Thank God for U.S. servers

star craft netcode is very very good  :01111:

But this is Star Conflict.  I get the worst packet loss on American servers, but the ping’s ok.

EXACTLY. That happens to me sometimes. other times it’s terrible ping terrible packet loss. 

I think the biggest thing is simply trying to fly with high ping/PL.  There is like a second delay from when I turn my ship to when the ship’s model and trajectory change.  It is impossible to dogfight, support my team, and play efficiently under these conditions.  I am tired of the Devs not even addressing the problem.  What is going on?  Why is this happening?  They have not indicated anything as of yet, as far as I know.


All we can do is wait, spinning in space.

How many of you did verify that it is not on your end? and by your end i mean, ISP, and routing form your modem to the server, how do you know that all of these pilots with packet losses are not getting screwed by a ComCast?


I live in Great Canadia and i use Rogers ISP, I rarely see packet loss on RU servers, US/EU are always fine Same with couple of guys from my city, none of them see problems. There were one period of time where i was getting packet loss often and pretty much everywhere - i did some research and apparently at that time one of the major routing channels went down, and everyone was going around and cramped to a increased traffic density. I do not deny that pilots do have legitimate packet losses due to Star Conflict problems, but all the time people QQ about ping and packet losses never provide evidence that it is not on their or middleman part.

How many of you did verify that it is not on your end? and by your end i mean, ISP, and routing form your modem to the server, how do you know that all of these pilots with packet losses are not getting screwed by a ComCast?



Not sure if this is sufficient to show it’s not my end, but here are some ping tests I ran.








No packet loss shown, and stable ping.  Really, it’s beyond me why we are seeing such high packet loss.

google translate is your friend there

google translate is your friend there

Thanks, here are the results.  Sorry for the length of this post.


*All tests ran about 50 seconds, and updated each 5 seconds.  So about 10 points of data per test.



































Nice, i hope that will help to those that looking into these issues.


P.S. I think one of the admins should make a template/short guide on how to report such (packet loss) issues, so people rather than boasting in with “it sux, fix it, naw” come in prepared and actually be helpful with info provided

Nice, i hope that will help to those that looking into these issues.


P.S. I think one of the admins should make a template/short guide on how to report such (packet loss) issues, so people rather than boasting in with “it sux, fix it, naw” come in prepared and actually be helpful with info provided

i am sure they know it  :01111: 

game engine is very very good. they log even little details like “how much ship fly in every mission”  :fed013:

but even best devs cant make basic connection tweaks. we can do a lot tweaks in windows. just search on internet. i done it half year ago for an other game (planetside2) and now everything runs fantastic

It’s odd that I had PL on Denver/Englewood areas, because I am from about 75 km north of that area…

1.04 has fixed it for me and Ravendark. I have hardly any packet loss and below 300 ping on all servers. u.s. servers were finicky for 1 second but good the rest of the time, and ru servers and had 3% Packet loss. It’s not on my end. 

Although this is better, some of my friends and my corp mate, botbait, are having packet loss. Please find a way to fix theirs without screwing up mine. Thanks!

NOOOOO IT’S BACK!!! the stupidest lag ever. 

Nekro stop using Emotes in every post. Stop using the wrong game name. Stop being so peppy trying to find positives in a sea of negatives because players shouldn’t be in a sea of negs in the first place. Stop using a fake forum account for trolling purposes.

People can’t handle the positive  :005j:

Keep it up dude :012j:

People can’t handle the positive  :005j:

Keep it up dude :012j:

I will find you.

I will sneak behind you and knock you out with smelling rags.

I will strip you naked.

I will lay you on a large, oval, metal plate.

I will garnish you in twizzlers.

I will post a picture of you on Instafag

I will eat you.

I will find you.

I will sneak behind you and knock you out with smelling rags.

I will strip you naked.

I will lay you on a large, oval, metal plate.

I will garnish you in twizzlers.

I will post a picture of you on Instafag

I will eat you.



I will find you.

I will sneak behind you and knock you out with smelling rags.

I will strip you naked.

I will lay you on a large, oval, metal plate.

I will garnish you in twizzlers.

I will post a picture of you on Instafag

I will eat you.


i am sure they know it  :01111:

game engine is very very good. they log even little details like “how much ship fly in every mission”  :fed013:

but even best devs cant make basic connection tweaks. we can do a lot tweaks in windows. just search on internet. i done it half year ago for an other game (planetside2) and now everything runs fantastic

I will find you.

I will sneak behind you and knock you out with smelling rags.

I will strip you naked.

I will lay you on a large, oval, metal plate.

I will garnish you in twizzlers.

I will post a picture of you on Instafag

I will eat you.



And that pretty much sums up our little community.

Things just got real up in here.



I think it was the twizzlers that put me over the top.

Here’s my result for 3 RU 2 EU 3 US server ping test, in average 250 ping on RU, 125 on EU, 7 on US, and no packet loss from the graph I think?













