
as much as I can keep playing this game because its fun by default, the sheer damage output A RECON does with the t’har’ok is higher than a god damn destroyer or gunship. its ridiculous, as a destroyer with 40% damage resistance i recieve exactly around 7422-8235 damage PER HIT.

I see Free to play games that asks merely 10$ to get permanent double credits, then only pay for cosmetics. thats it, and everything is balanced and easely obtainable in around a week of casual play. or a fair, cheap price to buy instantly.

star conflict? dish out 200$ to get a destroyer on day 1, and then watch it melt and die as fast as any other free guard frigates. thats disgusting.

Keep paying 2 win is a disgusting business model and I wish everyone would express the same feeling.

I’d rather be happy with a destroyer that does as much damage output as the next best free thing. and survives at about the best rate as possible, you know? doing its job as a suppressor.

but seeing a RECON INTERCEPTOR behave as if it was a GUNSHIP on steroids is kinda depressing.

im okay with accidental imbalance and quick fixes, but devs KNOW about the sheer power of the tai’kin and they literally wait for their next paycheck to come in before fixing them.

“oh we’re waiting for more data before making careful changes”

no. its perfectly clear and easy to notice how unusual and imbalanced it is to see a reconnaissance ship to do the bulk of the team’s damage.

its obvious what they’re doing as a business and people seem OK with it.

Sure you can say people can still play the game and have “fun” without paying a cent in this game, but thats no excuse to deprive the veteran players of new content over underwhelming 1 ship per month or two releases that completely ruins the fun for competitive or PVP players.

we need actual content updates. and you’ll see money rolling as if you released one overpowered ships. but that exact content. I don’t know. but not this.


the devs are missing one important value. replayability and fun factor.


right now im sure im not the only one who doesn’t have fun and hates queuing for obligatory PVP because I need monocrystals. and I know a tai’kin is going to ruin my fun. nearly all my friends are only logging on this game to run the A.Gage daily fleet assignement. nothing else.

pvp isn’t fun anymore.

Pve is boring.

conquest takes scheduling which Im not going to bother since there’s probably tai’kins waiting there too.

Open space is boring.

Spec ops is repetitive and boring.


In the end. I hope this rant will maybe speed up the next nerf by like… two hours at least. but I know devs don’t care, players will only discuss on asking me to bring concrete nerfs on the table, so… its pointless to make this, but I have to let it out anyway in the hopes that one day they maybe… just maybe do things a different, more fun way.

I just got a Tier V PvP match with 4 Tai’Kins on the enemy team.

Of course we lost in the end. I did my 6 hour xeno assignments and that’s it. I can rarely play competitively under such circumstances.

There is no incentive to actually buy a Premium license. Not at this time, at least. Well, I could do P2W thing, but then I would feel guilty about it.

Thar’Ga is still somewhat OP, but not broken as it used to be, but Tai’Kin is even worse than Thar’Ga was in the initial stages.

It takes 4-5 ships to try to kill Tai’Kin and even that fails in 80% of times, due to holograms and multiple recon jumps.

What can we expect next? Engineer that will be a Mini-Nuke that will heal and damage at the same time? ECMs, that will activate self-destruct option on enemy ships?


I am wondering, if they already know that they will shut down their game and they try to get as much buck as possible. (S)Targem really went from one extreme to the other.

They have a right do this. It’s a shame, that customers are probably nothing more than just numbers to them.


P.S.: I agree with your post above in general.

I’d love to have different devs work on this game, it seems the current team lost passion, at least the creativity is there, but the fun isnt.

What else can i say other than i agree with said facts. PvP aspect is completely ruined.

A small anecdote:

Our team: Full regular ship

Enemy team: 5 taikin 1 engie


We got rekt and spawn camped. That’s so fun.

Even with resonating ammo it is a cancer to kill.


I want a resonating pulsar.

Its the same old story but seems that story gets worse and worse; IOW destroyers were WAY op, then tharga now its taikin. The next one, if it keeps the same theme going, will be even worse. Its sickening to say the least getting destroyed in a destroyer by a RECON. wtf?

And yes, I use vigilant in pvp now cause I don’t feel so bad about it now considering the way things are going.

