Tha'rga Really OP

I didn’t realize how OP they were until my last few matches tonight. Ever single one of these gunship fighters takes AT LEAST 3-4 ships to take down. The regen and durability are pretty much unmatched.

I know that they take a bit more skill to pull off. But when people learn how to operate tharga really well, they’re basically using a cheat ship.

3-4 ships ? Yeah. But 3-4 ships extremely well coordinated : A tackler + an ECM + 2 DPS at least. 

Because else, a single reboot and he survive.

The end has come my friends, on the horizon I see a Tha’rga.

Quick, everyone press self destruct.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts on that ship. I know, in good hands alot can seem op, but the Tha’rga just steps up that game another few notches… should be nerfed imho. Maybe increase the hull damage taken from module activation?

Or tweak the regeneration malus some more.

first systematic mass disconnects i saw yesterday. the game has mutaded to: hopefully next game there wont be any thargas.

then those games were mostly actually nice and close, possibly because of all the rage pumping through the pilots. really heated and everybody on the max.

bad thargas also get quickly disposed of, everybody is eager to kill one, so dont hope to be part of the fun, without some experience

my vorlon part asks for “where is the patch!?”, my shadow part smiles and says: “once this is over, people will be hardened steel”.

i would suggest an old tactic by zap brannigan: we send in waves of pilots after pilots, until their kill counter has a buffer overrun.

Thar’Ga is and always was stupid op. This ship is as mobile as federational interceptor, damage output as kraken and regeneration like any other ship. This IS the definiton of a no-skill ship. This game has never been so close to p2w.


Yesterday I saw 1 Thar’Ga take out the whole enemy team, our cap was dead and we couldn’t respawn. 10 enemy lock marks, still surviving with +50% hull… Stupid conflict, just so stupid…

Did a CTB match yesterday with the beloved t5 Tharga owners that everyone loves so much and they dominated the match at the beginning, but they did get killed FINALLY and then it was just a normal match. LOL I think they forgot how to fly standard ships because it was just cake after that. They tried to charge me, while I was using empire engi, in a inty and I was laughing the whole time.

Thing about it is that the weapon on tharga is just too much. If I could kill an inty in 1 to 2 hits, frigs in 5 - 10 and destroyers in 20-30, or whatever it is, then I would probably be one of those loved players too.

That’s the one think I like at the beginning of this patch, hardly anybody had a Thar’ga, and those who did didn’t exactly know how to use it really well. So it was fine then…pretty balanced in my opinion.

Now though, nope, no way. I’m fine with 1-2 Thar’gas per team, but when you get 5 per side, it gets a bit overwhelming.

Damn devs y u no nerf T_T ?!

13 minutes ago, HBZK100 said:

I’m fine with 1-2 Thar’gas per team, but when you get 5 per side, it gets a bit overwhelming.

Me too. I do mostly rank 8 PvPs in my Phoenix engi and here its o.k. with them 2-3 Thargas per team. They are pests but not breaking the game so far.

11 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Me too. I do mostly rank 8 PvPs in my Phoenix engi and here its o.k. with them 2-3 Thargas per team. They are pests but not breaking the game so far.

I might of been your teammate, I’ve been seeing a TON of allied Phoenix engies lately.

Hopefully the devs will work more on the “classic mode” which is only in tournaments unfortunately.

Thar’ga starts out fine, but by Rank 9 they are OP as all fuckery. They deal insane amounts of damage, and they’re also very difficult to kill compared to a regular gunship. When you get packs of R9+ Thar’ga, or Thar’ga supported by ECM, you may as well disconnect and try to dodge the Thar’ga ball’s queue.

Something about them has to give. They either need to do far less damage, or die much more easily.

1 hour ago, JasanQuinn said:

Thar’ga …  die much more easily.

that would be so nice ![:007_3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_3.png “:007_3:”)

1 hour ago, JasanQuinn said:

Thar’ga starts out fine, but by Rank 9 they are OP as all fuckery. They deal insane amounts of damage, and they’re also very difficult to kill compared to a regular gunship. When you get packs of R9+ Thar’ga, or Thar’ga supported by ECM, you may as well disconnect and try to dodge the Thar’ga ball’s queue.

Something about them has to give. They either need to do far less damage, or die much more easily.

the 2 most problem atm

this ship can stack huge passif bonus on shield , engine , hull , cpu with no could down / no need energy also. its likes we have a ship with 2x more implants and 2xmore active module .and no possibility to diseable all those buffs and bonus .: that’s the big issue

let’s see , an ECM use all of this taunt and CC , its not works on combats shield , matter absorber , warp gate …etc…

the 2nd funny thing , dmg output with tha’gar

you add the other active module , reboot , boost critic/ dmg and special module

finally you get a ship a bit OP , sorry its not fine

and don’t forget , this ship can go fast , same mobility as an inti .

in this case only a Tha’gar can deal with an other tha’gar ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)



Most frustrating is tha’ktr and matter absorber (really I hate destroyers more xD). 


my suggestion is:

-tha’ktr: less spread = less dmg (still very good against destroyers and ion emitter is useful then)

-matter absorber: (it’s like a diffusion shield - but better…) increase range and dmg, but remove healing


Is it fair?

so… play with thar’ga and the problem is solve… Pay for its leveling and dev’s are happy… that’s all folks ! Like that, you will be able to one shoot inty, 2-3 shoot frigate and you will be the best player on this server… yeahhhh !!! ^^… It’s been weeks that we say that this xxxx ck…  ship is OP and what makes devs ? Nerf destro… What you say does not interest them, it is not in them statistics… that all! So play thar"ga or don’t say anything… it’s useless for me.

26 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

Taka and Milfy on one side? 

Ofc it is ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

Why leave it there? The game can be even more fair:  4SI75FY.jpg

Or should we mention the fact that in this game I didn’t even had the time to spawn ?


1 minute ago, MightyHoot said:

It’s free gold so what’s the problem?

But I want to play ! x)


2 minutes queue to get instant finish isn’t fun. 

Real fair! Come on devs!
