually fenced on this one


The tag you choose to have in front of your name should not be something you pick up at random, you should know that corp’s goals (present or future), know their players and, most importantly, know their officers and CEO. This is highly important so you get to know the corp you’re in, no matter how its members are. They’ll always be friendly towards one another and hostile towards other pilots, depending on attitude.


However… If those officers are just arrogant sods with no concern for anything or anyone outside of their corp, there is absolutely no reason to be allied to those people. Why burn yourself because of what your leaders do or say? It’s a game. Besides, you said it yourself that you prefer the lone wolf life.


If you stay there, it’s of your own volition, for good or bad. It’s up to you whether you want to be a part of the clusterfuck that are zerg corps.



I wouldn’t call zerg corps clusterfucks, simply because there are plenty of good people who may have ended up in them. However yes the game is broken in that it rewards this zerging method of attaining success.


That said, you also have valid points. I myself don’t have any particular strong reasons for staying beyond some of the nice folks i’ve come to meet and chat with. And that itself probably is a flag as to why on earth am I constantly wasting my breath defending when it really doesn’t affect anything. Plus i’m not an officer so that shouldn’t be my responsibility in the first place, nor is it one I really want.


I don’t have anything against [CORP], I know there’s good people in it who try hard. And that’s enough for me to not hold a grudge, even if things do get frustrating sometimes. Though I do wonder why I didn’t just fly solo again.



If you feel this strongly about your corporation, Dagget, speak to your leaders. Every corporation needs a vocal representative in the community, preferably one who is well-respected.


This is excellent advice and I appreciate it.  :00111:  I don’t think i’m the right person for that job. I think i’m ready to retire back into the simpler world of just blowing up spaceships. :]