Test Drive ships.

Koromac might have proposed that already like, a decade ago xD, who knows, His old suggestions all gets repeated. Abilty to test drive any ships, including premium so the players want to spend on that premium ship they just flyed. I’m thinking a battle like the last tutorial part were you cap beacons you alone and all teamate/ennemie bots. Difficulty scaled with ship rank tested so you brawler doesn’t look even more Op fighting  rank 1 bots, hihi.

This, i think, would improve newcomers experience and guide them toward what they want to progress on. That way they will know, right from the beginning, that once they sticked to the game, reached top ranks, they will have fun, they will like what they have. Because they previously got the abilty to test. Preventing potential “newcomer quitters”.

Yes, it was done more than once before.

Of course, nothing happened.

I don’t think this is useful at all, ships performances greatly influenced by

Synergy level

Passive bonuses unlocked with synergy levels




All of that can alter ships performance to absolute opposites, for example you can make some Empire gunships fly just like Federation.

Test driving a ship is pointless if you can not influence all of those factors, because all you will get is a Ship models visuals, that you can just preview in a hangar.

In the aesthetic terms, yea something like that would be cool but in the long term it’s unnecessary and can derail in ways kosty just explained.

Fix to this: enable test server for everyone to test new ships, not letting them play any mode except for custom matches tho.

4 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

Fix to this: enable test server for everyone to test new ships, not letting them play any mode except for custom matches tho.

We all know how this would end hahah

how? By people actually trying out new ships, setups, before actually buying them - crafting them?

17 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

how? By people actually trying out new ships, setups, before actually buying them - crafting them?

And who is going to pay for a maintenance and development time of updates of an extra sandbox version of the game?

ok then, maybe make an offline client, with 1 map and several targets only. This wouldn’t require any servers, only data storage on the main server wich would store the logs - who joined when, when left etc.

9 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

ok then, maybe make an offline client, with 1 map and several targets only. This wouldn’t require any servers, only data storage on the main server wich would store the logs - who joined when, when left etc.

it is not a question of How it is a question of Why

why do you test drive a car before buying it?! If they use something like the tutorial map, there is no need for server or anything i think.

If not that way, i’m pretty sure there are other options than an extra “sandbox” .You’d right click a ship then hit test drive. Use w/e module you have at your disposition and it would be at max lvl. It’s a feature just like any other. Worthless to some but worthwhile to others. The idea is out there, they shall do whatever they want with it.

9 hours ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

Fix to this: enable test server for everyone to test new ships, not letting them play any mode except for custom matches tho.

That would be cool.

What makes a ship is the modules you use, basically when you enable full ship info and see all of the stats, that’s the test drive right there. Also there is that refurbished part of the game where a ships design is used upto 3 different times. I really can’t understand why test driving is so important because it offers you no real sense of the ship, with or without modules mk4/5 installed. If there was a way to play a premium only once or a ship thats not a standard ship, for the sake of buying it, then okay, but anything else is pretty much spoiled behavior with no real purpose. 

On 7.1.2017 at 6:55 PM, QACinnamonTroll said:

Fix to this: enable test server for everyone to test new ships, not letting them play any mode except for custom matches tho.

The basic idea is not unreasonable, but a general test server for all would end up in a shift of players to the test servers, abandonig SC mostly.

I had the idea to set up a station in a special sector like an academy. Maybe a test sector for trying out new builds (unready builds with nerfs, maybe) would be a remedy.

A sole testing server for every one would imho not be in the interest of SC/gajin. 

It does not work. You need the right environment to try a ship. A real battle. Otherwise it is like any other ship, but with a different “skin”.

I do not see anything that would encourage developers to implement something like this. Implementing something for the sake of implementation will not happen.

On the other hand, something to test craftable items or a much better explanation about them would be really appreciated.

1 hour ago, ntboble said:

It does not work. You need the right environment to try a ship. A real battle. Otherwise it is like any other ship, but with a different “skin”.

I do not see anything that would encourage developers to implement something like this. Implementing something for the sake of implementation will not happen.

You’re probably right, they have it in the case of early builders, anyhow (from their view)…

…as Swifter said from players view its a bit a desiderate situation…



On 08/01/2017 at 4:25 PM, ntboble said:

It does not work. You need the right environment to try a ship. A real battle. Otherwise it is like any other ship, but with a different “skin”.

I do not see anything that would encourage developers to implement something like this. Implementing something for the sake of implementation will not happen.

As i said, i’m pretty sure many people would be quite more prone to spend on a ship they have flew. Premium test drive= $$$. There are test drives in many games. There must be a reason for it dont you think. If you need an exemple. Armored Warfare allow you to test drive tanks. But you dont agree and that’s ok.

On 9/1/2017 at 11:59 PM, CptDoss said:

As i said, i’m pretty sure many people would be quite more prone to spend on a ship they have flew. Premium test drive= $$$. There are test drives in many games. There must be a reason for it dont you think. If you need an exemple. Armored Warfare allow you to test drive tanks. But you dont agree and that’s ok.

I disagree, but i can change my mind. ![:cool:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png “:cool:”)

I don’t think this test drive could increase monetization of premium ships, because they are mostly improved versions of regular ships.

I feel this is the only way to put this “test drive” into the game easy and with some degree of usefulness.

On 8/1/2017 at 0:18 PM, ORCA1911 said:

… If there was a way to play a premium only once or a ship thats not a standard ship, for the sake of buying it, then okay,…


Don’t you think a video like this from Ogrande18 with a gargoyle is way better to sell any new ship?




Well, this is like selling a Honda NSX to me, I pull up for a test drive and instead you show me a vid of Ayrton Senna driving it lol. Brain=blown.