We need chef Gordon Ramsay to make a new series called “SC nightmares” and fix this game

Yea we can’t enjoy pvp anymore, right now i’m mostly connected to do dailys and help friends

29 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Yea we can’t enjoy pvp anymore, right now i’m mostly connected to do dailys and help friends

And for some, farming synergy.

I have nightmares of the taikin now.

It’s the double damage from AoE damage that the destroyers take. I’ve been complaining about it since forever but nobody seemed to notice. Well now you have a weapon on a bloody RECON that does 5500 DPS by default, but is also explosive and given how easy it can get close to the destroyer, gets another 50% bonus. 16.5k DPS to a destroyer and about 10k DPS to a frigate. All on the most mobile ship in the game that is tougher than any fighter.

But no amount of complaints on the forum will fix that. They will just milk the game until it yields money and then let it die without shedding a tear.

1 hour ago, FilthHound said:

It’s the double damage from AoE damage that the destroyers take. I’ve been complaining about it since forever but nobody seemed to notice. Well now you have a weapon on a bloody RECON that does 5500 DPS by default, but is also explosive and given how easy it can get close to the destroyer, gets another 50% bonus. 16.5k DPS to a destroyer and about 10k DPS to a frigate. All on the most mobile ship in the game that is tougher than any fighter.

But no amount of complaints on the forum will fix that. They will just milk the game until it yields money and then let it die without shedding a tear.

Well said!

12 hours ago, Mauroghen said:

right now im sure im not the only one who doesn’t have fun and hates queuing for obligatory PVP because I need monocrystals. and I know a tai’kin is going to ruin my fun. nearly all my friends are only logging on this game to run the A.Gage daily fleet assignement. nothing else.

pvp isn’t fun anymore.

Pve is boring.

conquest takes scheduling which Im not going to bother since there’s probably tai’kins waiting there too.

Open space is boring.

Spec ops is repetitive and boring.

I played only with standard ships in PVP and I stopped 15 days ago now. I do not make even any more daily…
I played with friends (veterans) who also left because of all these changes… and i don’t want to be just a target training. 

Now I just look at the forum to know if there is new changes, new ideas etc. … maybe that in one year, balance will have returned but I doubt it. The name of the game is “evolution” … and for those who want to be competitive in PVP, the standards ships are just there to learn and elydium to win. I had the feeling by moment to be a real moron,  which ran after untouchable crazy things and to be killed in 2 shoot… not really fun. Well, i will see now how the “evolution” will evolve and look of the funny somewhere else… GL all ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

like always sry for my english ^^

As I am a player, that likes big tough ships like destroyers, I must say few things from me here.

Taikin with his “bubbles” wrecks easy any of destroyer, especially r8 and THERE IS NO CHANCE TO DEFEND. I am a fighter/small ship newbie and I must tell its so easy with taikin and bubbles for me to destroy destroyers fast. Their turrets are completely useless, because they have too low damage and turn speed + their firerate its too low. Even with activation of red turret fire rate, if they hit me damage is so low and pathetic - not mentioning rest of modules…no chance to destroy taikin.

Tharga is OP too, maybe without bubbles, but damage its too too high. Also it has module that deals damage when targeted tharga - it deals damage even if tharga is many kilometers away.

When I first played destroyer, I had this awesome feeling, that I drive something big and powerful, hard to destroy. Players had respect to them, and noone was fool enough to attack alone them.
But yeah, people started to complain, so they got nerfed and nerfed…but noone complained about for example Plasma Arc…one plasma arc done correctly from back to a destroyer and destroyer is completely useless. Plasma Arc is dealing more damage to destroyer than even destroyer modules! (standard damge + damage taken from destroyed modules) Now destroyers especially r8 are only flying bricks and easy targets.

I played very long game called Navy Field, there if you dare with small ship to come close to a big ship, for example battleship one gun salva and youre gone…in star conflict even the smallest ships cant be destroyed easy…sigh.

Sorry if I made offtopic, I had to write this…I am very sad that Star Conflict, and its big potential is wasted ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)


Maybe they need money for Cross Out.

T’har’ok is completely fine and balanced. Its the pilot that counts. Just git gut boy!

1 hour ago, specopsbarton said:

As I am a player, that likes big tough ships like destroyers, I must say few things from me here.

