Even better, don’t just go off. Find those few who think alike and see what you can all do together eventually. As a lone wolf you will indeed master a lot more flying skills, but it isn’t 100% worth it to abandon any friends you’ve made either. I’ve been solo since the beginning, but decided to join WPK as soon as college starts (this sunday / monday) and i can do what i want with my timetable (and getting the damn mic installed which i left there). It’s lots more fun with more people around, i flew with them and felt the difference. I’m sure you did too.

I wouldn’t call zerg corps clusterfucks, simply because there are plenty of good people who may have ended up in them. However yes the game is broken in that it rewards this zerging method of attaining success.


That said, you also have valid points. I myself don’t have any particular strong reasons for staying beyond some of the nice folks i’ve come to meet and chat with. And that itself probably is a flag as to why on earth am I constantly wasting my breath defending when it really doesn’t affect anything. Plus i’m not an officer so that shouldn’t be my responsibility in the first place, nor is it one I really want.


I don’t have anything against [CORP], I know there’s good people in it who try hard. And that’s enough for me to not hold a grudge, even if things do get frustrating sometimes. Though I do wonder why I didn’t just fly solo again.

Zerg corps have a handful of good people, but the rest are just mindless zombies that do jack xxxx all towards corp objectives (even for a casual corp, considering there are no bonuses for being in a corporation). This game is broken in MANY fronts, not just SecCon.


The job of maintaining the corp face is that of the officers. Their members are there for the ride, for better or worse. They will rarely have a say in anything regarding corp matters if they just don’t care about it. CORP is a prime example of this. I’m not hating on the corp as a whole, I’m just stating this from personal experience. They just don’t give a toss in the field.

I don’t think i’m the right person for that job.

He reads the forums just so you know…

He reads the forums just so you know…

Who? The CEO? I know. I figured i’d get the boot and I knew that before I started this thread. I do wish him luck still though in running [CORP]. Rather then cause trouble I abandoned ship on my own.


Besides, he is the face of the corp and can overrule me at any time. Which is how it should be, hes a superior officer in a way.



Zerg corps have a handful of good people, but the rest are just mindless zombies that do jack xxxx all towards corp objectives (even for a casual corp, considering there are no bonuses for being in a corporation). This game is broken in MANY fronts, not just SecCon.


The job of maintaining the corp face is that of the officers. Their members are there for the ride, for better or worse. They will rarely have a say in anything regarding corp matters if they just don’t care about it. CORP is a prime example of this. I’m not hating on the corp as a whole, I’m just stating this from personal experience. They just don’t give a toss in the field.


I do think they care about their corp, but you are right that members are dime a dozen and they dont get a whole lot of say. That brings up the argument of ‘can you run a corp as a democracy’. We’ve had discussions like that before, so people think about it i believe.



Even better, don’t just go off. Find those few who think alike and see what you can all do together eventually. As a lone wolf you will indeed master a lot more flying skills, but it isn’t 100% worth it to abandon any friends you’ve made either. I’ve been solo since the beginning, but decided to join WPK as soon as college starts (this sunday / monday) and i can do what i want with my timetable (and getting the damn mic installed which i left there). It’s lots more fun with more people around, i flew with them and felt the difference. I’m sure you did too.

That is true for sure, I have some buddies still on my list. Good luck in [WPK] too. :]

I do think they care about their corp, but you are right that members are dime a dozen and they dont get a whole lot of say. That brings up the argument of ‘can you run a corp as a democracy’. We’ve had discussions like that before, so people think about it i believe.

As a seasoned MMO player, I can say I’ve been on almost all sides of that 20-sided dice that are online groups. I’ve been a bad player in a bad group, a good player in a bad group, a bad player in a good group and a good player in a good group. I’ve seen democratic groups, authoritarian groups and so on and so on… I don’t know how other corps work, but, generally speaking, if you don’t run a democracy involving ALL members of a group… you’re not doing so well as a leader.


I’ve only been in 3 corps since I’ve started playing SC in… March, I think… But it’s been more than enough to give me an idea of who the good and the bad corps are. I regularly play on all 4 Tiers (still don’t have T5 because Credits and because I tend to test any and all fits on every ship I buy, that usually wastes around 2-5mill per ship after purchase) and I’ve seen a bit of everything…

On that note I would want to be informed if my corporation was causing trouble or had a bad reputation. That way the corp could either discuss or kick the certain player out. Of course you can’t please everyone because of the competitive nature of the game, but as long as its not a common thing I think most people dont want bad reputations.


We dont have a bad rep, do we?

