
I’m sorry for the off-topic, but destroyers are supressors. We already have guard frigates to build no-fly-zones.


And Thar’not’ok is simply a sale argument for Tai’Kin. I doubt it will stay as it is when we get a ellydium frigate.

AA Turrets are made for DEFENDING and making no fly zone near ship, or area where they are placed.
You saw ever a AntiAircraft turret not making no fly zone for enemy planes, and allow them to fly safely?
If I understood good, your thinking is that turrets shouldnt stop TaiKin, Tharga and other ships from flying safely near destroyer…no comment.

Sorry if this is offtopic.

On 5/11/2017 at 0:54 AM, SamTheCrafter said:

We need chef Gordon Ramsay to make a new series called “SC nightmares” and fix this game

THIS IS HILARIOUS XD "You, you, you, you… **** off, **** off, **** off, **** off, GGGGGET OUT!!! " 

3 hours ago, specopsbarton said:

it’s like ppl find normal if a patrol boat can blew up a yamato battleship class ![-_-](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/009j.png “-_-”)

I think this is what you picture (I made this meme when dessies intsta died against a covert ops)


3 hours ago, specopsbarton said:

No damage, no firerate and those turrets have even problem in tracking targets due to low turn speed…completely useless.

totally, and the maneuvers on inties are too much for the turrets… plus, ridiculos dmg per shot


8 hours ago, specopsbarton said:

When I first played destroyer, I had this awesome feeling, that I drive something big and powerful, hard to destroy. Players had respect to them, and noone was fool enough to attack alone them.
But yeah, people started to complain, so they got nerfed and nerfed…

their role description says “high firepower” and “high survivability” … … survivability nerfed (down to 20% a few months ago), and dmg output too. Also keeping in mind, that these peeps complaining were the ‘genius’ people that thought in 1v1 a dessie, and if not possible, it was UNBALANCED… 


49 minutes ago, ntboble said:

I’m sorry for the off-topic, but destroyers are supressors. We already have guard frigates to build no-fly-zones.

Guards are meant to soak up dmg to protect other ships (they are shields, literally). They dont build “no fly zones”.

However, destroyers are supposed to be “fearsome” as the role’s description says. Currently, their role is just being the synergy Ace loot for players that use inties.

On 5/10/2017 at 9:52 PM, ORCA1911 said:


What else can i say other than i agree with said facts. PvP aspect is completely ruined.




6 hours ago, theNoob said:

T’har’ok is completely fine and balanced. Its the pilot that counts. Just git gut boy!


… sure… BTW, I lasted a mere 10 seconds, and I could only dmg it to half its shield because it flies so fast, I cant keep up my aim to its ‘electron’ flying (orbiting too fast) … this is NOT ok… 

I figured a temporary counter to taikins, pyro emitter, if I keep it until a taikin comes around me before I use it, it usually kills them cus they keep spinning around me and always fly into the beam.

aiming the pyro emitter is still an issue

Crystal satellite
   Now additionally reduces the target’s maneuverability by 50%
   Damage increased by 15%
   Fixed a bug where the module’s owner was slowed down instead of the target

Inhibitor crystal
   Initial damage increased by 15%
   Inhibition power doubled
   Active radius increased by 150 m


Good job devs… Inhibition now slow you for 75% and another 50% maneuverability from Crystal satellite… 700m/s intie now flys at 140m/s

Yea just read it… look like i’m not coming back anytime soon ![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

After reading the changes  ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) ![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)

the fact that they have decreased the teleportation range on the kidnap crsytal just made it harder to kidnap a fighter or fed frigate, didn’t change anything at all when kidnapping a destroyer.


  • they buffed everything else…


Destroyer auto-turrets are absolutely worthless vs the tai’kin. The only useful module against it is the pyro emitter or the gravitational lens, and even then it usually only makes the tai’kin driver go away from you for a small amount of time. Blaster turret could use a buff at the very least.

A destroyer module that functions like the heavy guard drone “no funky movement powers” effect would be useful. Actually, why doesn’t that exist? The destroyers are kinda based around control effects aren’t they? “Gravity well generator module - Slows down ships and prevents movement abilities within zzzz meters”

-10/15% on tharok but +10/50% on everything else, seems promising, not.

17 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

-10/15% on tharok but +10/50% on everything else, seems promising, not.

They nerfed return crystal and death bubbles as you guys asked.

Nerfed the cloud -> less beacon deny


Reworked infiltration crystal, so it’s not totally broken on high RoF weapon, and totally useless on low RoF. The value seems fine (considering a valkyrie gives much more damage to all targets)


And they buffed unused modules 


The only bad point, is the buff to Crystal Satellite and Inhibitor Crystal. 

But the buff to Inhibitor crystal is minor (considering the damage buff is only to the initial damages, not final damage). 


It’s not that bad. You’re over exaggerating. 

On 18.05.2017 at 1:52 PM, Elusif said:

Destroyer auto-turrets are absolutely worthless vs the tai’kin. The only useful module against it is the pyro emitter or the gravitational lens, and even then it usually only makes the tai’kin driver go away from you for a small amount of time. Blaster turret could use a buff at the very least.

It will. But I can’t say much yet.