Taikin with his “bubbles” wrecks easy any of destroyer, especially r8 and THERE IS NO CHANCE TO DEFEND. I am a fighter/small ship newbie and I must tell its so easy with taikin and bubbles for me to destroy destroyers fast. Their turrets are completely useless, because they have too low damage and turn speed + their firerate its too low. Even with activation of red turret fire rate, if they hit me damage is so low and pathetic - not mentioning rest of modules…no chance to destroy taikin.

Tharga is OP too, maybe without bubbles, but damage its too too high. Also it has module that deals damage when targeted tharga - it deals damage even if tharga is many kilometers away.

When I first played destroyer, I had this awesome feeling, that I drive something big and powerful, hard to destroy. Players had respect to them, and noone was fool enough to attack alone them.
But yeah, people started to complain, so they got nerfed and nerfed…but noone complained about for example Plasma Arc…one plasma arc done correctly from back to a destroyer and destroyer is completely useless. Plasma Arc is dealing more damage to destroyer than even destroyer modules! (standard damge + damage taken from destroyed modules) Now destroyers especially r8 are only flying bricks and easy targets.

I played very long game called Navy Field, there if you dare with small ship to come close to a big ship, for example battleship one gun salva and youre gone…in star conflict even the smallest ships cant be destroyed easy…sigh.

Sorry if I made offtopic, I had to write this…I am very sad that Star Conflict, and its big potential is wasted ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)


lol I still remember everyone getting excited about an upcoming ship that will put destroyers in their place.

Here they are!

Why the glum face? Thought you guys wanted that. lmao

2 hours ago, specopsbarton said:

As I am a player, that likes big tough ships like destroyers, I must say few things from me here.

Taikin with his “bubbles” wrecks easy any of destroyer, especially r8 and THERE IS NO CHANCE TO DEFEND. I am a fighter/small ship newbie and I must tell its so easy with taikin and bubbles for me to destroy destroyers fast. Their turrets are completely useless, because they have too low damage and turn speed + their firerate its too low. Even with activation of red turret fire rate, if they hit me damage is so low and pathetic - not mentioning rest of modules…no chance to destroy taikin.

Tharga is OP too, maybe without bubbles, but damage its too too high. Also it has module that deals damage when targeted tharga - it deals damage even if tharga is many kilometers away.

When I first played destroyer, I had this awesome feeling, that I drive something big and powerful, hard to destroy. Players had respect to them, and noone was fool enough to attack alone them.
But yeah, people started to complain, so they got nerfed and nerfed…but noone complained about for example Plasma Arc…one plasma arc done correctly from back to a destroyer and destroyer is completely useless. Plasma Arc is dealing more damage to destroyer than even destroyer modules! (standard damge + damage taken from destroyed modules) Now destroyers especially r8 are only flying bricks and easy targets.

I played very long game called Navy Field, there if you dare with small ship to come close to a big ship, for example battleship one gun salva and youre gone…in star conflict even the smallest ships cant be destroyed easy…sigh.

Sorry if I made offtopic, I had to write this…I am very sad that Star Conflict, and its big potential is wasted ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)


Naa you are right ^^, r8 destroyers are those who are suffering the most with all these changes… it’s like ppl find normal if a patrol boat can blew up a yamato battleship class -_-… thx for remember me about those turrets i’ll make a topic about it


2 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

it’s like ppl find normal if a patrol boat can blew up a yamato battleship class ![-_-](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/009j.png “-_-”)

Thats like it looks like unfortunately…

2 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

thx for remember me about those turrets i’ll make a topic about it

No damage, no firerate and those turrets have even problem in tracking targets due to low turn speed…completely useless.
I guess, that red turret purpose is to be against small ships…

Fully upgraded blaster turret (red turret) r8:

Damage 430
Turn Rate 90
Max range 1995m
Recoil 2 degree
Firerate 90…(180 when active is good, but only for very short time…)
only one word, damn…


Turrets from destroyers can’t protect the ship against Tai’Kin. Mostly because they are underpowered and turrets cover only one hemisphere of the destroyer. However be advised, strong turrets could build a no-fly-zone for the destroyer and this isn’t good either.

But thats their role - to build no fly zone and protect main ship!
Also they cost module space, where you could install something else, and gain much more attack power.
Even with both installed turrets destroyers still have “dead zones”, where enemy ship can fly and damage them.

So they definitely need to be stronger than now (need buff).