On that note I would want to be informed if my corporation was causing trouble or had a bad reputation. That way the corp could either discuss or kick the certain player out. Of course you can’t please everyone because of the competitive nature of the game, but as long as its not a common thing I think most people dont want bad reputations.


We dont have a bad rep, do we?


I didn’t see a single player of your corp in T3 so atm no.

Can someone please make a tl;dr version?

Can someone please make a tl;dr version?

OP butthurt that everyone’s hating on CORP.

Explaining that none of its members even touch the forums to know the clusterfuck that happened a couple weeks ago.

OP being disrespected because he’s in CORP.

Rest of thread is filled with comments of understanding and the usual off-topic bull past page 2.


I didn’t see a single player of your corp in T3 so atm no.

I’ve seen quite a lot of them. Always at the bottom of the charts, though.

OP butthurt that everyone’s hating on CORP.

Explaining that none of its members even touch the forums to know the clusterfuck that happened a couple weeks ago.

OP being disrespected because he’s in CORP.

Rest of thread is filled with comments of understanding and the usual off-topic bull past page 2.



Well, cant argue with that, but everyone acted respectably in the end.

Well, cant argue with that, but everyone acted respectably in the end.

Very true.

I have been super busy with work. I have have not had much time to play.


In response to some of the post i have just read, I have this to say. I have been hated for a long time for very little reason.

I had an issue with double standards and my resisting the double standard bullying made me the focus of a hate club.

I became hated for standing up for my fellow peers. Since my stand over these double standards it appears I have made my point and these double standards are greatly reduced.



Now as far as officers are concerned. I made a post about giving a title system upgrade for the corp roles.

This would fix a lot of issues with how things work. Doubt that title system post will ever happen.

Its nearly impossible to make a good choice in officer. I have a guideline in place, but now that i hardly play it very hard to enforce it.

I think Officers have to many rights,and the one thing i would like for one officer to have I can not give, and that is the ability to change the message of the day(MOTD).

I have always been lax about language, but have asked on many occasion to do things with some level of respect.


My main objective is to recruit players who play competitively and better than me. I am not that great, but I am a good planner and I shared a good strategy.

This strategy should perpetually keep the corp near its position even with out me, as it has done.

Taking things personally would have never allowed corp to hold the ranks it has in the past.

Most people are not nice when they are online. Its nothing new, we all know this. So why everyone is getting bent out of shape over it is just ridiculous.

Some of the people who posted and complained are guilty of exactly what they are complaining about.


After so much issues with false accusation and admin issues. i started saving any log with possible issues for threat management.

I have many log with incriminating info if i ever need to back myself up to justify my actions.


Doubt this has done anything good, but at least I have replied to this thread which appears to be nothing more than a Corp trolling page.

Doubt this has done anything good, but at least I have replied to this thread which appears to be nothing more than a Corp trolling page.


Do you even read?  :facepalm:


Doubt this has done anything good, but at least I have replied to this thread which appears to be nothing more than a Corp trolling page.

It is not a trolling page, it is all real. At least what i wrote is all stuff that really happened.

Now, you did say you didn’t have much time to play and be online, so corp members going out of their way becomes more understandable and / or you didn’t have the chance to actually witness the events.


On the bottom line of what actually is the main problem i’ve noticed people to share about it is:

  1. Zerg recruitment style - by appointed officers within apparently, i’ve seen this in combat chat as well, not only forums;

  2. The displayed teamwork and skill in combat lacks massively, resulting in the theory that the standards you put in place on the recruitment page haven’t been respected, and people ingame took notice and started raging (i’ve witnessed many combat chat logs complaining if we had a CORP squad in our team for example).


At least all this was back then at least (1-2 months ago). I think the actions of some within your corporation resulted in the current degradation.

It is indeed hard to appoint good people as officers, but there really is only one way to do it. You have to get to know people better before making decisions on the matter. But this is especially harder with not much time at hand.


I wish you luck in restoring your corp’s name in a brighter light if you so choose to do.

Can someone please make a tl;dr version?

OP butthurt that everyone’s hating on CORP.

Explaining that none of its members even touch the forums to know the clusterfuck that happened a couple weeks ago.

OP being disrespected because he’s in CORP.

Rest of thread is filled with comments of understanding and the usual off-topic bull past page 2.

Well, cant argue with that, but everyone acted respectably in the end.

Dagget’s the CORP member who started the thread.


Doubt this has done anything good, but at least I have replied to this thread which appears to be nothing more than a Corp trolling page.

I must say I agree with Dagget’s initial feelings about not everyone being painted with the same brush. As has been said, the recruitment standards for [CORP] are pretty lax and people who have just started out playing the game are likely to join a corp that is spamming general chat and is in top ranks of the leader boards, people do this because they don’t want to play alone, want to meet people and it’s easier to learn a game. 


Sure they might end up with just a handful of good players, but if a person is having fun and made some friends in that corp why leave even if he may not agree with the CEO? Or are they supposed to leave just because other corps don’t like their corp? Sounds silly to me since the main goal in a game is to have fun, if the people you have fun with are in that corp you shouldn’t be pressured by other corps to leave it just because they paint everyone with the same brush. 

Its like painting me as corrupt and lazy just for being Spanish… i’m not a Spanish politician but i still am Spanish and decide to continue living in Spain. So its my fault the politicians are corrupt and lazy and i should leave the country to not be branded like them? I see it as the same thing.


Another story would be banding said friends together and moving on to another corp, but when players are casual they usually don’t care so much about it, they just want to log on, play a few games and have fun doing so. Even less check forums to look at the politics of the game.

If the situation with officers is bad members will leave eventually, one way or another. There is a Spanish saying “Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres” which means “Tell me who you walk with and I’ll tell you who  you are” or “Birds of a feather flock together” which is basically what most of the responses to this thread have been saying, however i believe the situation of a corp/clan/guild in an online game is more complex than that, simply because even if you are in a corp with certain people, it doesnt mean you get along with some of them and even less that you play (or walk) alongside them.


I made the move to a new corp and I’ve found a lot more like minded people and have been having a lot of fun playing with them, have yet to meet anyone i don’t like, so I guess i’m encouraging players to look around for other corps if they are not entirely happy with theirs, but not because of outside pressure to do so. The main reason i left my previous corp was because the members i had fun playing with either stopped playing or moved to new corps.


As for not seeing much teamwork coming out of [CORP]members… the main issue here is that they do not use Teamspeak or any sort of voip at all, even tho the corp provides a server for their members to use. So i’d really encourage MassDeath to enforce the use of TS or get his officers to do so, and they’d see a big improvement in teamwork as most of the people i played with in [CORP] actually do try to go for the win, some will simply be more successful than others at doing so :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t see a single player of your corp in T3 so atm no.


I don’t see much of my corp either. Must be my time zone…



I’ve seen quite a lot of them. Always at the bottom of the charts, though.


That wasn’t me! *defensive* :stuck_out_tongue:


I digress.


I have a personal friend who is a clan master in another game (coincidentally, a ship-based game as well). I served as one of his admirals for about two years, and I’ve always been amazed at his management style. Put bluntly, our clan was a dictatorship. Clan master says do this, clan members follow. With good reason, of course; we established all kinds of systems to help the clan benefit from events, fight clan wars, fight boss monsters, etc. But there was rarely any dissent. We’ve got a couple of troublemakers. Gave them a couple of warnings and explained why we wanted things to be done in a certain way. For repeat offenders, we kicked them.


In a way we were kind of like a zerg clan. Previously we were a huge clan, but after a while almost the entire clan went inactive. When my friend took over, he kicked all the inactives (most of them were inactive for months or even up to two years). We somehow recruited a horde of players which made us one of the largest clans in terms of active players, though most of us were mid level players. Individually, our firepower sucked (except for a few of us), but our combined damage output, plus our clan war strategies and alliances helped us rise up pretty quickly. There were quite a few instances where people on the forums complained: “XXX clan is too powerful, they sunk so many clan forts”. If it wasn’t for how strict we were about following what the clan leader says, we wouldn’t have made it.


Was it a good way to manage a clan? Or was it bad? Whatever it is, at least my clan members were and still are well taken care of, and as a clan we honour our alliances (some clans had players who accidentally or deliberately attacked their own allies). 

Old Prophet’s words of wisdom -“Less talk, more pew pew”

Agree with Kostyan, if you don’t like the reputation of your corp either work at changing it or look for a new corp. After all the whole point of running around with a corp tag is to be recognized for what the corp stands for.

oh right, he tried to change our corp’s reputation with hes post. there is multiple ways of doing this.


also whats with the response comments back to him? he simply just said hes thoughts around our corporation

there is nothing wrong or right in this like tacticalwizard tries to say hes wrong in different matters. seriously why not just be nice for once against CORP members?? 

everyone has different opinions and point of views over everything. so you really cant say if he’s right or wrong. there is nothing wrong with this post at all. and noe one asked you guys for ur opinions lol. 


me : i like cola

you: i dont like cola

me : no one asked you


does that remind you of someone?  :crazy:

You just answere to a year old post.  :crazy:  :facepalm: